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植物中是否有piRNA pathway?

已有 7673 次阅读 2013-1-19 16:52 |个人分类:转座子|系统分类:科研笔记| 植物

    接连在文章的标题中看到piRNA这个关键词,以及piRNA pathway是一种抑制转座子活性的机制,让我对它产生了点兴趣。于是进行了简单的文献检索。粗略一扫,发现竟然没有植物的相关报道。这样一种重要的机制只在动物中存在好像是说不通的,即使没有可能还有另外一个问题,植物中控制转座子的激活,是什么机理?所以感觉这东西,还有点意思。piRNA pathway还和分离紊乱有关。有篇文章的标题是: Mutations to the piRNA Pathway Component aubergine Enhance Meiotic Drive of Segregation Distorter in Drosophila melanogaster.(有个水稻和分离紊乱相关的基因已经克隆了,好像是张启发老师发表在SCIENCE上的文章,呵呵这个基因和piRNA是不是有关系呢?)。检索的结果张贴在下面(检索方法,在EndNOTE上用piRNA作为关键字检索pubMed数据库),有做植物的对此感兴趣的朋友可以看看,我只需要记住有个这样奇妙的东西就行了。关于piRNA最早的报道是在2006年。那天我在微博中还写了句“这东西可能会火”,原来已经火了。
1. Guzzardo PM, Muerdter F, Hannon GJ: The piRNA pathway in flies: highlights and future directions. Current opinion in genetics & development 2013.
2. Yan B, Ma L: The role for maternal piRNA in transgenerational inheritance. Epigenomics 2012, 4(5):484-485.
3. Gell SL, Reenan RA: Mutations to the piRNA Pathway Component aubergine Enhance Meiotic Drive of Segregation Distorter in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 2012.
4. Gu W, Lee HC, Chaves D, Youngman EM, Pazour GJ, Conte D, Jr., Mello CC: CapSeq and CIP-TAP Identify Pol II Start Sites and Reveal Capped Small RNAs as C. elegans piRNA Precursors. Cell 2012, 151(7):1488-1500.
5. Kawaoka S, Hara K, Shoji K, Kobayashi M, Shimada T, Sugano S, Tomari Y, Suzuki Y, Katsuma S: The comprehensive epigenome map of piRNA clusters. Nucleic acids research 2012.
6. Ding X, Guan H, Li H: Characterization of a piRNA binding protein Miwi in mouse oocytes. Theriogenology 2012.
7. Zhang Y, Li J, Chen R, Dai A, Luan D, Ma T, Hua D, Chen G, Chang G: Cloning, characterization and widespread expression analysis of testicular piRNA-like chicken RNAs. Molecular biology reports 2012.
8. Kelleher ES, Edelman NB, Barbash DA: Drosophila interspecific hybrids phenocopy piRNA-pathway mutants. PLoS biology 2012, 10(11):e1001428.
9. Zheng K, Wang PJ: Blockade of pachytene piRNA biogenesis reveals a novel requirement for maintaining post-meiotic germline genome integrity. PLoS genetics 2012, 8(11):e1003038.
10. Chuma S, Nakano T: piRNA and spermatogenesis in mice. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological sciences 2013, 368(1609):20110338.
11. Zhang F, Wang J, Xu J, Zhang Z, Koppetsch BS, Schultz N, Vreven T, Meignin C, Davis I, Zamore PD et al: UAP56 couples piRNA clusters to the perinuclear transposon silencing machinery. Cell 2012, 151(4):871-884.
12. Yamamoto Y, Watanabe T, Hoki Y, Shirane K, Li Y, Ichiiyanagi K, Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Toyoda A, Fujiyama A, Oginuma M et al: Targeted gene silencing in mouse germ cells by insertion of a homologous DNA into a piRNA generating locus. Genome research 2012.
13. Voigt F, Reuter M, Kasaruho A, Schulz EC, Pillai RS, Barabas O: Crystal structure of the primary piRNA biogenesis factor Zucchini reveals similarity to the bacterial PLD endonuclease Nuc. RNA 2012, 18(12):2128-2134.
14. Nishimasu H, Ishizu H, Saito K, Fukuhara S, Kamatani MK, Bonnefond L, Matsumoto N, Nishizawa T, Nakanaga K, Aoki J et al: Structure and function of Zucchini endoribonuclease in piRNA biogenesis. Nature 2012, 491(7423):284-287.
15. Ipsaro JJ, Haase AD, Knott SR, Joshua-Tor L, Hannon GJ: The structural biochemistry of Zucchini implicates it as a nuclease in piRNA biogenesis. Nature 2012, 491(7423):279-283.
16. Bamezai S, Rawat VP, Buske C: Concise review: The Piwi-piRNA axis: pivotal beyond transposon silencing. Stem Cells 2012, 30(12):2603-2611.
17. Mathioudakis N, Palencia A, Kadlec J, Round A, Tripsianes K, Sattler M, Pillai RS, Cusack S: The multiple Tudor domain-containing protein TDRD1 is a molecular scaffold for mouse Piwi proteins and piRNA biogenesis factors. RNA 2012, 18(11):2056-2072.
18. Nordstrand LM, Furu K, Paulsen J, Rognes T, Klungland A: Alkbh1 and Tzfp repress a non-repeat piRNA cluster in pachytene spermatocytes. Nucleic acids research 2012, 40(21):10950-10963.
19. Kowalczykiewicz D, Pawlak P, Lechniak D, Wrzesinski J: Altered expression of porcine Piwi genes and piRNA during development. PloS one 2012, 7(8):e43816.
20. de Vanssay A, Bouge AL, Boivin A, Hermant C, Teysset L, Delmarre V, Antoniewski C, Ronsseray S: Paramutation in Drosophila linked to emergence of a piRNA-producing locus. Nature 2012, 490(7418):112-115.
21. Beyret E, Liu N, Lin H: piRNA biogenesis during adult spermatogenesis in mice is independent of the ping-pong mechanism. Cell research 2012, 22(10):1429-1439.
22. Xiol J, Cora E, Koglgruber R, Chuma S, Subramanian S, Hosokawa M, Reuter M, Yang Z, Berninger P, Palencia A et al: A role for Fkbp6 and the chaperone machinery in piRNA amplification and transposon silencing. Molecular cell 2012, 47(6):970-979.
23. Olivieri D, Senti KA, Subramanian S, Sachidanandam R, Brennecke J: The cochaperone shutdown defines a group of biogenesis factors essential for all piRNA populations in Drosophila. Molecular cell 2012, 47(6):954-969.
24. Vourekas A, Zheng Q, Alexiou P, Maragkakis M, Kirino Y, Gregory BD, Mourelatos Z: Mili and Miwi target RNA repertoire reveals piRNA biogenesis and function of Miwi in spermiogenesis. Nature structural & molecular biology 2012, 19(8):773-781.
25. Kibanov MV, Gvozdev VA, Olenina LV: Germ granules in spermatogenesis of Drosophila: Evidences of contribution to the piRNA silencing. Communicative & integrative biology 2012, 5(2):130-133.
26. Stower H: Small RNAs: piRNA surveillance in the C. elegans germline. Nature reviews Genetics 2012, 13(8):518-519.
27. Preall JB, Czech B, Guzzardo PM, Muerdter F, Hannon GJ: shutdown is a component of the Drosophila piRNA biogenesis machinery. RNA 2012, 18(8):1446-1457.
28. Petit N, Pineyro D, Lopez-Panades E, Casacuberta E, Navarro A: HeT-A_pi1, a piRNA target sequence in the Drosophila telomeric retrotransposon HeT-A, is extremely conserved across copies and species. PloS one 2012, 7(5):e37405.
29. Bozzetti MP, Fanti L, Di Tommaso S, Piacentini L, Berloco M, Tritto P, Specchia V: The "Special" crystal-Stellate System in Drosophila melanogaster Reveals Mechanisms Underlying piRNA Pathway-Mediated Canalization. Genetics research international 2012, 2012:324293.
30. Grentzinger T, Armenise C, Brun C, Mugat B, Serrano V, Pelisson A, Chambeyron S: piRNA-mediated transgenerational inheritance of an acquired trait. Genome research 2012, 22(10):1877-1888.
31. Moazed D: A piRNA to remember. Cell 2012, 149(3):512-514.
32. Sigurdsson MI, Smith AV, Bjornsson HT, Jonsson JJ: The distribution of a germline methylation marker suggests a regional mechanism of LINE-1 silencing by the piRNA-PIWI system. BMC genetics 2012, 13:31.
33. Shao P, Liao JY, Guan DG, Yang JH, Zheng LL, Jing Q, Zhou H, Qu LH: Drastic expression change of transposon-derived piRNA-like RNAs and microRNAs in early stages of chicken embryos implies a role in gastrulation. RNA biology 2012, 9(2):212-227.
34. Gao Q, Frohman MA: Roles for the lipid-signaling enzyme MitoPLD in mitochondrial dynamics, piRNA biogenesis, and spermatogenesis. BMB reports 2012, 45(1):7-13.
35. Morazzani EM, Wiley MR, Murreddu MG, Adelman ZN, Myles KM: Production of virus-derived ping-pong-dependent piRNA-like small RNAs in the mosquito soma. PLoS pathogens 2012, 8(1):e1002470.
36. Kowalczykiewic D, Wrzesinski J: [The role of piRNA and Piwi proteins in regulation of germline development]. Postepy biochemii 2011, 57(3):249-256.
37. Rosenkranz D, Zischler H: proTRAC--a software for probabilistic piRNA cluster detection, visualization and analysis. BMC bioinformatics 2012, 13:5.
38. Kawaoka S, Mitsutake H, Kiuchi T, Kobayashi M, Yoshikawa M, Suzuki Y, Sugano S, Shimada T, Kobayashi J, Tomari Y et al: A role for transcription from a piRNA cluster in de novo piRNA production. RNA 2012, 18(2):265-273.
39. Lu HL, Tanguy S, Rispe C, Gauthier JP, Walsh T, Gordon K, Edwards O, Tagu D, Chang CC, Jaubert-Possamai S: Expansion of genes encoding piRNA-associated argonaute proteins in the pea aphid: diversification of expression profiles in different plastic morphs. PloS one 2011, 6(12):e28051.
40. Wang SH, Elgin SC: Drosophila Piwi functions downstream of piRNA production mediating a chromatin-based transposon silencing mechanism in female germ line. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2011, 108(52):21164-21169.
41. Wei Z, Liu X, Zhang H: Identification and characterization of piRNA-like small RNAs in the gonad of sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus nudus). Mar Biotechnol (NY) 2012, 14(4):459-467.
42. Reuter M, Berninger P, Chuma S, Shah H, Hosokawa M, Funaya C, Antony C, Sachidanandam R, Pillai RS: Miwi catalysis is required for piRNA amplification-independent LINE1 transposon silencing. Nature 2011, 480(7376):264-267.
43. Zhang Z, Xu J, Koppetsch BS, Wang J, Tipping C, Ma S, Weng Z, Theurkauf WE, Zamore PD: Heterotypic piRNA Ping-Pong requires qin, a protein with both E3 ligase and Tudor domains. Molecular cell 2011, 44(4):572-584.
44. Yang H, Wang X, Liu X, Li L, Hu X, Li N: Cloning and expression analysis of piRNA-like RNAs: adult testis-specific small RNAs in chicken. Molecular and cellular biochemistry 2012, 360(1-2):347-352.
45. De Fazio S, Bartonicek N, Di Giacomo M, Abreu-Goodger C, Sankar A, Funaya C, Antony C, Moreira PN, Enright AJ, O'Carroll D: The endonuclease activity of Mili fuels piRNA amplification that silences LINE1 elements. Nature 2011, 480(7376):259-263.
46. Pane A, Jiang P, Zhao DY, Singh M, Schupbach T: The Cutoff protein regulates piRNA cluster expression and piRNA production in the Drosophila germline. The EMBO journal 2011, 30(22):4601-4615.
47. Juliano C, Wang J, Lin H: Uniting germline and stem cells: the function of Piwi proteins and the piRNA pathway in diverse organisms. Annual review of genetics 2011, 45:447-469.
48. Mourier T: Retrotransposon-centered analysis of piRNA targeting shows a shift from active to passive retrotransposon transcription in developing mouse testes. BMC genomics 2011, 12:440.
49. Handler D, Olivieri D, Novatchkova M, Gruber FS, Meixner K, Mechtler K, Stark A, Sachidanandam R, Brennecke J: A systematic analysis of Drosophila TUDOR domain-containing proteins identifies Vreteno and the Tdrd12 family as essential primary piRNA pathway factors. The EMBO journal 2011, 30(19):3977-3993.
50. Zamparini AL, Davis MY, Malone CD, Vieira E, Zavadil J, Sachidanandam R, Hannon GJ, Lehmann R: Vreteno, a gonad-specific protein, is essential for germline development and primary piRNA biogenesis in Drosophila. Development 2011, 138(18):4039-4050.
51. Rangan P, Malone CD, Navarro C, Newbold SP, Hayes PS, Sachidanandam R, Hannon GJ, Lehmann R: piRNA production requires heterochromatin formation in Drosophila. Current biology : CB 2011, 21(16):1373-1379.
52. Tchurikov NA, Kretova OV: Both piRNA and siRNA pathways are silencing transcripts of the suffix element in the Drosophila melanogaster germline and somatic cells. PloS one 2011, 6(7):e21882.
53. Kibanov MV, Egorova KS, Ryazansky SS, Sokolova OA, Kotov AA, Olenkina OM, Stolyarenko AD, Gvozdev VA, Olenina LV: A novel organelle, the piNG-body, in the nuage of Drosophila male germ cells is associated with piRNA-mediated gene silencing. Molecular biology of the cell 2011, 22(18):3410-3419.
54. Shpiz S, Olovnikov I, Sergeeva A, Lavrov S, Abramov Y, Savitsky M, Kalmykova A: Mechanism of the piRNA-mediated silencing of Drosophila telomeric retrotransposons. Nucleic acids research 2011, 39(20):8703-8711.
55. Ishizu H, Nagao A, Siomi H: Gatekeepers for Piwi-piRNA complexes to enter the nucleus. Current opinion in genetics & development 2011, 21(4):484-490.
56. Huang HY, Houwing S, Kaaij LJ, Meppelink A, Redl S, Gauci S, Vos H, Draper BW, Moens CB, Burgering BM et al: Tdrd1 acts as a molecular scaffold for Piwi proteins and piRNA targets in zebrafish. The EMBO journal 2011, 30(16):3298-3308.
57. Oey HM, Youngson NA, Whitelaw E: The characterisation of piRNA-related 19mers in the mouse. BMC genomics 2011, 12:315.
58. Cheng J, Guo JM, Xiao BX, Miao Y, Jiang Z, Zhou H, Li QN: piRNA, the new non-coding RNA, is aberrantly expressed in human cancer cells. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry 2011, 412(17-18):1621-1625.
59. Gan H, Lin X, Zhang Z, Zhang W, Liao S, Wang L, Han C: piRNA profiling during specific stages of mouse spermatogenesis. RNA 2011, 17(7):1191-1203.
60. Yan Z, Hu HY, Jiang X, Maierhofer V, Neb E, He L, Hu Y, Hu H, Li N, Chen W et al: Widespread expression of piRNA-like molecules in somatic tissues. Nucleic acids research 2011, 39(15):6596-6607.
61. Zeng L, Zhang Q, Yan K, Zhou MM: Structural insights into piRNA recognition by the human PIWI-like 1 PAZ domain. Proteins 2011, 79(6):2004-2009.
62. Huang H, Gao Q, Peng X, Choi SY, Sarma K, Ren H, Morris AJ, Frohman MA: piRNA-associated germline nuage formation and spermatogenesis require MitoPLD profusogenic mitochondrial-surface lipid signaling. Developmental cell 2011, 20(3):376-387.
63. Watanabe T, Chuma S, Yamamoto Y, Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Totoki Y, Toyoda A, Hoki Y, Fujiyama A, Shibata T, Sado T et al: MITOPLD is a mitochondrial protein essential for nuage formation and piRNA biogenesis in the mouse germline. Developmental cell 2011, 20(3):364-375.
64. Schwalbe H: Double take on Piwi protein/piRNA complex structure. Structure 2011, 19(2):141-142.
65. Berninger P, Jaskiewicz L, Khorshid M, Zavolan M: Conserved generation of short products at piRNA loci. BMC genomics 2011, 12:46.
66. Simon B, Kirkpatrick JP, Eckhardt S, Reuter M, Rocha EA, Andrade-Navarro MA, Sehr P, Pillai RS, Carlomagno T: Recognition of 2'-O-methylated 3'-end of piRNA by the PAZ domain of a Piwi protein. Structure 2011, 19(2):172-180.
67. Tian Y, Simanshu DK, Ma JB, Patel DJ: Structural basis for piRNA 2'-O-methylated 3'-end recognition by Piwi PAZ (Piwi/Argonaute/Zwille) domains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2011, 108(3):903-910.
68. Khurana JS, Xu J, Weng Z, Theurkauf WE: Distinct functions for the Drosophila piRNA pathway in genome maintenance and telomere protection. PLoS genetics 2010, 6(12):e1001246.
69. Haase AD, Fenoglio S, Muerdter F, Guzzardo PM, Czech B, Pappin DJ, Chen C, Gordon A, Hannon GJ: Probing the initiation and effector phases of the somatic piRNA pathway in Drosophila. Genes & development 2010, 24(22):2499-2504.
70. Saito K, Ishizu H, Komai M, Kotani H, Kawamura Y, Nishida KM, Siomi H, Siomi MC: Roles for the Yb body components Armitage and Yb in primary piRNA biogenesis in Drosophila. Genes & development 2010, 24(22):2493-2498.
71. Rouget C, Papin C, Boureux A, Meunier AC, Franco B, Robine N, Lai EC, Pelisson A, Simonelig M: Maternal mRNA deadenylation and decay by the piRNA pathway in the early Drosophila embryo. Nature 2010, 467(7319):1128-1132.
72. Senti KA, Brennecke J: The piRNA pathway: a fly's perspective on the guardian of the genome. Trends in genetics : TIG 2010, 26(12):499-509.
73. Zamore PD: Somatic piRNA biogenesis. The EMBO journal 2010, 29(19):3219-3221.
74. Kamminga LM, Luteijn MJ, den Broeder MJ, Redl S, Kaaij LJ, Roovers EF, Ladurner P, Berezikov E, Ketting RF: Hen1 is required for oocyte development and piRNA stability in zebrafish. The EMBO journal 2010, 29(21):3688-3700.
75. van der Heijden GW, Castaneda J, Bortvin A: Bodies of evidence - compartmentalization of the piRNA pathway in mouse fetal prospermatogonia. Current opinion in cell biology 2010, 22(6):752-757.
76. Olivieri D, Sykora MM, Sachidanandam R, Mechtler K, Brennecke J: An in vivo RNAi assay identifies major genetic and cellular requirements for primary piRNA biogenesis in Drosophila. The EMBO journal 2010, 29(19):3301-3317.
77. Khurana JS, Theurkauf WE: piRNA function in germline development. In: StemBook. Cambridge (MA); 2008.
78. Todeschini AL, Teysset L, Delmarre V, Ronsseray S: The epigenetic trans-silencing effect in Drosophila involves maternally-transmitted small RNAs whose production depends on the piRNA pathway and HP1. PloS one 2010, 5(6):e11032.
79. Zheng K, Xiol J, Reuter M, Eckardt S, Leu NA, McLaughlin KJ, Stark A, Sachidanandam R, Pillai RS, Wang PJ: Mouse MOV10L1 associates with Piwi proteins and is an essential component of the Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2010, 107(26):11841-11846.
80. Malone CD, Hannon GJ: Molecular evolution of piRNA and transposon control pathways in Drosophila. Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology 2009, 74:225-234.
81. Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Watanabe T, Gotoh K, Takamatsu K, Chuma S, Kojima-Kita K, Shiromoto Y, Asada N, Toyoda A, Fujiyama A et al: MVH in piRNA processing and gene silencing of retrotransposons. Genes & development 2010, 24(9):887-892.
82. Zhang D, Duarte-Guterman P, Langlois VS, Trudeau VL: Temporal expression and steroidal regulation of piRNA pathway genes (mael, piwi, vasa) during Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis embryogenesis and early larval development. Comparative biochemistry and physiology Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP 2010, 152(2):202-206.
83. Ohnishi Y, Totoki Y, Toyoda A, Watanabe T, Yamamoto Y, Tokunaga K, Sakaki Y, Sasaki H, Hohjoh H: Small RNA class transition from siRNA/piRNA to miRNA during pre-implantation mouse development. Nucleic acids research 2010, 38(15):5141-5151.
84. Patil VS, Kai T: Repression of retroelements in Drosophila germline via piRNA pathway by the Tudor domain protein Tejas. Current biology : CB 2010, 20(8):724-730.
85. Riedmann LT, Schwentner R: miRNA, siRNA, piRNA and argonautes: news in small matters. RNA biology 2010, 7(2):133-139.
86. Siomi MC, Miyoshi T, Siomi H: piRNA-mediated silencing in Drosophila germlines. Seminars in cell & developmental biology 2010, 21(7):754-759.
87. Shoji M, Tanaka T, Hosokawa M, Reuter M, Stark A, Kato Y, Kondoh G, Okawa K, Chujo T, Suzuki T et al: The TDRD9-MIWI2 complex is essential for piRNA-mediated retrotransposon silencing in the mouse male germline. Developmental cell 2009, 17(6):775-787.
88. Aravin AA, van der Heijden GW, Castaneda J, Vagin VV, Hannon GJ, Bortvin A: Cytoplasmic compartmentalization of the fetal piRNA pathway in mice. PLoS genetics 2009, 5(12):e1000764.
89. Nishida KM, Okada TN, Kawamura T, Mituyama T, Kawamura Y, Inagaki S, Huang H, Chen D, Kodama T, Siomi H et al: Functional involvement of Tudor and dPRMT5 in the piRNA processing pathway in Drosophila germlines. The EMBO journal 2009, 28(24):3820-3831.
90. Klattenhoff C, Xi H, Li C, Lee S, Xu J, Khurana JS, Zhang F, Schultz N, Koppetsch BS, Nowosielska A et al: The Drosophila HP1 homolog Rhino is required for transposon silencing and piRNA production by dual-strand clusters. Cell 2009, 138(6):1137-1149.
91. Navarro C, Bullock S, Lehmann R: Altered dynein-dependent transport in piRNA pathway mutants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2009, 106(24):9691-9696.
92. Malone CD, Brennecke J, Dus M, Stark A, McCombie WR, Sachidanandam R, Hannon GJ: Specialized piRNA pathways act in germline and somatic tissues of the Drosophila ovary. Cell 2009, 137(3):522-535.
93. Assis R, Kondrashov AS: Rapid repetitive element-mediated expansion of piRNA clusters in mammalian evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2009, 106(17):7079-7082.
94. Kotelnikov RN, Klenov MS, Rozovsky YM, Olenina LV, Kibanov MV, Gvozdev VA: Peculiarities of piRNA-mediated post-transcriptional silencing of Stellate repeats in testes of Drosophila melanogaster. Nucleic acids research 2009, 37(10):3254-3263.
95. Chi YH, Cheng LI, Myers T, Ward JM, Williams E, Su Q, Faucette L, Wang JY, Jeang KT: Requirement for Sun1 in the expression of meiotic reproductive genes and piRNA. Development 2009, 136(6):965-973.
96. Kutter C, Svoboda P: miRNA, siRNA, piRNA: Knowns of the unknown. RNA biology 2008, 5(4):181-188.
97. Zhang D, Xiong H, Shan J, Xia X, Trudeau VL: Functional insight into Maelstrom in the germline piRNA pathway: a unique domain homologous to the DnaQ-H 3'-5' exonuclease, its lineage-specific expansion/loss and evolutionarily active site switch. Biology direct 2008, 3:48.
98. Aravin AA, Sachidanandam R, Bourc'his D, Schaefer C, Pezic D, Toth KF, Bestor T, Hannon GJ: A piRNA pathway primed by individual transposons is linked to de novo DNA methylation in mice. Molecular cell 2008, 31(6):785-799.
99. Chambeyron S, Popkova A, Payen-Groschene G, Brun C, Laouini D, Pelisson A, Bucheton A: piRNA-mediated nuclear accumulation of retrotransposon transcripts in the Drosophila female germline. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2008, 105(39):14964-14969.
100. Batista PJ, Ruby JG, Claycomb JM, Chiang R, Fahlgren N, Kasschau KD, Chaves DA, Gu W, Vasale JJ, Duan S et al: PRG-1 and 21U-RNAs interact to form the piRNA complex required for fertility in C. elegans. Molecular cell 2008, 31(1):67-78.
101. Devor EJ, Huang L, Samollow PB: PiRNA-like RNAs in the marsupial Monodelphis domestica identify transcription clusters and likely marsupial transposon targets. Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society 2008, 19(7-8):581-586.
102. Palakodeti D, Smielewska M, Lu YC, Yeo GW, Graveley BR: The PIWI proteins SMEDWI-2 and SMEDWI-3 are required for stem cell function and piRNA expression in planarians. RNA 2008, 14(6):1174-1186.
103. Kim M, Patel B, Schroeder KE, Raza A, Dejong J: Organization and transcriptional output of a novel mRNA-like piRNA gene (mpiR) located on mouse chromosome 10. RNA 2008, 14(6):1005-1011.
104. Tang F, Hayashi K, Kaneda M, Lao K, Surani MA: A sensitive multiplex assay for piRNA expression. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2008, 369(4):1190-1194.
105. Guo YH, Liu L, Cai R, Qian C: [piRNA: a novel member of small RNA family]. Yi chuan = Hereditas / Zhongguo yi chuan xue hui bian ji 2008, 30(1):28-34.
106. Marcon E, Babak T, Chua G, Hughes T, Moens PB: miRNA and piRNA localization in the male mammalian meiotic nucleus. Chromosome research : an international journal on the molecular, supramolecular and evolutionary aspects of chromosome biology 2008, 16(2):243-260.
107. Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Gotoh K, Kimura T, Nakano T: [PiRNA in spermatogenesis]. Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme 2007, 52(16 Suppl):2097-2101.
108. Betel D, Sheridan R, Marks DS, Sander C: Computational analysis of mouse piRNA sequence and biogenesis. PLoS computational biology 2007, 3(11):e222.
109. Aravin AA, Hannon GJ, Brennecke J: The Piwi-piRNA pathway provides an adaptive defense in the transposon arms race. Science 2007, 318(5851):761-764.
110. Yin H, Lin H: An epigenetic activation role of Piwi and a Piwi-associated piRNA in Drosophila melanogaster. Nature 2007, 450(7167):304-308.
111. Nishida KM, Saito K, Mori T, Kawamura Y, Nagami-Okada T, Inagaki S, Siomi H, Siomi MC: Gene silencing mechanisms mediated by Aubergine piRNA complexes in Drosophila male gonad. RNA 2007, 13(11):1911-1922.
112. Ro S, Park C, Song R, Nguyen D, Jin J, Sanders KM, McCarrey JR, Yan W: Cloning and expression profiling of testis-expressed piRNA-like RNAs. RNA 2007, 13(10):1693-1702.
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114. Aravin AA, Sachidanandam R, Girard A, Fejes-Toth K, Hannon GJ: Developmentally regulated piRNA clusters implicate MILI in transposon control. Science 2007, 316(5825):744-747.
115. Pall GS, Codony-Servat C, Byrne J, Ritchie L, Hamilton A: Carbodiimide-mediated cross-linking of RNA to nylon membranes improves the detection of siRNA, miRNA and piRNA by northern blot. Nucleic acids research 2007, 35(8):e60.
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