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【勾股定理】 这可能是世界上最著名的数学定理

已有 3276 次阅读 2022-12-17 17:52 |个人分类:科普|系统分类:科普集锦

 It is probably the most famous mathematical theorerm in the world


There have been a lot of important math theorems over time and you’ve probably learned your fair share of them. If you’ve had a traditional education, then you’re going to learn about math theorems. Which ones are the most famous, though? Read on to see which math theorems can be considered the most famous of all time.


The Pythagorean Theorem

The Pythagorean theorem might be one of the most well known theorems in the world. This was created by the Greek mathematician named Pythagoras and he was the first one who was able to come up with a proof for it. The theorem can be written out with the simple equation A^2 + B^2 = C^2 and you probably learned all about it when learning geometry. It’s an important theorem that gets used in mathematics all the time.

勾股定理 勾股定理可能是世界上最著名的定理之一。这是由希腊数学家毕达哥拉斯创造的,他是第一个能够证明这一点的人。这个定理可以用简单的方程A^2 + B^2 = C^2写出来,你可能在学几何的时候就已经知道了。这是数学中经常用到的一个重要定理。

The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetics

This theorem shows that every number that is higher than 13 is going to be a prime number itself or the product of prime factors. It explains a lot about prime factors and even gives an explanation for why the number 1 isn’t a prime number. It has become an important theorem that is used for just about everything.

算术基本定理 这个定理表明,每一个大于13的数本身都是质数,或者是质数因子的乘积。它解释了很多关于质因数的东西,甚至解释了为什么数字1不是质数。它已经成为一个几乎适用于一切的重要定理。

Euclid’s Proof of the Infinitude of the Primes

The Greek mathematician known as Euclid came up with this theorem about the infinite nature of prime numbers. The proof for this theorem involves showing that all non-prime numbers can be broken down into prime factors. He was also able to show that you can use a set of prime numbers to find any number that isn’t in the set if you multiply those numbers and add one. If you take every prime number and add one to it, then you’ll get a new one and this means that prime numbers are infinite.

欧几里德对素数无穷性的证明 被称为欧几里德的希腊数学家提出了这个关于质数无穷性的定理。这个定理的证明包括证明所有的非质数都可以分解成质因数。他还证明了,如果你把一组素数相乘,再加一,你可以用这组素数找到不在这组数中的任何一个数。如果你把每个质数都加一,那么你会得到一个新的,这意味着质数是无穷的。

The Law of Large Numbers

The law of large numbers is very important because it shows that expected results will catch up with actual results eventually. When you’re flipping a coin, you might expect to get around fifty percent of your coin flips to come out as tails. This might not happen in your first ten attempts but it should even out and get closer to the expected number as your attempts increase. This is what the law of large numbers is all about.

大数定律 大数定律非常重要,因为它表明预期结果最终会赶上实际结果。当你抛硬币时,你可能会期望大约50%的硬币都是反面。这可能不会在你的前十次尝试中发生,但是随着你尝试次数的增加,它会变得越来越接近预期的数字。这就是大数定律的意义所在。


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