<rsfile> Reference station.info (defines output info and format). [default station.info] If not given and station.info does not exist, a new station.info file will be created with the format: *SITE Station Name Session Start Session Stop Ant Ht HtCod Ant N Ant E RcvCod SwVer AntCod
<sitelist> file containing list of stations to be included from reference station.info If omitted, include all. If 'sd' create a list ('stnfolist') from the sites with the ftprnx token in sites.defaults if 'rnx' create a list from the files in the [experiment]/rinex directory if 'sdrnx' create a list from both sites.defaults and the rinex directory -- for these option, you must run sh_upd_stnfo from the [experiment]/tables directory If another name, read this file (can be run from any directory). The sitelist file is a single column of 4-character names in columns 2-5
<rfiles> RINEX file(s) to be used to update station.info (full path and wildcard allowed)
<sfiles> station.info files to be merged with the reference file (values from merged files take precedence
<ifiles> IGS log file(s) to be used to update station.info (full path and wildcard allowed)
<snxfiles> SINEX files to be used to update station.info; see -xs (full path allowed) <snxsite> site from SINEX file to be added; default is to add all sites
<replace_option> Set value-checking for RINEX and single-site SINEX files: <diff> (default) add a new entry only if the values are different <all> add a new entry even if values are the same (may result duplicates) <none> check values but do not add the new entry (user should compare values)
-rxo make any new RINEX entries open-ended (may fail if existing later entries for site)
-nodup do not write out duplicate or overridden entries (default is to write as comment)
<outfile> new station.info from a merge (default station.info.new, renamed to station.info)
-apr write an output apr file from the coordinates in the RINEX header, IGS log, or SINEX file
-nosort option not to sort the output station.info (use only when confident of time order and no duplicates)
-c Copy all comments to the new station.info
<slant hgt> antenna height (m) above which the height in the rinex will be as a slant height. NOTE: Use with caution; not consistent with RINEX standard and is included only for non-standard RINEX files
<dup_tol> Tolerance in seconds for deciding whether two entries are the same (default 120s)
NOTES: There are three modes: (1) Merge station.info files, one or more inputs, one output sh_upd_stnfo -ref station.info.sopac -merge station.info.regional -l sitelist -w station.info.s3 (default output is 'station.info.new') If the sdrnx option is used for the sitelist, must be run from [expt]/tables (2) Incorporate information from a single RINEX file, IGS log file or SINEX file sh_upd_stnfo -ref station.info -i drao.log -w station.info.drao (default output is 'station.info.new') (3) Add information from multiple RINEX or IGS log files sh_upd_stnfo -files *.99o Continuous update of input file or specified output file. Original input file save as [input-file].orig for safety