Safemetrics分享 以勤奋、谦虚、严谨、规范、持久的习惯和态度做安全科学研究。 'Wonder en is gheen Wonder'


SCI Index-2012 ——安全、环境、声学

已有 6312 次阅读 2012-4-10 22:53 |个人分类:期刊主题|系统分类:科研笔记| 安全, color, 2012, 声学

SCI Index -2012 Download



fire safety journal 0379-7112 1873-7226 switzerland elsevier sci ltd
process safety and environmental protection 0957-5820 1744-3598 england inst chemical engineers
process safety progress 1066-8527 1547-5913 united states wiley-blackwell
reliability engineering & system safety 0951-8320 1879-0836 england elsevier sci ltd
safety science 0925-7535 netherlands elsevier science bv
structural safety 0167-4730 netherlands elsevier science bv
workplace health & safety 2165-0799 united states slack inc
disaster advances 0974-262x india disaster advances
injury prevention 1353-8047 1475-5785 england b m j publishing group
injury-international journal of the care of the injured 0020-1383 1879-0267 england elsevier sci ltd
applied ergonomics 0003-6870 1872-9126 england elsevier sci ltd
ergonomics 0014-0139 1366-5847 england taylor & francis ltd
human factors and ergonomics in manufacturing & service industries 1090-8471 1520-6564 united states wiley-blackwell
international journal of industrial ergonomics 0169-8141 1872-8219 netherlands elsevier science bv

environment protection engineering 0324-8828 poland technical univ wroclaw
environmental engineering and management journal 1582-9596 1843-3707 romania gh asachi technical univ iasi
environment0013-9157 1939-9154 united states routledge journals, taylor & francis ltd
environmental engineering science 1092-8758 1557-9018 united states mary ann liebert inc
environmental health perspectives 0091-6765 1552-9924 united states us dept health human sciences public health science
environmental management 0364-152x 1432-1009 united states springer
environmental monitoring and assessment 0167-6369 1573-2959 netherlands springer
environmental pollution 0269-7491 1873-6424 england elsevier sci ltd
environmental research 0013-9351 1096-0953 united states academic press inc elsevier science
environmental reviews 1208-6053 1181-8700 canada canadian science publishing, nrc research press
environmental science & policy 1462-9011 1873-6416 united states elsevier sci ltd
environmental science & technology 0013-936x 1520-5851 united states amer chemical soc
environmental science and pollution research 0944-1344 1614-7499 germany springer heidelberg
environmental technology 0959-3330 1479-487x england taylor & francis ltd


acoustics australia 0814-6039 australia australian acoustical soc
acoustical physics 1063-7710 1562-6865 russia maik nauka/interperiodica/springer
applied acoustics 0003-682x 1872-910x england elsevier sci ltd
archives of acoustics 0137-5075 poland polish acad sciences inst fundamental technological research
international journal of acoustics and vibration 1027-5851 united states int inst acoustics& vibration
journal of computational acoustics 0218-396x 1793-6489 united states world scientific publ co pte ltd
journal of the acoustical society of america 0001-4966 united states acoustical soc amer amer inst physics
journal of vibration and acoustics-transactions of the asme 1048-9002 united states asme-amer soc mechanical eng
sound and vibration 1541-0161 united states acoustical publ inc

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