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Design science: Textbook

已有 5321 次阅读 2011-3-24 13:21 |个人分类:研究|系统分类:科研笔记| research

1.1 What Is Design? – Different Perspectives . . . ........ 1
1.2 WhatIsResearch?........................ 2
1.3 Is Design a Science? ...................... 3
1.4 What Is Design Science Research? . . ............. 5
1.5 PlacingDSRinContext..................... 5
1.6 The Spectrum of IS DSR . . .................. 6
1.7 Difference Between Routine Design Practice and DSR .... 7
1.8 Conclusions ........................... 8
References ................................ 8

2 Design Science Research in Information Systems .......... 9
2.1 InformationSystemsResearch ................. 9
2.2 Summary of Hevner, March, Park, and Ram 2004 MISQ Paper 10
2.3 Impacts of 2004 MISQ Paper on Design Science Research . . 13
2.4 Extending the Reach of Design Science Research in IS .... 14
2.4.1 Design Science Research vs. Professional Design . 15
2.4.2 DesignasResearchvs.ResearchingDesign .... 15
2.4.3 Design Science Research Cycles . . ........ 16
2.4.4 A Checklist for Design Science Research . .... 19
2.4.5 Publication of Design Science Research . . .... 19
References ................................ 21

3 Design Science Research Frameworks ................ 23
3.1 Understanding the Natural and Artificial Worlds ........ 23
3.2 Toward a Theory of Complex Systems ............. 24
3.3 SystemsDevelopmentinInformationSystemsResearch.... 25
3.4 The General Design Cycle . .................. 26
3.5 ActionResearchFramework .................. 27
3.6 The Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) . .... 28
3.7 Concluding Thoughts ...................... 31
References ................................ 31

4 On Design Theory ........................... 33
4.1 What Is Theory? . . ....................... 33
4.2 Cycle of Theory Building . . .................. 34
4.2.1 Observation ..................... 34
4.2.2 Classification .................... 35
4.2.3 Defining Relationships . . ............. 35
4.2.4 Anomaly – Improving Descriptive Theory . .... 36
4.3 Transition to Normative Theory ................. 36
4.4 Taxonomy of Theory Types in Information Systems . . .... 37
4.5 Is Design Theory Possible? . .................. 38
4.5.1 Information Systems Design Theory ........ 39
4.5.2 Hooker’s View on Design Theory . . ........ 40
4.5.3 Toward the Anatomy of an IS Design Theory . . . 41
4.6 Conclusions ........................... 42
References ................................ 42

5 Twelve Theses on Design Science Research in Information
Systems ................................. 43
5.1 Introduction ........................... 43
5.2 Thesis1:ISIsanAppliedorPracticalDiscipline ....... 44
5.3 Thesis 2: Prescriptive Research Is an Essential Part of IS as an Applied or Practical Discipline........ 45
5.4 Thesis 3: The Design Science Activity of Building IT Artifacts Is an Important Part of Prescriptive Research in Information Systems ..................... 47
5.5 Thesis 4: The Primary Interest of IS Lies in IT Applications, and Therefore IS as a Design Science Should Be Based on a Sound Ontology of IT Artifacts and Especially of IT Applications . . . ............. 48
5.6 Thesis 5: IS as a Design Science Builds IT Meta-artifacts That Support the Development of Concrete IT Applications........................... 49
5.7 Thesis 6: Prescriptive Knowledge of IT Artifacts Forms a Knowledge Area of Its Own and Cannot Be Reduced to the Descriptive Knowledge of Theories and Empirical Regularities . .................. 50
5.8 Thesis 7: The Resulting IT Meta-artifacts Essentially Entail Design Product and Design Process Knowledge . .... 51
5.9 Thesis 8: The Term “Design Theory” Should Be Used Only When It Is Based on a Sound Kernel Theory . . . .... 52
5.10 Thesis 9: Constructive Research Methods Should Make the Process of Building IT Meta-artifacts Disciplined, Rigorous, and Transparent ............. 53
5.11 Thesis 10: Explication of the Practical Problems to Be Solved, the Existing Artifacts to Be Improved, the Analogies and Metaphors to Be Used, and/or the Kernel Theories to Be Applied Is Significant in Making the Building Process Disciplined, Rigorous, and Transparent . 55
5.12 Thesis 11: IS as a Design Science Cannot Be Value-Free, but It May Reflect Means-End, Interpretive, or Critical Orientation...................... 57
5.13 Thesis 12: The Values of Design Science Research Should Be Made as Explicit as Possible ............ 58
5.14 Conclusions and Final Comments . . ............. 58
References ................................ 60

6 A Science of Design for Software-Intensive Systems ......... 63
6.1 Science of Design Challenges .................. 63
6.2 Software-IntensiveSystems................... 65
6.3 Science of Design Principles .................. 66
6.4 CategoriesofSoftware-IntensiveSystemsPrinciples...... 68
6.5 A Proposed Research Vision .................. 69
6.6 SIS Scientific Theories . . . .................. 70
6.6.1 Software Design Theories . ............. 70
6.6.2 Dynamic System Theories ............. 71
6.6.3 Socio-economic Theories . ............. 72
6.6.4 Domain Theories .................. 72
6.7 SIS Engineering Activities . .................. 72
6.8 SISResearchProjectFramework................ 74
6.9 Intellectual Drivers for Science of Design in SIS Research . . 75
References ................................ 76

7 People and Design ........................... 79
7.1 DesigningforConsumers.................... 80
7.2 Practice of Ethnography in Design . . ............. 81
7.3 Reflection in Action (Schon’s View) . ............. 83
7.4 Designing for Scale – Google and People . . . ........ 83
References ................................ 86

8 Software Design: Past and Present .................. 87
8.1 ASoftwareDesignFramework................. 87
8.2 SoftwareArchitecture...................... 88
8.2.1 Manual Business Processes ............. 89
8.2.2 MainframeArchitectures .............. 89
8.2.3 Online,Real-TimeArchitectures .......... 89
8.2.4 Distributed, Client–Server Architectures . . .... 90
8.2.5 Component-Based Architectures . . ........ 91
8.2.6 Service-OrientedArchitectures........... 92
8.3 AlgorithmicDesign....................... 92
8.3.1 EarlyProgramDesign................ 93
8.3.2 StructuredProgramDesign............. 93
8.3.3 Recent Algorithm Design Paradigms ........ 94
8.3.4 Widely Used Programming Languages . . . .... 94
8.4 DataDesign........................... 95
8.4.1 Punched Card Data Management . . ........ 95
8.4.2 Computerized File Management . . ........ 95
8.4.3 OnlineDataProcessing............... 96
8.4.4 Relational Databases . . . ............. 97
8.4.5 Current Trends in Data Management ........ 97
8.5 Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) Design . . ........ 98
8.5.1 EarlyComputerInteractions ............ 98
8.5.2 Text-Based Command Interfaces . . ........ 98
8.5.3 TheWIMPInterface ................ 99
8.5.4 Current Trends in HCI . . ............. 99
8.6 Software Development Processes and Methods ........ 100
8.6.1 SoftwareDevelopmentProcesses.......... 101
8.6.2 Early Development Methods ............ 102
8.6.3 Object-Oriented Methods . ............. 102
8.6.4 Formal Development Methods . . . ........ 103
8.6.5 Component-Based Development (CBD) Methods . 103
8.6.6 Agile Development Methods ............ 104
8.6.7 Controlled-Flexible Development Methods . .... 104
References ................................ 105

9 Evaluation ................................ 109
9.1 WhatIsEvaluation?....................... 109
9.2 WhyDoWePerformEvaluations? ............... 110
9.3 Differing Perspectives of Stakeholders ............. 111
9.4 BasicStructureofEvaluationStudies.............. 112
9.5 The Art of Performance Evaluation . . ............. 113
9.6 Avoiding Common Mistakes in Performance Evaluation .... 115
9.7 Conducting an Objectivist Comparative Study – A Brief Example.......................... 115
9.8 Threats to Inference and Validity . . . ............. 118
9.9 Conclusions ........................... 119
References ................................ 119

10 The Use of Focus Groups in Design Science Research ........ 121
10.1 Introduction ........................... 121
10.2 Research Focus Groups . . . .................. 122
10.3 Adapting Focus Groups to Design Research . . ........ 124
10.3.1 FormulateResearchQuestionorProblem ..... 124
10.3.2 IdentifySampleFrame ............... 126
10.3.3 Number of Focus Groups . ............. 126
10.3.4 Number of Participants . . ............. 127
10.3.5 Participant Recruitment . . ............. 127
10.3.6 Identify Moderator ................. 128
10.3.7 DevelopandPre-testaQuestioningRoute ..... 128
10.3.8 Conduct the Focus Group . ............. 129
10.3.9 AnalyzeandInterpretData ............. 129
10.3.10 Report Results . . .................. 130
10.4 ADesignResearchExample .................. 130
10.4.1 ResearchContext .................. 131
10.4.2 Data Quality Metrics Description . . ........ 131
10.4.3 DesignResearchQuestions............. 133
10.4.4 IdentifySampleFrame ............... 133
10.4.5 Identify Moderator ................. 134
10.4.6 DevelopaQuestioningRoute............ 134
10.4.7 Recruit Participants ................. 134
10.4.8 Conduct Focus Groups . . ............. 135
10.4.9 AnalyzeandInterprettheData ........... 137
10.4.10 Report Results . . .................. 138
10.5 Limitations on the Use of Focus Groups for Design Research . 139
10.6 ClosingRemarks ........................ 140
References ................................ 141

11Design and Creativity ......................... 145
11.1 Creativity–WhatIsIt?..................... 145
11.2 GroupCreativity ........................ 147
11.3 Conceptual Blockbusting Theory . . . ............. 148
11.4 Experiential Learning ...................... 150
11.5 Creativity,Design,andIT.................... 150
11.6 CreativityandDesignintheAgeofVirtualWorlds ...... 152
11.7 DesigningVirtualWorlds.................... 153
11.8 Conclusion ........................... 154
References ................................ 155

12A Design Language for Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) . 157
12.1 ProblemStatement ....................... 157
12.2 Concept . ............................ 159
12.3 ArtifactConstruction ...................... 162
12.4 Knowledge Packet Generator .................. 162
12.5 Barriers ............................. 164
12.6 Value Accelerators ....................... 165
12.7 Receiver of Good Packets . . .................. 167
12.8 Evaluation Methodology: SME Model Instantiation Comparisons .......................... 167
12.9 Results.............................. 169
12.10 ContributiontoResearch .................... 174
12.11 Conclusion ........................... 175
References ................................ 176

13 On Integrating Action Research and Design Research ....... 179
13.1 Introduction ........................... 179
13.2 The Research Approaches . . .................. 180
13.2.1 DesignResearch................... 180
13.2.2 ActionResearch................... 182
13.3 Cross-ApplicationofCriteria.................. 183
13.3.1 Applying Action Research Criteria to a Design Research Exemplar........... 183
13.3.2 Applying Design Research Criteria to an Action Research Exemplar .......... 187
13.4 A Way Forward......................... 189
13.4.1 Adding “Reflection” to Augment Learning from Design Research................ 190
13.4.2 Concretizing Learning from Action Research by Adding“Build” ............ 191
13.4.3 Envisioning an Integrated Research Process .... 191
13.5 Conclusions ........................... 192
References ................................ 193

14 Design Science in the Management Disciplines ............ 195
14.1 Introduction ........................... 195
14.2 Design Concepts . ....................... 198
14.3 Design Science Research in Organizational Studies . . .... 200
14.4 Conclusions ........................... 204
References ................................ 205

15 Design Science Research in Information Systems: A Critical Realist Approach ............................ 209
15.1 Introduction ........................... 210
15.2 Why an Alternative Information Systems Design Science Research Approach? .................. 211
15.3 CriticalRealism......................... 214
15.4 A Critical Realist Approach for IS Design Science Research . 217
15.4.1 For Whom Should IS Design Science Research Produce Knowledge? . . . ........ 217
15.4.2 What Types of IS Design Knowledge Should IS Design Research Produce? ........ 218
15.4.3 Developing IS Design Knowledge . ........ 221
15.4.4 Examples of How to Develop IS Design Theories and Design Knowledge . . ........ 224
15.4.5 Design Theory #1: Developing a Design Theory for Turning KMS Use into Profit . . .... 224
15.4.6 Design Theory #2: Developing a Design Theory for Successful Use of e-Learning . . .... 226
15.4.7 Design Theory #3: Developing a Design Theory on How to Improve the Capability of IS Integration in M&As ............. 227
15.5 Conclusion ........................... 229
References ................................ 229

16 Design of Emerging Digital Services: A Taxonomy ......... 235
16.1 Introduction ........................... 235
16.2 ServiceVersusDigitalService ................. 237
16.3 ResearchObjectives....................... 238
16.4 Why Taxonomy? . ....................... 240
16.5 Grounding of the Taxonomy .................. 240
16.6 Fundamental Design Dimensions . . . ............. 241
16.6.1 ServiceDelivery................... 242
16.6.2 ServiceMaturity................... 243
16.6.3 Malleability . . . .................. 244
16.6.4 Pricing and Funding ................. 245
16.7 Fundamental Service Provider Objectives . . . ........ 247
16.7.1 BusinessObjective ................. 247
16.7.2 Technological Objectives . ............. 248
16.7.3 InteractionObjectives................ 248
16.8 Summary of the Taxonomy . .................. 249
16.9 Evaluation of the Taxonomy .................. 250
16.9.1 Salesforce.com ................... 250
16.9.2 Myspace.com . . .................. 251
16.9.3 Itunes.com ...................... 251
16.10 FutureResearchConsiderations ................ 251
References ................................ 252

17 Disseminating Design Science Research ............... 255
17.1 Academic Route – Conference and Journal Papers . . . .... 255
17.2 Funding to Support Your Design Research . . . ........ 257
17.3 Commercializing Your Ideas via Start-Ups . . . ........ 258
References ................................ 259

18 Design Science Research: Looking to the Future ........... 261
18.1 Introduction ........................... 261
18.2 Trend 1: Growing Number of IS Scholars Will Use Design as a Research Method.................. 262
18.3 Trend 2: Growing Number of Scholars Will Research Design . 262
18.4 Trend 3: A Small but Steady Number of Scholars Will Study Design Theory . .................. 263
18.5 Trend 4: An Uptake Is Expected in These Three IT Application Area Thereby Creating a Surge in the Need for Design Researchers .................. 263
18.5.1 HealthCareandIT ................. 263
18.5.2 Green Technology and Green IT . . ........ 264
18.5.3 GreenComputing.................. 266
18.5.4 Collaboration, Web 2.0, and Social Technologies . 267
References ................................ 267

Appendix A: Hevner, March, Park, and Ram 2004 MISQ Reprint ... 269
Appendix B: Exemplar Publications of Design Science Research
in Information Systems ......................... 301
Contributors ................................. 305
Index ..................................... 309

I have compressed the textbook. see in the attachment:
Service-Oriented Perspectives in Design Science Research - DESRIST 2011


Global Perspectives on Design Science Research_DESREST_2010.

Global Perspectives on Design Science Research_DESREST_2010.pdf




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