1 Guoqiang Zhang, Suqi Cheng, and Guoqing Zhang, “LANC: locality aware network coding for better P2P traffic localization”, Computer Networks, available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2010.11.014
2 Guoqiang Zhang, Brono Quoitin, and Shi Zhou, “Phase changes in the evolution of the IPv4 and IPv6 AS-level Internet topologies”, Computer Communications, available online at doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2010.06.004, 2010.
3 Guoqiang Zhang, “link power coordination for energy conservation in complex communication networks”, Europhyics Letters(EPL),92, 28001, 2010.
5 Guoqiang Zhang, “Traversability of the graph space with given degree sequence under edge rewiring”, Electronics Letters, 46(5), 351-352, 2010.
6 Guoqiang Zhang and Guoqing Zhang, “Communication network designing: transmission capacity, cost and scalability”, Science in China series F, accepted.
7 Guoqing Zhang, Shi Zhou, Di Wang, Gang Yan, and Guoqiang Zhang “Enhancing Network Transmission Capacity by efficiently allocating node capability”, Physica A, 390: 387-391, 2011.
8 Mingdong Tang, Jing Yang, Guoqiang Zhang, and Guoqing Zhang, “Compact routing in Internet-like graphs with improved space-stretch tradeoff”, IEEE International Conference on Communications(ICC’10), 2010, South Africa.