寻正治学分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/fs007 欢迎腾讯微博联系:寻正(xunzhengxz)



已有 5175 次阅读 2010-9-6 23:29 |个人分类:人物评论|系统分类:观点评述| 造假, 剽窃, 方舟子, 基督教科学箴言报, 打假第一人

【寻正按:闲来无聊,咱们继续测试美国人怎么对待正义。《基督教科学箴言报》发文支持方舟子很多次了,今天我给他们的高级编辑野马(John Yemma)去了一封信,登出来跟网友共享。我英文不行,愿意具体修改指点的,本人感激不尽,但莫蒙头遮面装大葱,我最恨那种行为了。】

Dear Editor,

Your paper had published several articles on Fang Shi-min, the so called No. 1 Fraud Buster of China. I was a frequent writer for Fang for quite some time. Then in a series of events I found that Fang himself was the biggest fraud of all. He tells flat lies about his past experiences. He lies about how his thesis supervisor perceived him. Through a series of lies he successfully created a genius image that the Chinese people like. With such manipulation, he returned to China and a powerful group in Beijing promoted him. They even awarded him best science writing award for books not about science. That was how he started in China.

For last couple of years, I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to expose Fang. You'll completely be surprised how much of a fraud Fang is. How about plagiarizing against articles which expose fraud? How about at the same time he was preaching morality? He often plagiarizes against English materials that make detection of his plagiarism difficult and time consuming. But how about he plagiarizes against Chinese materials?

Your paper published yet another article to salute this national figure. Ironically, with all good intentions, you are saluting fraud and corruption! Fang is no friend of religion and two of his top most enemies are Falun Gang and Christians. He ridicules them and at times calls for persecution of religious behaviors. Of course this may be a minor point when we talk his science and fraud-busting. How about the organization he created? He may have indeed contributed most to the establishment of New Threads. But he had partners, several of them. There was a time the future of this organization was uncertain. Fang fought against some other partners and he was on the losing side. He broadened the partnership by inviting a friend as a partner to tip the balance. Unfortunately, his friend was persuaded by the others and he was about to lose. Then he made a bold move by registering this organization under his name—the organization was not formally incorporated. He simply took away all the rights of the partners with such a swift move. Guess what, he tried to collect the registration fees from the partners who were all of a sudden lost their interest in this organization! Heroes do not obey rules and they make them? This is your hero, unfortunately, without integrity.

There are many things that you will surely laugh your hearts out once you hear about them. The challenge to me is that not many people want to hear about them. When I send materials about Fang’s plagiarism to his thesis supervisor and solicit comments, all I got was “please talk to Fang”. Yet, those people show concerns over fraud in China. Are they themselves not fraud?

I love science and I hate fraud of any kind. That’s why as a regular writer for Fang’s New Threads I finally broke up with him. If you want to know more about him, I will be glad to help. But if you only want to join the crowd to worship this false idol, it’s all your choice.

Sincerely yours,


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