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选拔学术带头人10条建议 精选

已有 5390 次阅读 2015-3-22 16:24 |个人分类:自然科学|系统分类:海外观察




1.      Align needs of all areasof responsibility. 根据岗位需求

One of the main causes ofhiring failures is conflict between the expectations of the institutions involvedin the selection process — the hospital and the university. For example,hospital chief executives and boards may look for cost-effective or low-costmedicine, and welcome an obedient manager with modest expectations. Bycontrast, an ambitious university or medical school may welcome originalthinkers with initiative, attracting atypical researchers and grants tochallenge paradigms. Such institutions must discuss and agree theirexpectations.(研究机构重视原创思维,临床重视医疗能力,有时候不能兼顾)

2.      Screen search-committeemembers for conflicts of interest. 面试成员回避

This is the most commonsource of bias. It may lead to the exclusion of highly qualified individuals onthe basis of subjective and misleading criticisms. Any negative statementsabout a candidate should be made in writing to secure a measure ofaccountability.

3.      Articulate requirementsclearly in the job advertisement. 招聘广告需求清晰

Before candidates can beconsidered, the hiring committee must clearly state the standards required inclinical ability, research and teaching.

4.      Articulate the offerclearly. 给候选人提供清晰的职位背景和相关资源

Early in the hiringprocess, assess whether the resources of the institution and local conditionsmeet the ambition, motivation and other expectations of a potential candidate.

5.      Ensure accountability inthe selection process. 对选拔过程问责

The US academic systemusually gives full responsibility for the final choice to the dean of aninstitution. In most other parts of the world, it should be made clearer who thedecision-makers are.

6.      Publications and citationsare necessary but not sufficient. 论文和引用情况需要但不是唯一标准

Bibliometrics must beinterpreted with expertise — they can be gamed7. Measure research qualitativelyas well as quantitatively8. A portfolio of scientific activities should also berequired, showcasing the quality and continuity of a candidate's research.Evidence of networking activities and successful pupils should also be sought.

7.      Don't expect MBAs. 别指望MBA,要参考临床、学术和社会信誉度

Many academic centres hopefor recruits with a deep knowledge of management and an ability to controltight budgets, as well as requiring an outstanding researcher, clinician andeducator. They are hunting unicorns. More realistic is a chair with clinical,academic and social credentials, who can delegate work to business managerswith complementary skills.

8.      Seek strong emotional,personal and social skills. 情绪控制能力、人品和社交能力

Leaders need to be highlyintelligent in communication and relationship-building to support and motivateinterdisciplinary teams, convey integrity, adapt to change9 and to empathizewith patients. This feature cannot be compensated for by other qualities.People succeed when they treat the individuals around them well.

9.      Find someone with fire intheir belly and stoke it. 看重事业的人

Chairs need to be ready tofight for their academic mission and to identify strategies to minimize theadministrative burden imposed on them and their academic colleagues. Thepassion of a new chair should be maintained by academic freedom, goodinfrastructure and room for development. These factors are much more importantthan salary benefits in attracting — and keeping — highly qualifiedindividuals.

10.  Support your hire. 培养和支持

Even the best people needregular feedback, mentoring and development. Set up a process to do so.


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