由《Gale Encyclopedia of Biography:Charles F. Richter》我们可以知道,里克特在地震学领域是当之无愧的开拓者和大师,他的著名并不是由文章,而是由他的两本教科书(Seismicity of the Earth、Elementary Seismology),这两本书在全世界影响范围之广、之长,是无法估量的。其贡献甚至超过了他发明的“里氏震级(Richter scale)”。(C. F. Richter was a pioneer in seismological research at a time when data on the size and location of earthquakes were scarce. He authored two textbooks that are still used as references in the field and are regarded by many scientists as his greatest contribution, exceeding the more popular Richter scale.)他之所以发表文章不多,可能与地震学当时并不完善有关。
1、里克特全身心贡献于地震学研究。他将地震仪安装在客厅,为的是在任何时间监测地震。而且媒体任何时间都可向他提问有关地震问题而不厌倦。(Devoted to his work all his life, Richter at one time had a seismograph installed in his living room, and he welcomed queries about earthquakes at all hours./ In the 1960s, Richter had a seismograph installed in his living room so that he could monitor quakes at any time. He draped the seismographic records - long rolls of paper covered with squiggly lines - over the backs of the living room chairs. (His wife, Richter maintained, considered the seismograph a conversation piece.) He would answer press queries at any hour of the night and never seemed tired of talking about his work. Sometimes he grew obsessive about speaking to the press; when a tremor happened during Caltech working hours, Richter made sure he would be the one answering calls - he put the lab's phone in his lap.)
2、里克特全身心投入于地震学研究,还在于他为了阅读各国语言原始论文,学习多种外语,而且很严肃对待他的工作。(Richter devoted his entire life to seismology. He even learned Russian, Italian, French, Spanish, and German, as well as a little Japanese, in order to read scientific papers in their original languages. His dedication to his work was complete; in fact, he became enraged at any slight on it.)
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