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review: Io, a Small Programming Language

已有 3285 次阅读 2013-7-17 22:04 |个人分类:language|系统分类:科研笔记

Io, a Small Programming Language
Steve Dekorte

OOPSLA’05, October 16-20, 2005, San Diego, California, USA.



   Io is small prototype-based programming language. The ideas in Io are mostly inspired by Smalltalk[1] (all values are objects), Self[2] (prototype-based), NewtonScript[3] (differential inheritance),
Act1[4] (actors and futures for concurrency), LISP[5]
(code is a runtime inspectable / modifiable tree) and Lua[6] (small, embeddable).
   Io offers a more flexible language with more scalable concurrency in a smaller, simpler package than traditional languages and is well suited for use as both scripting and embedding within larger projects. Io is implemented in C and it's actor based concurrency
model is built on coroutines and asynchronous i/o. It supports exceptions, incremental garbage collection and weak links. Io has bindings for many multiplatform libraries including
Sockets, OpenGL, FreeType, PortAudio and others as well as
some modules for transparent distributed objects and a user interface
toolkit written in Io. This presentation will include an overview
of the language and demos of some multi-platform desktop
applications written with it.


Keywords: Languages, Object Oriented, Prototype-based, Actors, Coroutines, Lazy Evaluation



Io  a small programming language.pdf




   networks -> Software Defined Networking (SDN)

       the OpenFlow protocol (see www.openflow.org): 一种新型网络交换模型




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