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MRS Communications -新杂志

已有 11100 次阅读 2012-11-14 08:10 |系统分类:博客资讯| 杂志


Published jointly by the Materials Research Society (MRS) and Cambridge University Press, MRS Communications offers a rapid but rigorous peer-review process and time to publication. An aggressive production schedule will bring your article to online publication and a global audience within 14 days of acceptance.

I am also pleased to announce the formation of the MRS Communications Advisory Board, comprised of an esteemed group of senior materials researchers. This Board, combined with the Founding Editorial Board, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise that sets MRS Communications apart from other letters journals in the field. (Founding Principal Editors and Advisory Board listed below.)

Manuscripts for MRS Communications are solicited in the following topical areas, although submissions that succinctly describe innovative work across the broad field of materials research are encouraged.

  • Biomaterials and biomimetic materials
  • Carbon-based materials
  • Complex oxides and their interfaces
  • Materials for energy storage, conversion and environmental remediation
  • Materials for nanophotonics and plasmonic devices
  • Theory and simulation of materials
  • Mechanical behavior at the nanoscale
  • Nanocrystal growth, structures and properties, including nanowires and nanotubes
  • Nanoscale semiconductors for new electronic and photonic applications
  • New materials synthesis, templating and assembly methods
  • New topics in metals, alloys and transformations
  • Novel and in-situ characterization methods
  • Novel catalysts and sensor materials
  • Organic and hybrid functional materials
  • Quantum matter
  • Surface, interface and length-scale effects on materials properties

Hosted on the cutting-edge Cambridge Journals Online (CJO) platform, the journal features a robust suite of author and reader services, as well as an immediate reader/subscriber base including almost 16,000 MRS members and over 2,500 academic, industrial and government libraries worldwide.

Major article types for MRS Communications include:

  • Research Letters
  • Ultra-Rapid Communications
  • Prospectives Articles
  • Editorials
  • Commentaries
  • Correspondence

Prospectives Articles are a unique feature of this journal, offering succinct and forward-looking reviews of topics of interest to a broad materials research readership. For more information about the journal and/or these major article types, visit www.mrs.org/mrc or email mrc@mrs.org.

I look forward to receiving your submission. For manuscript submission instructions, please visit www.mrs.org/mrc-instructions.


Peter Green
MRS Communications

Peter F. Green, University of Michigan, USA

Luca Dal Negro, Boston University, USA
Horacio Espinosa, Northwestern University, USA
Supratik Guha, IBM Research, USA
Dan Hancu, GE Global Research, USA
Kristi Kiick, University of Delaware, USA
Nicola Marzari, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Paul McIntyre, Stanford University, USA
Albert Salleo, Stanford University, USA
Alec Talin, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Nagarajan (Nagy) Valanoor, University of New South Wales, Australia

Kristi Anseth, University of Colorado, USA
A. Lindsay Greer, Cambridge University, United Kingdom
Howard E. Katz, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Nicholas A. Kotov, University of Michigan, USA
George Malliaras, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, France
Tobin Marks, Northwestern University, USA
Michael Nastasi, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
Linda F. Nazar, University of Waterloo, Canada
Ramamoorthy Ramesh, University of California, Berkley, USA
Henning Riechert, Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik, Germany
Thomas P. Russell, University of Massuchusetts, USA
Darrell G. Schlom, Cornell University, USA
James S. Speck, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA


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