FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS----------------------------------------------------------------------
PATRONPresident of the Portuguese RepublicORGANIZERSUniversity of Minho, PortugalAgência para a Modernização Administrativa, PortugalCenter for Electronic Governance, UNU-IIST, Macao SAR, China (Series Organizer)
PUBLICATIONSAccepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to bepublished by ACM Press (expected). Journal special issues and bestpaper awards are also expected.
First Submission Deadline - 1 June 2014
Notification Deadline - 1 August 2014
Final Submission Deadline - 1 September 2014
CONTACT Email: icegov@icegov.orgURL: www.icegov.org
As the post2015 United Nations development agenda to guide the worldcommunity in the pursuit of inclusive and sustainable development isshaping up, a broad agreement is emerging that accountable publicgovernance is a key enabler to such development, and that digitaltechnology, by empowering citizens with access to vast amounts ofgovernance- and policy-related data and the means to analyze andinterpret such data, is a key enabler to accountable publicgovernance.
The main purpose of ICEGOV2014 is to explore research andpolicy implications and discuss way forward for technology-enabled anddata-intensive public governance in the post-2015 world.The series of International Conferences on Theory and Practice ofElectronic Governance (ICEGOV) brings together governments, academia,the United Nations (UN) system and other international organizations,civil society and the private sector to share the insights andexperiences in theory and practice of Electronic Governance. ICEGOVpromotes interactions between different groups of stakeholders, frompolicy-makers, government officials and elected representatives, toresearchers, innovators and educators from developing and developedcountries, all sharing a common concern that public investment inInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) and ElectronicGovernance (EGOV) creates public value. ICEGOV creates a forum forsuch stakeholders to discuss effective ways to working together acrossthe national, thematic, development, political and other boarderstowards addressing this concern.
Following earlier conferences in Macao (ICEGOV2007), Cairo(ICEGOV2008), Bogota (ICEGOV2009), Beijing (ICEGOV2010), Tallinn(ICEGOV2011), Albany (ICEGOV2012) and Seoul (ICEGOV2013), the ICEGOVconference series has become a source of significant research andpolicy events, able to reach to global and multi-stakeholderaudiences. On average, every ICEGOV conference attracts 136submissions from 51 countries and is attended by over 400 participantsfrom more than 50 developed and developing countries includingrepresentatives from government (40%), academia (36%), industry andcivil society (14%), and international and UN system organizations(10%).----------------------------------------------------------------------
2. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS----------------------------------------------------------------------ICEGOV2014 invites submissions of original work, not published orconsidered for publication elsewhere. The papers can be submitted tosix specific tracks and the doctoral colloquium, as described below;papers can also be submitted to the conference without specifying thetrack. Program Chairs reserve the right to allocate or reallocatepapers to specific conference tracks or assign them to thematicsessions, created to highlight contributions to specialized or novelthemes.The six ICEGOV2014 tracks and the Doctoral Colloquium are:
TRACK 1: DATA FOR DEVELOPMENT – With new technologies facilitatingdata collection in various forms and for various purposes, how cangovernments and businesses profit from the availability of big andopen data? How can such data be effectively used in support of publicpolicy and development goals?Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:- Big Data- Big Data Analytics- Business Cloud- Decision Support Systems- e-Procurement- Geographical Information Systems- Infomediary Business Models- Innovative e-Business Models- Legal and Regulatory Compliance- Linked Data Assets- Open Data Communities- Open Data Ecosystems- Open Data Platforms- Open Government Data as a Market- Open Government Data as a Movement- Open Government Data as a Policy- Open Government Data as a Right- Open Government Data Initiatives- Open Government Data versus Open Government- Privacy, Security and Sensitive Data- Proactive Release of Government Data- Service Mashups- Supply, Demand and Value Chains
TRACK 2: CITIZEN EMPOWERMENT – Facing lack of capacity andconfidence in the ability of a centralized state to address complex,interconnected and often contradictory public needs, how can citizens,businesses and other non-state actors be more involved and empowered,particularly with data?Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:- Access and Accessibility- Citizen Co-Creation- Connected Governance- Contract Management- Crowd Sourcing- Digital Cities and Regions- Digital Divide and Digital Culture- e-Business Models for Social Entrepreneurship- e-Consultation- Education, Training and Digital Skills- Engaging Citizens via Social Media- Government as a Platform- ICT-Enabled Pursuit of Social Missions- Identity Management- Information Sharing- Managing Social Tensions with ICT- Online Conflict Resolution- Online Deliberation and Discourse- Participation 2.0- Participatory Governance- Smart Citizens, Smart Communities- Social Media and Government- Universal and Mobile Access
TRACK 3: ETHICS, ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY – Given generally lowlevels of trust by the public in the performance of governanceprocesses, how can ICT enable citizens to demand (and receive) highstandards of ethics, transparency and accountability from theirgovernments to bolster responsive public policy, ensure high levels ofpublic sector performance and prevent corruption?Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:- Accountability Frameworks- Digital Accountability and Transparency Acts- Expose, Investigate and Disseminate Services- e-Voting- ICT-driven Government Ethics- ICT-facilitated Accountability- ICT-facilitated Anti-Corruption Laws- ICT-facilitated Legislation for Transnational Investments/Procurements- Increasing Transparency through ICT- Internet Censorship- Law Compliance and Enforcement- Open Government- Social Responsibility- Transparency and Accountability- Transparency in International Aid- Transparency Metrics- Transparency versus Performance- Transparency versus Privacy- Trust and Confidence- Oversight Institutions- Oversight of Private Companies Involved in Service Delivery- Participation and Accountability
TRACK 4: POLICY INNOVATION AND DIGITAL SCIENCE – Policy-making and-implementation is fundamentally changing with the advancement of newdigital technologies including the availability of big data, dataanalytics and simulation, visualization and gaming technologies. Howcan ICT-enabled innovations in policy and governance be transferredand successfully adapted to local settings?Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:- Adaptive Policy- Comparative Research- e-Legislation- Incentive-based Policies- Internal Efficacy of Public Policies- New Policy Tools and Instruments- Open Innovation- Policy Modeling and Impact Assessment- Policy Modeling and Simulation- Policy Simulation- Public Sector Innovation- Public Sector Innovation Management- Public Sector Innovation Transfer- Serious Gaming and User Participation- Services Science- Technology Adoption and Diffusion- Visualization Methods and Tools
TRACK 5: ELECTRONIC GOVERNANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT –Electronic Governance has the potential to contribute to inclusive andequitable socio-economic development while protecting naturalresources for future generations. How can governments, supported byICT, work with citizens, businesses, academia and other non-stateactors to pursue rights-based, equitable and sustainable development?Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:- Access in Rural Areas- Adoption of Electronic Public Services- Community Development- Development Approaches- Emergency Assistance- Governance for Community Development- Green Government- Green Technology- Healthy Lifestyle Intervention- ICT against Exploitation and Marginalization- Impact Assessment of Electronic Governance- Inter-Generational Relationships- Modeling Life Settings and Life Scenarios- Monitoring of Chronic Diseases- Personal Activity Management- Public Services for Disabled People- Public Services for Rural Population- Public Services for Vulnerable Groups- Remote and Self Health Monitoring- Rural Government- Smart Homes- Stakeholder Engagement- Tele-Centers
TRACK 6: LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATION – Leadership is required to buildand manage ICT capabilities within a government organization and tostrategically align such capabilities with existing businessobjectives. How can government leaders manage and organize ICTcapabilities to deliver public value?Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:- Business Process Integration- Business Process Reengineering- Changes in Hiring Patterns of Government Workers- Chief Information Officer- Collaborative Government- Emergency and Disaster Response- Experience and Knowledge Sharing- Government Information Leadership- Human Resource Management- Interoperability- Knowledge Management in Government- Knowledge Retention- Lean Government- Mobile Government- Mobile Public Services- Performance Management- Public Value- Public-Private Partnerships- Regulatory Government- Re-organization of Government Functions- Sustainability of Electronic Government Initiatives- Technological Culture- Transformation and Change Management- Transformative Government
DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM – Submissions to the Doctoral Colloquium arewelcome from doctoral students who would like to present theirresearch work on any topic related to the theme of the conference.Each submission should explain the research problem addressed and whythe problem is important, the research questions pursued and theresearch methodology adopted to pursue them, what kind of scientificand technical challenges were encountered in the course of theresearch, and obtained or emerging research results. Presentation ofstudent work at the Doctoral Colloquium aims at providing feedbackfrom academic experts and building students’ peer-to-peer andprofessional networks.----------------------------------------------------------------------
3. SUBMISSION CATEGORIES----------------------------------------------------------------------Completed or ongoing work can be submitted as research papers,experience papers, poster papers or doctoral research papers:-
RESEARCH PAPERS – The papers that provide the results of complete orongoing research in one or more aspects of EGOV, with proven orpotential capability to advance the state of research in the field.Complete research papers are limited to 10 pages while ongoingresearch papers to 4 pages.-
EXPERIENCE PAPERS – The papers that describe completed or ongoinginnovations in EGOV practice or policy with proven or potentialcapability to advance the state of practice in the field includingcritical success factors and insights on the challenges encounteredand how they were or are addressed. Complete experience papers arelimited to 10 pages while ongoing experience papers to 4 pages.-
POSTER PAPERS – The papers that present new ideas and initiativeswith potential to advance the state of research and state of practicein the field. Poster papers are limited to 2 pages.-
DOCTORAL RESEARCH PAPERS – The papers submitted by doctoral studentsto describe their research related to the topics of the conference.Doctoral research papers are limited to 4 pages.----------------------------------------------------------------------
4. SUBMISSION PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Preparation – All papers should be written in English and preparedusing the Word templatehttp://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/pubform.doc within the pagelimits set for the corresponding submission categories: 10 pages forcompleted research or experience papers, 4 pages for ongoing researchor experience papers or for doctoral research papers, and 2 pages forposter papers.
2. Submission – All papers should be submitted without any means ofidentifying their authors throughhttp://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icegov2014 by the FirstSubmission Deadline.
3. Review – All submitted papers will undergo a double-blind review bythe Program Committee and the authors will be notified aboutacceptance or rejection decisions by the Notification Deadline.
4. Rights management – A right management form and completeinstructions how to fill it will be sent by the publisher to theauthors of accepted papers. After completing the form online, theauthors will be emailed a copy of the form and the correct rightsmanagement text to add to their papers.5. Revision – Accepted papers must be revised to address reviewercomments, to add author names and affiliations and to add the rightsmanagement text received above and resubmitted throughhttp://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icegov2014 by the FinalSubmission Deadline.----------------------------------------------------------------------
5. PUBLICATIONS AND AWARDS----------------------------------------------------------------------All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings on thecondition that at least one author registers before the AuthorRegistration Deadline and presents the accepted paper at theconference. As in previous years, electronic proceedings will bepublished by ACM Press (expected). In addition to conferenceproceedings, special journal issues with selected conference papersand best paper awards are planned.--
6. SCHOLARSHIPS-------------------Authors of accepted papers will be able to apply for scholarships topartially cover the costs of attending the conference (registration,accommodation or both), with preference given to the authors fromdeveloping countries. At most one application will be considered peraccepted paper.----------------------------------------------------------------------
7. PROGRAM----------------------------------------------------------------------Besides presentations of submitted work – research papers, experiencepapers, poster papers and doctoral research work, the program willinclude Keynote Lectures, Thematic Sessions, Invited Sessions and TownHall Debates, as well as social events for networking and communitybuilding.----------------------------------------------------------------------
8. IMPORTANT DATES----------------------------------------------------------------------
First Submission Deadline - 1 June 2014
Notification Deadline - 1 August 2014
Final Submission Deadline - 1 September 2014
Author Registration Deadline - 1 September 2014
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