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黄安年文  黄安年2023311日发布(第32315篇)



    * 6:05-6:15pm, 给姚白辉打电话,他从刘太太那里知道我们在加州见到了刘祥夫妇,姚先生还特别提到办绿卡的好处,称对于年龄超过65岁的老年人的福利待遇会有利,因为美国的政策大体上会逐步放宽,在医疗上会提供某些方面。还说,如果办了绿卡,不想每年来一次美国,可以申请为两三年的回美卡。他以为我们去了加州就不回来了,十分欢迎我们去他们那里住几天。

    * 我们申请非移民延期半年,移民局收到延期申请的时间是210日,215日移民局开出收据通知,说通常在收到申请后的45-90天内会有结果的,这意味着,如果45天,应在330日发出通知,如果60天应在415日发出通知,如果要三个月后再发出通知,那也太官僚主义了。有关在没有接到移民局通知同意延期半年的情况下,能否合法继续在美国停留一段时间的说法不一, 有的说可以在三个月内继续停留而不算非法,有的说是一个月内,有的说,在此其间期间是不可出境后再入境的,总之拿不到正式通知是不踏实的。


2000年4月3日 (星期一)  阴历二月二十九,White Plains,阴,雅虎无预报


    9:00am,YE-Mail传给我的向National Committee on United States-China Relations申请的the Scholar Orientation ProgramStatement of Purpose。是331日下午用FAX发出的,全文如下,昨天袁清来电话还问及此事。

Statement of Purpose

March 31, 2000

I am a history professor in Beijing Normal University with 40 years teaching and research experiences.  My major research fields are concentrated on the American history and the 20th century world history. In early 90's, I focused more on the 20th century American history and world history. While since mid-90's, I put more emphasis on several special topics, such as American public social security system and policies, Contemporary world history, Contemporary American economic policies, American Studies in China, Contemporary western economic history, and related teaching methodology research. In recent year, my focal point is the economic modernization issues under globalization. I have many books and papers published in China related to the research topics mentioned above.

My wife and I came to New York to visit my daughter since October 1999. In the past half year, I spend most of my time in studying the dramatic changes brought by the Internet and information highway. The network economy in a new information era will not only change the US but also reshape the whole world. No doubt that the information technologies will have deep impacts on US social, economic, political, culture and many other aspects. It will be recognized as a great event in the world history. I spend a lot of time on surfing on the web, collecting materials & information and visiting as many as places and people in order to write a book on the new economic changes of US in the new Millennium.

I would like to take this opportunity of the Scholar Orientation Program to visit more cities, meet more friends and further under the US history. As I  recognized that Williansburg, Washington DC, Philadelphia and New York are not only the famous historical sites in the US history, but also the dynamic economic centers nowadays. In the same time of site seeing, I would like to meet more the people in the tour to discuss the common interested topics, maybe I can find a co-author for my new book.  I believe that the tour will be very helpful on my research and book writing, via the first hand experience I would like to bring back to Chinese people the more deep thoughts on history and more knowledge on the real life in the US.

I appreciate the opportunity the Association provide to us and would like to know whether it is possible to take my wife, Professor Lu QiXiang with me, who is also very interested in American history.  I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely your,

Annian Huang

Professor of History Department

Beijing Normal University

To:        Shenyu Belsky

       National Committee on United States-China Relations,

       71 West 23rd Street, 19th Floor,

       New York, NY 10010-4102

       Tel: (212)645-9677

From:     Annian Huang (Mr.)

       169 Chatterton Parkway

       White Plains, NY 10606

       Tel: (914)761-1040

       March 31, 2000

Dear Shenyu:

Here fax you my application for the Scholar Orientation Program. Thanks for the consideration.

Annian Huang

8:45am,建立来电话说,今天下午他和Alias飞日本, 412Alias回美国,建立去韩国,下旬回美国,5月初建立再去日本。

    6:05-6:15pm, 给姚白辉打电话,他从刘太太那里知道我们在加州见到了刘祥夫妇,姚先生还特别提到办绿卡的好处,称对于年龄超过65岁的老年人的福利待遇会有利,因为美国的政策大体上会逐步放宽,在医疗上会提供某些方面。还说,如果办了绿卡,不想每年来一次美国,可以申请为两三年的回美卡。他以为我们去了加州就不回来了,十分欢迎我们去他们那里住几天。

    9:20-9:40pm, 袁清来电话,说他和美中关系委员会的工作人员打电话,虽然报名截止日期是315,但是现在用电传过去还是可以接收的。他还谈到本月13-15日要来纽约参加一个有关民族主义的国际会议,会址在哥伦比亚大学的国际问题研究中心,但是他住在法拉盛的另一家。这次来哥大,他是在会议前两周订好的Greyhound长途车,从DaytonBoston只要69.00美元,他从Dayton先到费城(7:30am-8:00pm)住上一晚,第二天再去纽约,回去时则从波士顿乘火车到克利夫兰,然后由李华胄驱车去接他回Dayton


    我们申请非移民延期半年,移民局收到延期申请的时间是210日,215日移民局开出收据通知,说通常在收到申请后的45-90天内会有结果的,这意味着,如果45天,应在330日发出通知,如果60天应在415日发出通知,如果要三个月后再发出通知,那也太官僚主义了。有关在没有接到移民局通知同意延期半年的情况下,能否合法继续在美国停留一段时间的说法不一, 有的说可以在三个月内继续停留而不算非法,有的说是一个月内,有的说,在此其间期间是不可出境后再入境的,总之拿不到正式通知是不踏实的。



上一篇:1999.10.22-2000.7.04 美国之行记事 (旅游、走访)
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