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研究h指数(h-Index)应阅读的文献 精选

已有 13261 次阅读 2009-2-26 08:12 |个人分类:文献计量|系统分类:科研笔记

最近给两份期刊审稿时发现有些编辑同行试图就h指数进行综述,由于这些综述实在是不够全面和深入,因此我建议作者阅读更多的文献。相关的中文文献可在CNKI等数据库中检索,2007年以前的英文文献至少应参阅“Informetrics at the beginning of the 21st century—A review”(Bar-Ilan, J. Journal of Informetrics, 2008, 2: 1–52)一文中点评的相关文献。具体如下:


Hirsch, J. E. (2005). An index to quantify an individual’s scientific research output. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(46), 16569–16572


         Batista, P. D., Campiteli, M. G., Kinouchi, O., & Martinez, A. S. (2006). Is it possible to compare researchers with different scientific interests? Scientometrics, 68(1), 179–189

Gl¨anzel, W., & Persson, O. (2005). H-Index for price medalists. ISSI Newsletter, 1(4), 15–18.

Bar-Ilan, J. (2006). H-Index for Price medalists revisited. ISSI Newsletter, 2(1), 3–5

Cronin, B., & Meho, L. (2006). Using the h-index to rank influential information scientists. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(9), 1275–1278

Saad, G. (2006). Exploring the h-index at the author and journal levels using bibliometric data of productive consumer scholars and business-related journals respectively. Scientometrics, 69(1), 117–120

Bornmann, L., & Daniel, H. D. (2005). Does the h-index for ranking of scientists really work? Scientometrics, 65(3), 391–392


Braun, T., Gl¨anzel, W., & Schubert, A. (2005). A Hirsch-type index for journals. The Scientist, 19(22), 8

Braun, T., Gl¨anzel, W., & Schubert, A. (2006). A Hirsch-type index for journals. Scientometrics, 69(1), 169–173

van Raan, A. F. J. (2006). Comparison of the Hirsch-index with standard bibliometric indicators and with peer judgment for 147 chemistry research groups. Scientometrics, 67(3), 491–502

Banks, M. G. (2006). An extension of the Hirsch index—Indexing scientific topics and compounds. Scientometrics, 69(1), 161–168


Kelly, C. D., & Jennions, M. D. (2006). The h-index and career assessment by numbers. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 21(4), 167–170

Liang, L. (2006). H-Index sequence and h-index matrix: Constructions and applications. Scientometrics, 69(1), 163–169

Egghe, L., & Rousseau, R. (2006). An informetric model for the Hirsch-index. Scientometrics, 69(1), 1221–2129

Gl¨anzel,W. (2006). On the h-index—A mathematical approach to a new measure of publication activity and citation impact. Scientometrics, 67(2), 315–321

Batista, P. D., Campiteli, M. G., Kinouchi, O., & Martinez, A. S. (2006). Is it possible to compare researchers with different scientific interests? Scientometrics, 68(1), 179–189


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