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Amazing Day!

已有 3480 次阅读 2010-10-30 12:13 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:人文社科

今天的确是个Amazing Day.

第一天由Rob领着走到OISS, 结果自己尝试独自沿路返回时, 一边走一边问来到Prespect st上, 却找不到住所所在的starr st,只好走一巷问一巷. 结果到了starr st 却又找不到60号, 就在73号附近转阿转, 几乎担心是不是要露宿街头的时候,房东jiang先生的出现, 救了一命!

第二次自己一人再到OISS, 费了一番周折终于找到报到了.

第三次自己再去找Bank of America 和sterling Hall 时,后者轻松找到,前者瞪大了眼睛在街上留了个遍也没看到Bank这个词, 郁闷之后, 到sterling hall 问 ID办理处的老头和门卫老头, 终于知道这个bank要穿街走buiding里才能找到, 不像国内的银行醒目的伫立在街边. 用着并不流利的英语,拎着并不全懂的耳朵, 径直找柜台把户给开了. 我想是教研室的一位老教师的一句鼓励的话激励了我, "什么都不用怕, 不要依靠别人,你自己办一遍就什么都清楚了"  OK, 现在我已经办了好几件事了. Amazing Day!

回来在HK grocery 买了些食物水果,就回来了.

傍晚, 和Rob聊起Halloween Day, Chinese Culture. 才知道他从小是个中国迷, 他学过功夫,武术, 气功,太极拳, 读过孔子的论语, 老子的道德经, 孙子的孙子兵法, 他喜欢中国的这些哲学思想, 认为不像西方人总是想me, me, me,还是me. Amazing. 他说他是pagan信仰者, believe in energe, all life in the world are connected together, respect nature, 天哪,这不是跟阿凡达里的一样吗? 他告诉我今年是pagan 才被确认为一种宗教. 维基百科上解释如下: 


Traditional designation of a practitioner of classical polytheisms. The early Christians often used the term to refer to non-Christians who worshiped multiple deities. Christian missionaries frequently sought to stamp out pagan practices by building churches on the sites of pagan shrines or by associating Christian holidays with pagan rituals (e.g., linking Christmas with the celebration of the winter solstice). The term pagan was also used to refer to non-Christian philosophers, and in the 20th century it was used to identify members of certain new religious movements. See Neo-paganism.


拍了些照片, 真美的校园景色. 可惜没带数据转换器,没法拷贝出来上传. 以后吧.




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