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已有 4431 次阅读 2016-9-11 18:24 |系统分类:科研笔记| 欧洲专利公约实施细则




R. 101 Rejection of the appeal as inadmissible

(1)If the appeal does not comply with Articles 106 to 108, Rule 97 or Rule 99,paragraph 1(b)or (c) or paragraph 2,the Board of Appeal shall reject it as inadmissible, unless any deficiency hasbeen remedied before the relevant period under Article 108 hasexpired.

(2)If the Board of Appeal notes that the appeal does not complywith Rule 99,paragraph 1(a), it shall communicate this to the appellant and shallinvite him to remedy the deficiencies noted within a period to be specified. Ifthe deficiencies are not remedied in due time, the Board of Appeal shall rejectthe appeal as inadmissible.











R. 102 Form of decision of the Board of Appeal

The decision shall be authenticated by the Chairman of the Board ofAppeal and by the competent employee of the registry of the Board of Appeal,either by their signature or by any other appropriate means. The decision shall contain:

(a)a statement that it was delivered by the Board of Appeal;

(b)the date when the decision was taken;

(c)the names of the Chairman and of the other members of the Boardof Appeal taking part;

(d)the names of the parties and their representatives;

(e)the requests of the parties;

(f)a summary of the facts;

(g)the reasons;

(h)the order of the Board of Appeal, including, where appropriate, adecision on costs.  










R. 103 Reimbursement of appeal fees

(1)The appeal fee shall be reimbursed in full

(a)in the event of interlocutory revision or where the Board ofAppeal deems an appeal to be allowable, if such reimbursement is equitable byreason of a substantial procedural violation, or  

(b)if the appeal is withdrawn before the filing of the statement ofgrounds of appeal and before the period for filing that statement hasexpired.

(2)The appeal fee shall be reimbursed at 50% if the appeal iswithdrawn after expiry of the period under paragraph 1(b),provided withdrawal occurs:

(a)if a date for oral proceedings has been set, at least four weeksbefore that date;

(b)if no date for oral proceedings has been set, and the Board ofAppeal has issued a communication inviting the appellant to file observations,before expiry of the period set by the Board for filing observations;

(c)in all other cases, before the decision is issued.

(3)The department whose decision is impugned shall order thereimbursement if it revises its decision and considers reimbursement equitableby reason of a substantial procedural violation. In all other cases, matters ofreimbursement shall be decided by the Board of Appeal.


Chapter II Petitions for review by the Enlarged Board of Appeal





R. 104 Further fundamental procedural defects

A fundamental procedural defect under Article 112a,paragraph 2(d), may have occurred where the Board of Appeal,

(a)contrary to Article 116,failed to arrange for the holding of oral proceedings requested by the petitioner,or

(b)decided on the appeal without deciding on a request relevant tothat decision.



R. 105 Criminal acts

A petition for review may be based on Article 112a,paragraph 2(e), if a competent court or authority has finallyestablished that the criminal act occurred; a conviction is not necessary.



R. 106 Obligation to raise objections

A petition under Article 112a,paragraph 2(a) to (d),is only admissible where an objection in respect of the procedural defect wasraised during the appeal proceedings and dismissed by the Board of Appeal,except where such objection could not be raised during the appeal proceedings.







R. 107 Contents of the petition for review

(1)The petition shall contain:  

(a)the name and the address of the petitioner as provided in Rule 41,paragraph 2(c);

(b)an indication of the decision to be reviewed.

(2)The petition shall indicate the reasons for setting aside thedecision of the Board of Appeal, and the facts and evidence on which thepetition is based.  

(3)Part III of the Implementing Regulations shall apply mutatismutandis to the petition for review and the documents filed in theproceedings.  





R. 108 Examination of the petition

(1)If the petition does not comply with Article 112a,paragraphs 1, 2 or 4, Rule 106 orRule 107,paragraph 1(b) or 2,the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall reject it as inadmissible, unless any defecthas been remedied before the relevant period under Article 112a,paragraph 4, expires.

(2)If the Enlarged Board of Appeal notes that the petition does notcomply with Rule 107,paragraph 1(a), it shall communicate this to the petitioner and shallinvite him to remedy the deficiencies noted within a period to be specified. Ifthe deficiencies are not remedied in due time, the Enlarged Board of Appealshall reject the petition as inadmissible.

(3)If the petition is allowable, the Enlarged Board of Appeal shallset aside the decision of the Board of Appeal and order the re-opening of theproceedings before the Board of Appeal responsible under Rule 12,paragraph 4. The Enlarged Board of Appeal may order that members ofthe Board of Appeal who participated in taking the decision set aside shall bereplaced.







R. 109 Procedure in dealing with petitions for review

(1)In proceedings under Article 112a,the provisions relating to proceedings before the Boards of Appeal shall apply,unless otherwise provided. Rule 115,paragraph 1, second sentence,Rule 118,paragraph 2, first sentence, and Rule 132,paragraph 2, shall not apply. The Enlarged Board of Appeal may specifya period deviating from Rule 4,paragraph 1, first sentence.

(2)The Enlarged Board of Appeal  

(a)consisting of two legally qualified members and one technicallyqualified member shall examine all petitions for review and shall reject thosewhich are clearly inadmissible or unallowable; such decision shall requireunanimity;

(b)consisting of four legally qualified members and one technicallyqualified member shall decide on any petition not rejected under sub-paragraph (a).

(3)The Enlarged Board of Appeal composed according to paragraph 2(a) shalldecide without the involvement of other parties and on the basis of thepetition.



The Enlarged Board of Appeal shall order the reimbursement of thefee for a petition for review if the proceedings before the Boards of Appealare reopened.  


Part VII Implementing Regulations to part VII of the Convention


Chapter I Decisions and communications of the European Patent Office




R. 111 Form of decisions

(1)Where oral proceedings are held before the European PatentOffice, the decision may be given orally. The decision shall subsequently beput in writing and notified to the parties.

(2)Decisions of the European Patent Office which are open to appealshall be reasoned and shall be accompanied by a communication pointing out thepossibility of appeal and drawing the attention of the parties to Articles 106 to 108,the text of which shall be attached. The parties may not invoke the omission ofthe communication.




R. 112 Noting of loss of rights

(1)If the European Patent Office notes that a loss of rights hasoccurred, without any decision concerning the refusal of the European patentapplication or the grant, revocation or maintenance of the European patent, orthe taking of evidence, it shall communicate this to the party concerned.

(2)If the party concerned considers that the finding of the EuropeanPatent Office is inaccurate, it may, within two months of the communicationunder paragraph 1,apply for a decision on the matter. The European Patent Office shall take suchdecision only if it does not share the opinion of the party requesting it;otherwise, it shall inform that party.




R. 113 Signature, name, seal

(1)Any decisions, summonses, notices and communications from theEuropean Patent Office shall be signed by, and state the name of, the employeeresponsible.

(2)Where a document referred to in paragraph 1 isproduced by the employee responsible using a computer, a seal may replace thesignature. Where the document is produced automatically by a computer, theemployee's name may also be dispensed with. The same shall apply to pre-printednotices and communications.


Chapter II Observations by third parties




R. 114 Observations by third parties

(1)Any observations by a third party shall be filed in writing in anofficial language of the European Patent Office and state the grounds on whichthey are based. Rule 3,paragraph 3, shall apply.

(2)Any such observations shall be communicated to the applicant foror proprietor of the patent, who may comment on them.


Chapter III Oral proceedings and taking of evidence




R. 115 Summons to oral proceedings

(1)The parties shall be summoned to oral proceedings under Article 116,drawing their attention to paragraph 2 ofthis Rule. At least two months' notice of the summons shall be given, unlessthe parties agree to a shorter period.

(2)If a party duly summoned to oral proceedings before the EuropeanPatent Office does not appear as summoned, the proceedings may continue withoutthat party.




R. 116 Preparation of oral proceedings

(1)When issuing the summons, the European Patent Office shall drawattention to the points which in its opinion need to be discussed for thepurposes of the decision to be taken. At the same time a final date for makingwritten submissions in preparation for the oral proceedings shall be fixed.Rule 132 shallnot apply. New facts and evidence presented after that date need not beconsidered, unless admitted on the grounds that the subject of the proceedingshas changed.

(2)If the applicant or patent proprietor has been notified of thegrounds prejudicing the grant or maintenance of the patent, he may be invitedto submit, by the date specified in paragraph 1,second sentence, documents which meet the requirements of the Convention. Paragraph 1,third and fourth sentences, shall apply mutatis mutandis.



R. 117 Decision on taking of evidence

Where the European Patent Office considers it necessary to hear aparty, witness or expert, or to carry out an inspection, it shall take adecision to this end, setting out the investigation which it intends to carryout, relevant facts to be proved and the date, time and place of theinvestigation. If the hearing of a witness or expert is requested by a party,the decision shall specify the period within which the requester must makeknown the name and address of any witness or expert concerned.  







R. 118 Summons to give evidence before the European Patent Office

(1)A summons to give evidence before the European Patent Officeshall be issued to the parties, witnesses or experts concerned.

(2)At least two months' notice of a summons issued to a party,witness or expert to testify shall be given, unless they agree to a shorterperiod. The summons shall contain:

(a)an extract from the decision under Rule 117,indicating the date, time and place of the investigation ordered and statingthe facts in respect of which parties, witnesses or experts are to be heard;

(b)the names of the parties and particulars of the rights which thewitnesses or experts may invoke under Rule 122,paragraphs 2 to 4;

(c)an indication that the party, witness or expert may request to beheard by a competent court of his country of residence under Rule 120,and an invitation to inform the European Patent Office, within a period to bespecified, whether he is prepared to appear before it.





R. 119 Examination of evidence before the European Patent Office

(1)The Examining Division, Opposition Division or Board of Appealmay commission one of its members to examine the evidence adduced.

(2)Before a party, witness or expert may be heard, he shall beinformed that the European Patent Office may request the competent court in thecountry of residence of the person concerned to re-examine his testimony underoath or in an equally binding form.

(3)The parties may attend an investigation and may put relevantquestions to the testifying party, witness or expert.  





R. 120 Hearing by a competent national court

(1)A party, witness or expert who is summoned before the EuropeanPatent Office may request the latter to allow him to be heard by a competentcourt in his country of residence. If this is requested, or if no reply isreceived within the period specified in the summons, the European Patent Officemay, in accordance with Article 131,paragraph 2, request the competent court to hear the person concerned.

(2)If a party, witness or expert has been heard by the EuropeanPatent Office, the latter may, if it considers it advisable for the testimony tobe given under oath or in an equally binding form, issue a request under Article 131,paragraph 2, to the competent court in the country of residence of theperson concerned to re-examine his testimony under such conditions.

(3)When the European Patent Office requests a competent court totake evidence, it may request the court to take the evidence under oath or inan equally binding form and to permit a member of the department concerned toattend the hearing and question the party, witness or expert, either throughthe intermediary of the court or directly.  


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