1947年,木村从京都大学硕士毕业,并到木原均的实验室里工作了两年。那是日本遗传学家还没有受过数量遗传学训练,木原均实验里受到很多人对木村的理论不屑一顾。1949 年,经木原均推荐,木村进入在三岛郡刚建立的日本国家遗传学研究所(National Institute of Genetics)工作。木村是在木原均的支持下固执地坚持自己的理想。也就是在这个期间,木村系统学完了赖特(S. Wright)1931年在Genetics上的论文“Evolution in Mendelian Populations”,开始了他的群体遗传学研究。
1967 年,木村接收了刚从北卡罗州立大学来生物统计系毕业的太田明子(Ohta)。Ohta是数学功底超强的女学者,她太低调以至许多人忽略了她在分子演化中地位。她与村的合作最终实现了木村的愿望:木村让太田对进化过程中氨基酸的替换速率作估算,木村从他的计算氨基酸替换速率推算哺乳动物基因组的碱基替换速率的结果时,惊奇地发现,碱基替换大约每两年发生一次。而依据霍尔丹(J.B.S.Haldane)的自然选择代价概念推导,每发生一次突变替换平均约需300个世代左右,两者差距上太大,演化的速率太快了!木村意识到,在分子水平上大部分突变并没有被自然选择淘汰,自然选择对它们呈中性,群体中的中性等位基因的固定(fixation)是通过突变的随机漂变的平衡来实现的,他们的存活下来的概率是随机的(“运气”问题)。这样,木村提出了突变中性的分子演化理论。这个结果为他早年和Crow提出有限位点模型(infinite site model)找到了实际的生物学依据。数学魅力就在能和实际数据的完美结合。
1980年,木村提出估算突变替换的双常数模型,也对分子生物学和演化生物学的做了最大贡献。1983年,木村在完成划时代的巨著:“The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution.”,之后他的身体状况很不好,渐渐离开科研的第一线。
1. Random gene frequency drift 随机漂变理论 2. Fluctuation in selection intensity 随机波动的选择强度 3. Population structure 群体遗传学的结构 4. Linkage and recombination 连锁和重组 5. Evolutionary advantages of sexual reproduction 性选择的进化优势 6. Natural selection 自然选择 7. Meiotic drive 减数分裂的驱动力 8. Genetic load 遗传载荷 9. Inbreeding systems 繁殖系统 10. Evolution of quantitative characters 进化的数量特征 11. Probability and time of fixation or extinction (突变的)固定和消失时间的概率(密度)和时间 12. Age of alleles and reversibility 等位基因的年代和(突变的)可逆性 13. Intergroup selection 种间选择 14. Infinite allele, infinite site, and ladder models 有限的等位基因、有限位点及梯子模型 15. Molecular evolution 分子进化 16. Nucleotide substitutions 核酸替换率 17. Molecular clock 分子钟 18. Neutral theory 中性理论
What about KIMURA as a person? He was complex. I found him a pleasant conversationalist, with a broad knowledge of both Eastern and Western culture. His interests were catholic and he had a wide-ranging curiosity. He enjoyed science fiction, particularly ARTHUR CLARKE. He was impressed by the powerful writing of SOPHOCLES, which e picked up as a paper back. He admired BERTRANRDU SSELL. Over the years we had many fruitful discussions, including a number of friendly scientific disagreements. With his close friends he was generous, helpful, and appreciative. But others saw a different side. He could be selfcentered, demanding, and dogmatic. As he grew older, his interests narrowed, and he became increasingly concerned for his place in scientific history and more obsessive about his neutral theory. He was becoming recognized throughout the world, and in Japan he was a celebrity. Ironically, these traits increased with his growing scientific recognition. Scientific disagreements became personal and several felt his barbs. But the scars will disappear as people measure them against his sterling accomplishments.
Kimura, Motoo (1968). “Evolutionary rate at the molecular level” ,Nature 217: 624–626
Watterson, G.A. (1996). “Motoo Kimura’s Use of Diffusion Theory in Population Genetics”. Theoretical Population Biology 49 (2): 154–188.
Kimura, Motoo (1983). The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-23109-4.
Crow, James F. (1996). “Memories of Mot?”. Theoretical Population Biology 49: 122–127.
Wen-Hsiung Li*,Kimura’s Contributions to Molecular Evolution,theoretical population biology 49, 146-153 (1996)
Motoo Kimura, Population Genetics, Molecular Evolution, and the Neutral Theory (Selected Papers) Edited and with Introductory Essays by Naoyuki Takahata,The University of Chicago Press.