


已有 2592 次阅读 2013-3-27 21:18 |个人分类:读文献|系统分类:科研笔记| 气候变化, 保护生物学, 栖息地配置策略

Mokany, K., Harwood, T. D., Ferrier, S. (2013), Comparing habitat configuration strategies for retaining biodiversity under climate change. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50: 519–527. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12038

Comparing habitat configuration strategies for retaining biodiversity under climate change


Keywords: connectivity; dispersal; habitat corridors; macroecology; metacommunity; plant; reserve system design; systematic conservation planning; Tasmania

关键词:连通性;扩散;生境廊道;  宏观生态学;集合种群;植物;保护系统设计;系统保护规划;   [地名] [澳大利亚] 塔斯马尼亚岛

  1. Establishing new conservation reserves is a key management response to promote the persistence of biodiversity under climate change. Although there are many approaches to designing reserves, quantitatively assessing the performance of alternative habitat configuration strategies in retaining biodiversity has been limited by the lack of suitable modelling frameworks.

  2. Here, we apply a new dynamic macroecological modelling approach to compare the outcomes under climate change for plant biodiversity in Tasmania (all 2051 species) when new conservation reserves are established according to four contrasting reserve design strategies: connectivity; aggregation; representativeness; and a balanced approach.

  3. The most effective reserve design strategy under climate change depended on the specific conservation goal. New reserves focussed on improving representativeness most effectively promoted regional gamma diversity; however, the aggregation and balanced strategies best promoted the mean area of occurrence across all species.

  4. As the modelled level of dispersal increased, the connectivity strategy became relatively less effective, and the aggregation strategy relatively more effective in retaining biodiversity.

  5. Synthesis and applications. Our results demonstrate that adherence to a single habitat configuration strategy, such as connectivity, is unlikely to result in the best outcomes for biodiversity under climate change. The best reserve design strategy under climate change will vary between regions due to unique combinations of attributes and between taxa due to contrasting dispersal abilities. Quantitative assessments, such as ours, are required to identify configurations that will best retain the biodiversity of each region under climate change.


1.      建立新的保护区是为推动气候变化条件下生物多样性维持的关键管理措施。尽管已有多种保护区规划方法,然而定量评估不同的栖息地配置策略维持生物多样性的效果一直受到缺少合适的模型框架的制约。

2.      本研究中我们采用了一种新的动态宏观生态学模型法来比较气候变化条件下采用四种不同的保护区规划策略新建保护区来保护塔斯马尼亚岛的植物多样性(共2051种)的效果。这四种规划策略是:连通性;聚合性;代表性和一个平衡多方面的策略。

3.      气候变化调节下最有效的保护区规划策略取决于具体的保护目的。以增加代表性为目的的新保护区能最有效的增加地区内的gamma多样性;然而,增加聚合度和平衡各个方面的策略能最有效的增加各个物种生境的面积。

4.      为了维持生物多样性,随着模拟的物种扩散能力的增强增加连通性的策略变得相对无效,但是增加聚合度的策略变得能相对更有效。

5.      综合和应用:我们的研究结果证明气候变化条件下依靠单一的生境配置策略,比如连通性,不太可能得到生物多样性的效益最大化。针对不同地区和不同生物类群的最好的保护区规划策略会因不同地区独特的特征属性组合和不同生物类群的扩散能力不同而变化。在气候变化条件下确定最能维持各个地区生物多样性的生境配置需要类似于本研究的定性评估。

Figure 1. Three distinct reserve design strategies may be to maximise connectivity, aggregation or representativeness of the reserve estate. Alternatively, each of these objectives may be achieved in part, through a balanced strategy. In this study, we compared outcomes for biodiversity when new reserves were created under these four contrasting reserve design strategies

Figure 2. (a) The ten 40 × 40 km regions used to analyse alternative reserve configurations in Tasmania, Australia. (b) An example of the 16 km2 of new reserves selected for one region (region 3) based on the four alternative reserve design strategies compared in this study.


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