黄安年文 2007年6月21日
新泽西州的大西洋城(Atlantic City)
我们进入Casino里的时候,发现人们的目光几乎全盯着可以各种“获利”的赌具,整个Casino里充满着好奇又紧张的气氛。既然来到这里哪有不一试身手的,观光客一般以保本不赔和玩的时间长为宗旨,有人说最经济的是玩“老虎铰子”,选择一次0.25美元,如果以一次5秒钟计算,一小时720次,等于下本180.00美元, 而所发筹码只能“玩”18分钟。我们下得慢一些、争取赢一些,否则很快输光。所幸,有人居然有突出表现,能够坚持120分钟而不亏本。在“运气”光顾时,不断出现翻番的亮灯信号,接着听到25美分(Quarter)从机器里出来的叮当声,虽然嘈杂但很有盼头,不过始终没有出现过累计获利上百个Quarte的记录,而“友邻部队”获利四五百个的倒不罕见。我们的“运气”不那么好,往往每况愈下,于是索性改为参观各种设施和玩法以开眼界,我们在这里看到的是比较大众化的玩法,除了老虎铰子,还有21点、掷骺子、拉大盘、跑马赛、打扑克、压36点等,名目繁多,实际上我们对这些“玩法”都是外行,不懂门道,只是看个热闹而已。
在“公平”和“依法”竞赛的前提下并无特别的诀窍,主要靠运气,没有运气是怎么也赢不了的。如果不是见好就收,而是贪心上瘾,即使赢了也总有一天要输光的,你停留的时间愈长,可能扔的钱愈多,而真正的赢家是赌场和少数运气特好的人。所谓输赢的机率是49%对51%,从理论上如是说,实际上,很少见到有一半人是“赢家”。 赌博不是科学,认为赌博有规律可循无疑等于认同赌博是“可知的”,如果一半对一半,那么开赌场的老板怎么赚钱、如此庞大的开销又如何维持呢!来到大西洋沿岸观光的,以老人居多,亚裔的为数不少,真正来这里“豪赌”的是不会来“逛大街”的。大西洋城在东海岸是出了名的,这里的“长客”相当的不少,一些老人常来这里消磨时间,因为这次是长周末,所以人特别多,“赌城”里几乎应有尽有,而餐厅生意尤其兴隆,花上12美元可以吃一顿很上“档次”的自助餐。来大西洋城赌博的有一些华人长客,1991年我在奥伯尼研修时和一位来自台湾的老兵高先生共同租用一套房子,他在一家中餐馆打工,几乎每周都要去大西洋城玩赌,赢少输多.他还专门总结下赌的经验:“不饥不渴,不累舒适。带点花生米及喷鼻药。采取低姿态,大势看表,小势看牌,转势看TIF。气定神闲,不需要每注必下。退一步海阔天空,每小时百元即走。每副洗牌走出赌场呼吸新空气,最后1/3不下大注,超过百元不下大注。”由于他已经入迷,结果多年来的积蓄还是全都“奉献”给赌城了。
印第安人摩汉根娱乐场(Mohegan Sun Casino)
美国朋友告诉我首先要去办卡,以便娱乐时计点,我们去登记了解如何办卡,谁知一位日本裔负责人态度生硬,问我有没有驾驶执照或ID卡、社会保障卡,有没有带护照,我说没有带来,但有信用卡号。他说不能办理。其实这种规定实在毫无道理,因为游客是来观光的,本来无须带上护照和社会保障卡;短期访问的游客一般没有ID卡、社会保障卡和汽车驾驶执照;而信用卡不能作为帐号的依据实在是欺人太甚。不过我们对于俱乐部并无兴趣,只是不满这里对外籍短途游客的歧视。这张计点卡之所以有吸引力,是因为满一定的点可以免费购买里面的商品和住宿,如满3750分,还可以得到一台索尼电脑。这里的游客比起大西洋城和拉斯韦加斯来说,要少得多,因为这里的辅助文化游乐场所太单调,除了赌具几乎没有别的更吸引人的场合。我们干脆将整个“赌城”的结构仔细观察一番,原来这座“赌城”完是全按照印第安人的风格设计的,中间是Wolf Den,其他娱乐场所围绕四周。最有吸引力的是电视赛马现场,这里有
Mohegan Sun
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Mohegan Sun
Number of rooms
Native American
Gaming space
300,000 sq ft.
Permanent show(s)
Signature attraction(s)
Mohegan Sun Arena
The Wolf 104.7FM Radio Station
Notable restaurant(s)
Michael Jordan's Steakhouse
Todd English's
Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority
Date opened
October 12, 1996
Casino type
Previous name(s)
Mohegan Sun
The Mohegan Sun Resort and Casino located in the village of Uncasville in the town of Montville, Connecticut, U.S., is the world's second largest casino.[citation needed] It is located on 240 acres along the banks of Thames River. It is at the heart of the scenic foothills of southeastern
* 1 History
* 2 Management
* 3 Gaming and Entertainment
* 4 Dining and Resort
* 5 Environment
* 6 See also
* 7 References
* 8 External links
[edit] History
The Mohegan Sun was originally developed and managed by Trading Cove Associates: a joint venture of Waterford Gaming, Sol Kerzner's Kerzner International (Formerly Sun International) and the Mohegan Tribe. In 2000 Trading Cove Associates gave complete control of the resort to the Mohegan tribe; TCA still receives a 5% dividend on the gross revenue generated by Mohegan Sun until 2014. The casino operates under a gaming contract which the Tribe entered into with the State of
Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates designed Mohegan Sun’s exterior and luxury hotel tower. Rockwell Group created Mohegan-inspired designs for the gaming space, retail and restaurant promenade and hotel lobby. Hirsch Bedner Associates designed the 1,200-room, 34-story luxury hotel interiors and meeting spaces.
The multi-purpose Mohegan Sun Arena was opened in 2001 under the construction of Perini Building Company. Casino of the Sky opened in September 2001, adding to the existing Casino of the Earth.
The hotel tower was unveiled in April 2002 with 1,200 rooms.
Since 2003 ESPN has broadcast live pre- and post-game WNBA shows from inside the facility.
On January 25, 2005, Mohegan Sun acquired its first gaming venture outside of
Mohegan Sun renamed the property "Mohegan Sun at Pocono Downs" and began a major expansion. Operation as the first slots casino in the state of
In November, 2006, the tribe announced a $740 million expansion titled Project Horizon. The project will be completed in 2010, with phases of the expansion being completed prior to that. The expansion will add the Casino of the Wind which will feature 964 slot machines, 10 table games, and 45 House of Blues poker tables. It will also add 1,000 new hotel rooms, including 300 House of Blues themed rooms complete with its own separate lobby.
[edit] Management
Besides the Mohegan Sun management team, the casino is also managed by the Mohegan Tribal Council.
[edit] Gaming and Entertainment
* 6,200 slot machines, 300 gaming tables including blackjack, craps, roulette,
* Three entertainment venues including the Mohegan Sun Arena, the 350-seat Cabaret Theatre and the 300-seat Wolf Den.
* More than 100,000 sq ft of meeting and function room space, including the Northeast’s largest ballroom.
* The Race Book offers live horse or greyhound racing from around the
* 130,000 sq ft of retail shopping.
[edit] Dining and Resort
Shopping Stores
* A 34-story hotel tower, which at 148 metres or 487 feet[1], is one of the tallest buildings in
* 20,000 sq ft of world class spa.
* 3,000 sq ft fitness cardiovascular center and aerobic studio.
* 22,000 sq ft of three individually themed night club and lounges.
* The compilations of restaurants combine to more than 3000 seats.
* 10,000 sq ft indoor swimming pool.
* 17,500 sq ft outdoor sun terrace.
* The Hotel is particularly noted for offering complimentary high speed Internet connections (15 MB/s up and 15 MB/s down) in all of its rooms
1. 图为大西洋城成为美国“名城”,显然是得赌业 399 x 282 - 33k?–?jpg big5.ce.cn
2. 图为大西洋城最大的赌场外观,还是猫王 ...560 x 420 - 46k?-?jpgwww.ibuycc.com
3. 图为拉夫林赌城http://club.pchome.net/topic_2_4_255850___TRUE.html
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