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已有 7474 次阅读 2013-9-9 09:56 |个人分类:研究生培养|系统分类:论文交流


再生障碍性贫血(aplastic anemia,AA)简称再障,是一组骨髓造血组减少,造血功能衰竭,导致周围血全血细胞减少的综合病征。临床上常表现为较严重的贫血、出血和感染,甚至死亡。原发性再障中男性多于女性,青年多于老年。根据疾病变化速度和病情轻重,结合血象和骨髓象可将再障分为急性型和慢性型。若有致病原因如药物、化学品、辐射、感染为继发性。临床上骨髓穿刺及骨髓活检等检查用于确诊再障。再障罕有自愈者,一旦确诊,应积极治疗。





对于粒缺患者危及生命者可以输注白细胞,粒细胞输注辅助抗生素治疗可取得较好的疗效。造血生长因子仅使用G-CSF、EPO等造血生长因子对再障患者行促造血治疗,临床无显著效果,因此而延误免疫抑制治疗或骨髓移植等有效治疗手段很不值得。皮下注射G-CSF 5μg/kg/d,可能刺激骨髓中残留的粒细胞或者粒细胞的功能,但不推荐将GM-CSF应用于再障患者重症感染的治疗,因为其可能导致严重出血及其他严重毒性反应。G-CSF对造血干/祖细胞有动员作用,而造血细胞进入细胞周期后对免疫因素损伤敏感性增加,有鉴于此,长期大量使用G-CSF应在使用了足够的免疫抑制治疗的前提下。初步资料显示IST联合G-CSF或/和EPO治疗重型再障能够减少感染几率,最终提高生存率,值得进行多中心前瞻性对照研究。但是长期使用造血生长因子的安全性尚未建立。IL-11或TPO在再障患者中促进巨核细胞和血小板生长的作用仍有待证实。



Therapeutic Effects of Hydrogen-Rich Solution on Aplastic Anemia in Vivo. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2013 Aug 30;32(3):549-560.

Zhao S, Mei K, Qian L, Yang Y, Liu W, Huang Y, Zhang C, Sun X, Liu C, Li B, Gao

F, Cai J, Ni J.

Department of Radiation Medicine, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai,

PR China.

Background: Aplasitc anemia (AA) is a bone marrow failure syndrome characterized by an immune-mediated destruction of hematopoietic stem cells. Though clinical symptoms could be ameliorated by bone marrow transplantation and/or immunosuppressive therapy, frequent recurrence and especially evolution of clonal hematologic diseases remains problematic clinically. Cytokines such as interferon-γ (INF-γ), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) secreted by autologous T cells are closely related with the development of AA. Hydrogen-rich solution was reported to inhibit the levels of cytokines including INF-γ, TNF-α and IL-6 in vivo in recent studies. This study was to investigate the potential therapeutic effects of hydrogen-rich solution on AA in vivo. Methods: AA model was determined in vivo by mice and body weights of the mice were used as the basic physiological index. Peripheral blood cells were calculated to evaluate the hematologic recovery degree. Bone marrow nucleated cells (BMNCs), tissue histology, as well as CFU-S and CFU-GM forming units were used to evaluate the recovery of bone marrow microenvironment. The ratio of CD4+ and CD8+ cells were examined along with cytokine levels in serum to determine the efficacy of H2-rich solution on the affected immunological functions. Results: Body weight and number of peripheral blood cells were significantly improved for mice in the H2-rich solution treated groups as compared with those with AA. The number of BMNCs and CFUs increased markedly and the bone marrow microenvironment was also improved significantly. The experimental group restrained the cell apoptosis, relieved hyperemia and accelerated tissue repair. The number of CD4+ and CD8+ cells as well as the ratio of CD4/CD8 increased to normal gradually, while the levels of TNF-α, IFN-γ, and IL-6 in serum decreased after H2-rich solution treatment. Conclusion: Our study firstly showed that hydrogen-rich solution accelerated the recovery of either hematological or immunological recovery on aplastic anemia mice. This finding suggests hydrogen-rich solution as a potential clinical therapeutic agent for AA. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.




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