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云师大心理学系董光恒教授在国际权威期刊《JAMA NETWORK OPEN》上发表最新研究成果

已有 1208 次阅读 2024-7-11 13:18 |个人分类:云师大研究|系统分类:论文交流

2024年6月18日,医学内科领域top期刊《JAMA NETWORK OPEN》在线发表了云南师范大学教育学部心理学系董光恒教授团队的最新研究成果《Efficacy and Neural Mechanisms of Mindfulness Meditation Among Adults With Internet Gaming Disorder》。云南师范大学心理学系为第一作者单位,董光恒教授为通讯作者,合作单位有杭州师范大学、浙江师范大学、美国耶鲁大学等。





Importance  The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR), recently identified internet gaming disorder (IGD) as a condition warranting more research, and few empirically validated treatments exist. Mindfulness meditation (MM) has multiple health benefits; however, its efficacy in treating IGD and potential neural mechanisms underlying MM treatment of the disorder remain largely unknown.

Objective  To explore the efficacy of MM used to treat adults with IGD and to identify neural mechanisms underlying MM.

Design, Setting, and Participants  This randomized clinical trial was performed from October 1 to November 30, 2023, at Hangzhou Normal University in Hangzhou, China. Adults (aged ≥18 years) who met at least 6 of the 9 DSM-5-TR proposed criteria for IGD were recruited to receive either MM or progressive muscle relaxation (PMR). Data analysis was performed on December 1, 2023.

Intervention  Participants underwent MM training (an 8-session meditation program that focuses on attention and acceptance) and PMR training (an 8-time program for body relaxation) delivered in groups that met 2 times each week for 4 weeks.

Main Outcomes and Measures  This per-protocol analysis included only participants who finished the pretest assessment, 8 training sessions, and posttest assessment. The main outcomes were addiction severity (measured with the DSM-5-TR proposed criteria for IGD and with Internet Addiction Test scores), gaming craving (measured with Questionnaire for Gaming Urges scores), and blood oxygen level–dependent signals assessed with cue-craving tasks on fMRI. Behavioral and brain measurements were compared using analysis of variance. Functional connectivity (FC) among identified brain regions was measured to test connectivity changes associated with MM.

Results  This study included 64 adults with IGD. A total of 32 participants received MM (mean [SD] age, 20.3 [1.9] years; 17 women [53%]) and 32 received PMR (mean [SD] age, 20.2 [1.5] years; 16 women [50%]). The severity of IGD decreased in the MM group (pretest vs posttest: mean [SD], 7.0 [1.1] vs 3.6 [0.8]; P < .001) and in the PMR group (mean [SD], 7.1 [0.9] vs 6.0 [0.9]; P = .04). The MM group had a greater decrease in IGD severity than the PMR group (mean [SD] score change for the MM group vs the PMR group, −3.6 [0.3] vs −1.1 [0.2]; P < .001). Mindfulness meditation was associated with decreased brain activation in the bilateral lentiform nuclei (r = 0.40; 95% CI, 0.19 to 0.60; P = .02), insula (r = 0.35; 95% CI, 0.09 to 0.60; P = .047), and medial frontal gyrus (MFG; r = 0.43; 95% CI, 0.16 to 0.70; P = .01). Increased MFG-lentiform FC and decreased craving (pretest vs posttest: mean [SD], 58.8 [15.7] vs 33.6 [12.0]; t = −8.66; ƞ2 = 0.30; P < .001) was observed after MM, and changes in MFG-lentiform FC mediated the relationship between increased mindfulness and decreased craving (mediate effect, −0.17; 95% CI, −0.32 to −0.08; P = .03).

Conclusions and Relevance  In this study, MM was more effective in decreasing addiction severity and gaming cravings compared with PMR. These findings indicate that MM may be an effective treatment for IGD and may exert its effects by altering frontopallidal pathways.


云师大心理学系董光恒教授在国际权威期刊《Journal of Affective Disorders》发表最新研究成果


《Jama Network Open》是一本专注于医学内科领域的English学术期刊,创刊于2018年,由AMER MEDICAL ASSOC出版商出版,出版周期12 issues/year。该刊发文范围涵盖医学内科等领域,旨在及时、准确、全面地报道国内外医学内科工作者在该领域的科学研究等工作中取得的经验、科研成果、技术革新、学术动态等。


上一篇:云师大职教育学院王永超副教授和昆工余富朝教授在《Organic Chemistry Frontiers》发表文章研究成果
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