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世界百科全书 美洲部分条目K

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世界百科全书 美洲部分条目K


黄安年文 黄安年的博客/2023413日发布(第32493篇)



世界百科全书  美国部分条目

        吴江梅 83 5,591

MTL      TIRLE                            NATIONALITY

Classification: History- United States/Westward Movement

148. 138280   Cowboy                            

       4050   吴江梅 640 line (P) 5  8,450

149. 223220   Ghost Town

       8564   吴江梅 6 line  100        

156. 599090   Western frontier life

      23120   吴江梅 511 line (P) 4  6875

Classification: History-United States/ Civil War

228. 016385   American Civil War

       0593   吴江梅  768 line 4 (M) 1 1,150

231. 133080   Copperheads

       5126   吴江梅 15 line 200

233. 367840   Monitor and Merrimack

      14400   吴江梅 35 line  600

Classification: History-United States/ Civil War/Background & Causes

234. 001300   Abolition Movement

       0056   吴江梅 80 line  1,750

235. 212960   Fugitive laws

       8170   吴江梅 21 line  325

236. 439740   Popular soverelgnty

      17186   吴江梅 28 line   500

237. 514020   Slavery

      19872   吴江梅 384 line (P) 1  5,675

Classification: History-United States/ Civil War/ Events

239. 222980   Gettysburg Address

       8550   吴江梅 114 line (P) 1  2,175

240. 566020   Trent Affair

      21944   吴江梅 23 line  400        

Classification: History-United States/ Civil War/ Union Leaders

245. 350840   McClellan, George Brinton                            Penn.

      13763   吴江梅 65 line (P) 1   1,025

249. 083940   Burnside, Ambrose Everett                          Indiana

       3267   吴江梅 33 line (P) 1  450

253. 440640   Porter, Fitz-John                             New Hamshire

      17226   吴江梅 14 line  250

Classification: History-United States/ Civil War/ Confederate Military


257. 261495   Hood, John Bell

      10117   吴江梅 16 line  225

258. 284220   Jackson, Stonewall                  Virginia West Virginia

      11007   吴江梅 62 line (P) 1  1,075

259. 317720   Lee, Robert Edward                                Virginia

      12387   吴江梅 108 (P) 1  1,475

261. 429140   Pickett, George Edward                            Virginia

      16774   吴江梅 35 line (P)  525

Classification: History-United States/ Civil War/ Other Biographies

262. 073060   Boyd, Belle                    West Virginia England Woman

       2793   吴江梅 20 line  375

263. 073580   Brady, Matthew                                    New York

       2822   吴江梅 41 line (P)  400

264. 324620   Lincoln, MAry Todd                       Kentucky Illinois

      12686   吴江梅 25 line  400

266. 568980   Truth, Sojouener                 New York Woman Black U.S.

      22054   吴江梅 32 line (P) 1  475 

Classification: History-United States/ Reconstruction

268. 062320   Black codes

       2371   吴江梅 14 line  225        

269. 096820   Carpetbaggers

       3758   吴江梅 20 line  225          

270. 210200   Freedmem's Bureau

       8056   吴江梅 31 line   500       

271. 217200   Garfield, James Abram                                 Ohio

       8339   吴江梅 15 line  275    

272. 289580   Johnson, Andrew                                 N.C. Tenn.

      11222   吴江梅 18 line  210

273. 461540   Reconstruction

      18007   吴江梅 80 line  1,175         

274. 493600   Saclawags

      19150   吴江梅 16 line  275          

275. 593020   Washington, Treaty of

      22883   吴江梅 13 line  150     

Classification: History-United States/ 1877-1897

276. 023980   Anthony, Susan Brownell                        Mass. Woman

       0820   吴江梅 70 line (P) 1  1.075

277. 025120   Antitrust Laws

       0857   吴江梅 59 line  1.000           

278. 032240   Arthur, Chester Alan                               Vermont

       1125   吴江梅 12 line  250   

279. 070360   Borden, Lizzie                                 Mass. Woman

       2687   吴江梅 31 line (P)  425     

280. 119035   Cleveland, Grover                          New Jersey N.Y.

       4605   吴江梅 49 line  825 

281. 163990   Donnelly, Ignatius

       6324   吴江梅 15 line  275      

282. 218990   Gay Nineties

       8409   吴江梅 34 line  575

283. 247260   Harrison, Benjamin                                   U.S.

       9521   吴江梅 12 line  225           

284. 249240   Hayes, Rutherford Birchard                           Ohio

       9616   吴江梅 12 line  200         

285. 323840   Liliuokalani, Lydia Kamekeha

      12650   吴江梅 16 line  300    

286. 324660   Lincoln, Robert Todd

      12678   吴江梅 20 line (P) 1  250  

287. 421020   Pendleton, George Hunt

      16419   吴江梅 9 line  175 

288. 439780   Populism

      17188   吴江梅 72 line  1,225        

289. 506560   Sherman, John                                         Ohio

      19604   吴江梅 15 line  250 

290. 508420   Shoup, George Laird                            Idaho Penn.

      19670   吴江梅 11 line  200   

291. 533040   Stevenson

      20613   吴江梅 25 line  200        

292. 596870   Weed, Thulow                                      New York

      23011   吴江梅 10 line  175     

Classification: History-United States/ 1897-1921

293. 064205   Blatch, Harriot Eaton Stanton

       2444   吴江梅 33  line (P) 1  400

294. 080141   Bryan, William Jennings                         N.Y. Woman

       3101   吴江梅 24 line (P) 1  225 

295. 150940   Debs, Eugene Victor                                Indiana

       5837   吴江梅 30 line  575

296. 157120   Dewey, George                                      Vermont

       6076   吴江梅 43 line (P)  675      

297. 328681   Lodge, Henry Cabot                                   Mass.

      12839   吴江梅 16 line  300 

298. 351660   McKinley, William                                     Ohio

      13788   吴江梅 11 line  225      

299. 447320   Porgressive Movement

      17463   吴江梅 94 line  1,600         

301. 475020   Root, Elihu

      18515   吴江梅 29 line  475                               New York

302. 476840   Rough Ridgers

      18593   吴江梅 18 line  325          

303. 522920   Spanish-American War

      20250   吴江梅 173 line (P) 1 (M) 1  2,825   

305. 084380   Bush, Vannevar                                       Mass.

       3284   吴江梅 18 line  325

306. 093700   Capone, Al                                        Illinois

       3627   吴江梅 35 line (P) 1  500

308. 159000   Dillinger, John Herbert                         California

       6152   吴江梅 20 line 350                      

309. 191560   Farley, James Aloysius                             Indiana

       7403   吴江梅 16 line 300

311. 247042   Harriman, W. Averell                              New York

       9511   吴江梅 27 line  450   

313. 266320   Hull, Cordell                                        Tenn.

      10298   吴江梅 31 line  500   

316. 308400   La Guardello, Fiorello Henry                      New York

      12067   吴江梅 22 line (P) 1  250     

317. 354360   Mellon, Andrew Willian                               Penn.

      13875   吴江梅 23 line  400

319. 447360   Prohibition

      17464   吴江梅 198 line  (P) 1  3,125

320. 471280   Roaring Twenties

      18375   吴江梅 213 line (P) 3  2,500 

323. 496380   Scopes Trial 

      19233   吴江梅 33 line  550          

325. 549180   Teapot Dome

      21271   吴江梅 23 line  400 

Classification: History-United States/ 1945-1968

327. 085800   Byrnes, James Francis                      South Carilina

       3344   吴江梅 20 line  400

328. 213060   Fulgright, J. William                   Arkansas Missouri

       8176   吴江梅 23 line  325

329. 228120   Goldberg, Arthur Joseph                          Illionis

       8774   吴江梅 28 line (P) 1 325

330. 228780   Goldwater, Barry Morris                           Arizona

       8794   吴江梅 18 line  325

331. 257820   Hiss, Alger                                      Maryland

       9965   吴江梅 78 line  800

336. 319040   LeMay, Curtis Emerson                                Ohio

      12448   吴江梅 25 line  425       

337. 324990   Lindsay, John Vliet                              New York

      12699   吴江梅 26 line 450      

338. 328682   Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.                             Mass.

      12840   吴江梅 26 line  475     

339. 333240   Luce, Clare Boothe                         New York Woman

      13005   吴江梅 30 line  400    

342. 407660   Oswald, Lee Harvery                             Louisiana

      15896   吴江梅 48 line  785         

343. 475720   Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel                      New York

      18543   吴江梅 66 line (P) 1  825 

347. 591570   War Powers Resolution

      22836   吴江梅 27 line  450

348. 594770   Watergate 

      22933   吴江梅 163 line  2,675        


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