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已有 3574 次阅读 2021-12-22 11:44 |系统分类:论文交流

期刊格式比较常见的要求一般是摘要(Abstract)由四部分组成Objective/background/AimMethods; Results; and Conclusion四部分组成,一般字数要求不超过200字或者250字。正文(Main text)一般亦要求有以下几部分:Introduction/Background, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion(包含Conclusion),或者Conclusion单独一个部分。但有些杂志会有一些特殊的要求,我们今天来罗列几个护理杂志的特殊格式要求。

1、Journal of Advanced Nursing

ISSN 0309-2402        IF2020:3.187

一般杂志选择文稿体裁就是Original ResearchreviewCommentaries等,但是这个杂志的论著体裁下面还有详细分为Empirical Research – QuantitativeEmpirical Research – QualitativeEmpirical Research - Mixed methodsPilot Study,因此我们还需要进一步判断我们的文章是实证研究还是试验研究,是定量,定性,还是混合,当然这个就需要具体文稿具体分析了,下面我们以实证研究的混合方法为例,来说明下这个杂志关于摘要和正文的特殊要求:

Abstract300 words. The abstract should not contain abbreviations. The abstract should include the following headings: Aims (of the paper, should simply state 'To...'), Design, Methods (include study date), Results (include key statistical outcomes), Conclusion, Impact (addressing the below):

What problem did the study address?

What were the main findings?

Where and on whom will the research have an impact?


Main Text: 杂志社要求正文由INTRODUCTIONBACKGROUNDTHE STUDYRESULTS/FINDINGSDISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS六个部分组成,其中THE STUDY必须包含Aim/sDesignSample/ParticipantsData collectionEthical considerationsData analysisValidity and reliability/RigourDISCUSSION必须包含Limitations

我们可以看到heading部分要求相较常规基本没有出入,只是一般杂志会将NTRODUCTIONBACKGROUND合成一个部分,比较特殊的就是这个杂志材料方法部分对于subheading部分也有严格的要求,必须包含Aim/sDesignSample/ParticipantsData collectionEthical considerationsData analysisValidity and reliability/Rigour

2Journal of Nursing Management

ISSN0966-0429          IF2020: 3.325 


AbstractFor research articles please use the following headings in your structured abstract:

Aim(s) - what was the purpose of the study?

Background - why was this study important?

Method(s) - a brief description of the method(s) used, including size and nature of sample

Results - what were the main findings?

Conclusion(s) - what are the main conclusions and implications for practice? And what does this add to current knowledge?

Implications for Nursing Management - What are the implications for nurse managers and/or nursing management?

我们可以看到改杂志对于摘要的要求也与常规的不同,需要单独的AimBackground,另外还需要Implications for Nursing Management部分,该部分需要说明对护士经理和/或护理管理有什么影响

Main Text

For research articles please follow the following structure:

Background: /Methods: (Describe the setting, sample (including size and nature of sample), instruments used, data collection methods, data analysis and ethical considerations) /Results: /Discussion:/Conclusions:/Implications for Nursing Management

我们看到对于正文部分这个杂志也同样要求一定要包含Implications for Nursing Management:部分。另外我们可以看到虽然这个杂志要求双盲,但是依旧需要将伦理说明知情同意放在方法部分,隐去单位信息就可以。

2、Cancer Nursing

ISSN 0162-220X        IF2020: 2.592


Abstract: The Abstract is attached as a Word document during the submission process.

Please use the following format for all abstracts; ALL SIX SUBHEADINGS ARE REQUIRED:

Background: /Objective: /Interventions/Methods: /Results: /Conclusions: /Implications for Practice:

我们可以看到这个杂志的摘要除了要求Background:Objective:是两部分外,还需要Implications for Practice:部分,该部分需要阐明文稿的发现的实践意义

Main Text整体的Heading部分与常规要求杂志要求没有差别


Title Page

Author Affiliations

Prefaced by "Author Affiliations:" authors' institutions and their locations provided; authors' last names presented parenthetically following their respective institutions; if all authors are at the same institution, no last names in parentheses needed.  Provide social titles (Mr, Ms) if needed.


Author Affiliations: Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland (Drs Smith and Gross); and Department of Dermatology, University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium (Mr Craig).

我们可以看到Title Page部分,关于单位和姓名的对应,该杂志和其余杂志还是有区别的,常规杂志一般用上标数字或者字母进行对应。该杂志要求把每位作者的单位罗列出来,然后在单位后面括号备注前缀和姓,如果所有作者的单位都一样就不用另外备注


Table titles should be set in title case (the first letter of each major word in the titles should be capitalized).

No zero should be used before the decimal in P values, neither in the tables nor in the text of the manuscript body.


P= .05   请您参考模板修改P values







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