Dear Dr. Li,
We have learned of your published research on safety. We would like to invite you to participate in our publishing program. In particular, we have in mind a new research or review article for a hardcover edited collection (by selected invitation only) tentatively entitled:
Public and School Safety: Risk Assessment, Perceptions and Management Strategies
Related Nova publication:
Bullying: A Public Health Concern
Jorge C. Srabstein and Joav Merrick (Clinic for Health Problems Related to Bullying, Children's National Medical Center, Montgomery County Outpatient Regional Center, Rockville, MD, USA, and others)
The deadline for the abstract is August 20, 2013 and for the completed chapter November 20, 2013. Please send the abstract and the chapter to nova.main@novapublishers.com.
We also welcome proposals to serve as the editor of this volume. If you are interested, please send your latest CV to n.columbus@novapublishers.com. Proposals to serve as the editor are welcome up to the abstract deadline.In addition, we welcome proposals for monographs, edited collections or book series in this or a related field.
The contributions for this edited book are intended to range from 4,000 to 35,000 words (chapters over 10,000 words can be updated by the author for the e-version of their chapter for a period of 2 years at intervals of 6 months, 12 months and 24 months after publication). If you are interested in participating, please consult the Notes for Contributors at the bottom of this letter. Should your schedule not allow a full contribution at this time, we would welcome either a Commentary or Short Communication of 1,000-4,000 words.
The book will be published in about 6-9 months after the close of the volume. As soon as a book is listed on our Website (www.novapublishers.com), the codes in the status field will indicate the production stages through publication cycle.
Draft Abstract and or Commentary and Copyright Transfer Form
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Peer review to be arranged by author ...................................
Review at Nova ...................................
Draft Abstract (150-500 words):
Biographical Sketch
Please fill out the Biographical Sketch listed here to have your abstract and biographical sketch published in Nova’s series of books containing specialized-topic research summaries (abstracts) and biographical sketches:
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Research and Professional Experience:
Professional Appointments:
Publications Last 3 Years:
Notes for Edited Book Chapter Contributors:
1. There is no charge for inclusion in the published book. An auxiliary service is available for any authors interested in Open Access. Open Access makes the chapter visible free of charge to anyone in the world who has Internet access.
2. There are no page charges for black and white figures and illustrations submissions provided they are sent to Nova with the source files. Color illustrations are billed at the current rate.
3. A free copy of the e-book version of the book is sent to the first-listed contributor of each chapter. Additional copies are available at a 20% discount. Publication in digital form takes place at approximately the same time as the printed version.
4. The scientific community is the intended audience. Books are marketed by direct mail, space ads, review copies, online bookstore postings and by our international distributors.
5. The choice of theme and approach are at the discretion of the author but preliminary acceptance is only upon submission of the draft abstract. The line-up of chapters is a constantly changing landscape since discussions, commitments and submissions continue on a daily basis right up to and sometimes beyond the close of each volume.
6. Research results (studies) are the primary type of article desired but review articles are also welcome. The Commentary should deal with innovative ideas, developments, directions, misdirections, areas which need to be explored, future outlook, prior errors, problems, personnel, funding, or trends in the field which will be published separately under your name in a section titled Expert Commentary. The deadlines for the abstract for the Commentary and the full Commentary are the same as for regular articles. Please be sure to list the affiliations of the authors. Short Communications are also subject to the abstract requirement and submission guidelines and deadlines. References and figures are permitted without limitation.
7. An abstract in the following form is required consisting of: 1. 150-500 words; 2. Author affiliations; and 3. Estimated date of chapter submission and Copyright Transfer. Please include the abstract as part of an email and not as an attachment if possible. Acceptance of topics is based partially on which topics have already been accepted for particular volumes. The reply to the draft abstract will contain details about reference styles and other relevant technical details. A reply and decision may be expected within 7 days if the word Abstract is contained within the Subject Line of the email.
8. Contributors are encouraged to submit chapters ranging from 4,000-35,000 words (unless Expert Commentaries or Short Communications). Longer, more extensive contributions are encouraged. In the event of Latex or similar program use, or when a chapter contains numerous tabular data, graphics, or mathematical formulae, a page range of 10-50 pages is acceptable.
9. Coauthors may be invited by you at your discretion without discussion with Nova.
10. Publication is by invitation only. Reviewing is either carried out in-house at Nova or by an outside peer-reviewer at the option of the authors. In the latter case, the peer-reviewer's name and affiliation must be included as part of the article to be located at the end after the References. It should be on a separate line two lines below the last reference and start with the words
Reviewed by................................... It is the author's responsibility to contact the reviewer and take into account any suggestions or comments.
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If the edited collection does not fit your current research profile, we invite you to submit an article for possible online publication in Online Research Updates.
*Open Access
*100 e-announcements
*Unlimited Color
*Can be updated by the author for a period of two years at intervals of 6 months, 12 months and 24
months after publication
*Nominal charge for inclusion
Other areas of possible collaboration include:
1. Manuscript of 25,000-60,000 words for a softcover book
2. New online or paper journal idea
3. Monograph
4. Edited Book under your auspices
5. Webinars
6. Conference Proceedings
7. Protocols
We look forward to the possibility of working together.
Sincerely yours,
Nadya Gotsiridze-Columbus
Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Tel: 631-231-7269, Fax: 631-231-8175
Web: www.novapublishers.com
Proposals for Books or Expanded Chapters
(for manuscripts from 25,000-250,000 words)
Average production cycle 100 days for softcover books (25,000-60,000 words)
Average production cycle 26 weeks for hardcover books (60,000-250,000 words)
Decision will be sent within 14-30 days upon receipt of a completed Book Idea Form.
Please send an email to proposals@novapublishers.com if you wish to receive a Book Idea Form or discuss another type of publication.
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