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已有 4820 次阅读 2012-2-26 23:12 |系统分类:科研笔记| 欧洲专利公约









Article 37 Budgetary funding

The budget of the Organisation shall be financed:

(a)by the Organisation's own resources;

(b)by payments made by the Contracting Statesin respect of renewal fees for European patents levied in these States;

(c)where necessary, by special financialcontributions made by the Contracting States;

(d)where appropriate, by the revenue providedfor in Article 146;

(e)where appropriate, and for tangible assetsonly, by third-party borrowings secured on land or buildings;

(f)where appropriate, by third‑party fundingfor specific projects.





Article 38 The Organisation's own resources

The Organisation's own resources shall comprise:

(a)all income from fees and other sources andalso the reserves of the Organisation;

(b)the resources of the Pension Reserve Fund,which shall be treated as a special class of asset of the Organisation,designed to support the Organisation's pension scheme by providing theappropriate reserves.






Article 39

Payments by the Contracting States in respect of renewal fees for  European patents

(1) EachContracting State shall pay to the Organisation in respect of each renewal feereceived for a European patent in that State an amount equal to a proportion ofthat fee, to be fixed by the Administrative Council; the proportion shall notexceed 75% and shall be the same for all Contracting States. However, if thesaid proportion corresponds to an amount which is less than a uniform minimumamount fixed by the Administrative Council, the Contracting State shall paythat minimum to the Organisation.

(2)Each Contracting State shall communicateto the Organisation such information as the Administrative Council considers tobe necessary to determine the amount of these payments.

(3)The due dates for these payments shall bedetermined by the Administrative Council.

(4)If a payment is not remitted fully by thedue date, the Contracting State shall pay interest from the due date on theamount remaining unpaid.












Article 40 Level of fees and payments – Special financialcontributions

(1)The amounts of the fees referred to in Article 38 andthe proportion referred to in Article 39 shallbe fixed at such a level as to ensure that the revenue in respect thereof issufficient for the budget of the Organisation to be balanced.

(2)However, if the Organisation is unable tobalance its budget under the conditions laid down inparagraph 1,the Contracting States shall remit to the Organisation special financialcontributions, the amount of which shall be determined by the AdministrativeCouncil for the accounting period in question.

(3)These special financial contributionsshall be determined in respect of any Contracting State on the basis of thenumber of patent applications filed in the last year but one prior to that ofentry into force of this Convention, and calculated in the followingmanner:

(a)one half in proportion to the number ofpatent applications filed in that Contracting State;

(b)one half in proportion to the secondhighest number of patent applications filed in the other Contracting States bynatural or legal persons having their residence or principal place of businessin that Contracting State.

However, the amounts to be contributed by States in which the numberof patent applications filed exceeds 25 000 shall then be taken as a wholeand a new scale drawn up in proportion to the total number of patentapplications filed in these States.

(4)Where the scale position of anyContracting State cannot be established in accordance with paragraph 3,the Administrative Council shall, with the consent of that State, decide itsscale position.

(5)Article 39,paragraphs 3 and 4,shall apply mutatis mutandis to the special financial contributions.

(6)The special financial contributions shallbe repaid with interest at a rate which shall be the same for all ContractingStates. Repayments shall be made in so far as it is possible to provide forthis purpose in the budget; the amount thus provided shall be distributed amongthe Contracting States in accordance with the scale referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4.

(7)The special financial contributionsremitted in any accounting period shall be repaid in full before any suchcontributions or parts thereof remitted in any subsequent accounting period arerepaid.




Article 41 Advances

(1)At the request of the President of theEuropean Patent Office, the Contracting States shall grant advances to theOrganisation, on account of their payments and contributions, within the limitof the amount fixed by the Administrative Council. The amount of such advancesshall be determined in proportion to the amounts due from the ContractingStates for the accounting period in question.

(2)Article 39,paragraphs 3 and 4,shall apply mutatis mutandis to the advances.




Article 42 Budget

(1)The budget of the Organisation shall bebalanced. It shall be drawn up in accordance with the generally acceptedaccounting principles laid down in the Financial Regulations. If necessary,there may be amending or supplementary budgets.

(2)The budget shall be drawn up in the unitof account fixed in the Financial Regulations.





Article 43

Authorisation for expenditure

(1)The expenditure entered in the budgetshall be authorised for the duration of one accounting period, unless theFinancial Regulations provide otherwise.

(2)In accordance with the FinancialRegulations, any appropriations, other than those relating to staff costs,which are unexpended at the end of the accounting period may be carriedforward, but not beyond the end of the following accounting period.

(3)Appropriations shall be set out underdifferent headings according to type and purpose of the expenditure andsubdivided, as far as necessary, in accordance with the FinancialRegulations.




Article 44 Appropriations for unforeseeable expenditure

(1)The budget of the Organisation may containappropriations for unforeseeable expenditure.

(2)The employment of these appropriations bythe Organisation shall be subject to the prior approval of the AdministrativeCouncil.



Article 45 Accounting period

The accounting period shall commence on 1 January and end on31 December.




Article 46 Preparation and adoption of the budget

(1)The President of the European PatentOffice shall submit the draft budget to the Administrative Council no laterthan the date prescribed in the Financial Regulations.

(2)The budget and any amending orsupplementary budget shall be adopted by the Administrative Council..






Article 47 Provisional budget

(1)If, at the beginning of the accountingperiod, the budget has not been adopted by the Administrative Council,expenditures may be effected on a monthly basis per heading or other divisionof the budget, in accordance with the Financial Regulations, up to one‑twelfthof the budget appropriations for the preceding accounting period, provided thatthe appropriations thus made available to the President of the European PatentOffice shall not exceed one‑twelfth of those provided for in the draftbudget.

(2)The Administrative Council may, subject tothe observance of the other provisions laid down in paragraph 1,authorise expenditure in excess of one‑twelfth of the appropriations.

(3)The payments referred to in Article 37(b) shallcontinue to be made, on a provisional basis, under the conditions determinedunder Article 39 forthe year preceding that to which the draft budget relates.

(4)The Contracting States shall pay eachmonth, on a provisional basis and in accordance with the scale referred toin Article 40,paragraphs 3 and 4,any special financial contributions necessary to ensure implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2. Article 39,paragraph 4, shall apply mutatis mutandis to thesecontributions.




Article 48 Budget implementation

(1)The President of the European PatentOffice shall implement the budget and any amending or supplementary budget onhis own responsibility and within the limits of the allocatedappropriations.

(2)Within the budget, the President of theEuropean Patent Office may, in accordance with the Financial Regulations,transfer funds between the various headings or sub‑headings.






Article 49 Auditing of accounts

(1)The income and expenditure account and abalance sheet of the Organisation shall be examined by auditors whoseindependence is beyond doubt, appointed by the Administrative Council for aperiod of five years, which shall be renewable or extensible.

(2)The audit shall be based on vouchers andshall take place, if necessary, in situ. The audit shall ascertain whether allincome has been received and all expenditure effected in a lawful and propermanner and whether the financial management is sound. The auditors shall drawup a report containing a signed audit opinion after the end of each accountingperiod.

(3)The President of the European PatentOffice shall annually submit to the Administrative Council the accounts of thepreceding accounting period in respect of the budget and the balance sheetshowing the assets and liabilities of the Organisation together with the reportof the auditors.

(4)The Administrative Council shall approvethe annual accounts together with the report of the auditors and shalldischarge the President of the European Patent Office in respect of theimplementation of the budget.










Article 50 Financial Regulations

The Financial Regulations shall lay down in particular:

(a)the arrangements relating to theestablishment and implementation of the budget and for the rendering andauditing of accounts;

(b)the method and procedure whereby thepayments and contributions provided for in Article 37 andthe advances provided for in Article 41 areto be made available to the Organisation by the Contracting States;

(c)the rules concerning the responsibilitiesof authorising and accounting officers and the arrangements for theirsupervision;  

(d)the rates of interest provided forin Articles 39, 40 and 47;

(e)the method of calculating thecontributions payable by virtue of Article 146;

(f)the composition of and duties to beassigned to a Budget and Finance Committee which should be set up by theAdministrative Council;  

(g)the generally accepted accountingprinciples on which the budget and the annual financial statements shall bebased.






Article 51 Fees

(1)The European Patent Office may levy feesfor any official task or procedure carried out under this Convention.

(2)Time limits for the payment of fees otherthan those fixed by this Convention shall be laid down in the ImplementingRegulations.

(3)Where the Implementing Regulations providethat a fee shall be paid, they shall also lay down the legal consequences offailure to pay such fee in due time.

(4)The Rulesrelating to Fees shall determine in particular the amounts ofthe fees and the ways in which they are to be paid.


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