物理学家凯瑟琳B.格比(Katharine B. Gebbie)领导的实验室出过4个诺奖得主,但她今年8月17日去世,享年84岁。媒体介绍她的管理经验是“Get the best people, give them the resources they need, get out of their way. Part of ‘getting out of their way,’ was shielding her people from the rain of bureaucratic responsibilities that every large institution suffers.”(招到最好的人,给他们所需要的资源,不要挡他们的道。“不挡他们道”的部分,就是是为她的员工遮风挡雨,避免让他们遭受每一个大研究机构都有的官僚事务的侵扰。)
见:Katharine B. Gebbie, physicist who supervised four Nobel laureates, dies at 84
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