两周前接到一个邀请(Global Green Growth Institute, OECD, UNEP, the World Bank),4月4~5日请去巴黎参加会议(GGKP ~ Green Growth Knowledge Platform第二届年会),邀请为讨论嘉宾:Panelist。看来因为经费等原因,不能成行了。但会议的内容是有兴趣的:
“The discussions will be framed around the following two headline themes:
(i) greening global value chains (GVCs) and (ii) measurement and reporting for green growth.”
Sub-session 4: Private sector initiatives
Examples of questions for discussion:
· How are firms accounting for the environmental impacts of their business activity along the value chain? How widespread are such initiatives and what best practices can be identified?
· What are some of the valuation methods that firms are using for measuring their use of ecosystem services and environmental externalities? What are the key challenges encountered?
· To what extent and under which conditions (e.g. regulatory provisions, lending standards, etc.) incentives for such valuation can be provided by financial markets? What is the role played by participation in corporate responsibility schemes (e.g. green stock market indices, etc.)?
· What are the benefits and challenges of corporate environmental reporting schemes for firms, governments and investors, especially in emerging and developing countries? What are some of the lessons learned so far with developing and implementing such schemes, including in situations where there are governance and capacity weaknesses?
· How does private reporting interact with public indicator systems?
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