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Arthur Jeffrey Dempster登普斯特——第一台现代质谱仪发明者

已有 1914 次阅读 2024-2-16 10:18 |系统分类:人物纪事


Arthur Jeffrey Dempster,1886年8月14日出生于加拿大的安大略省多伦多市,是一位杰出的美国物理学家,以其发明世界第一台质谱仪而闻名于世。这位科学巨匠于1950年3月11日在佛罗里达州斯图尔特逝世,享年63岁。



1936年,Dempster携手美国科学家Kenneth T. Bainbridge以及奥地利科学家J.H.E. Mattauch共同研发出双聚焦型质谱仪,这是一种能更精准测量原子核质量的设备,极大地推动了核物理学的发展。


综上所述,Arthur Jeffrey Dempster不仅是一位杰出的科学家,更是质谱学领域的先驱者,他的贡献在科学技术史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。

参考资料:大英百科全书 https://www.britannica.com/biography/Arthur-Jeffrey-Dempster


Arthur Jeffrey Dempster (born Aug. 14, 1886, Toronto, Ont., Can.—died March 11, 1950, Stuart, Fla., U.S.) American physicist who built the first mass spectrometer, a device used to separate and measure the quantities of different charged particles, such as atomic nuclei or molecular fragments.

Dempster was educated at the University of Toronto (A.B., 1909; M.A., 1910) and then studied in Germany. He went to the United States in 1914 and obtained his doctorate in physics at the University of Chicago in 1916. He built his first mass spectrometer in 1918, and he began teaching at the University of Chicago in 1919. In 1936, with Kenneth T. Bainbridge of the United States and J.H.E. Mattauch of Austria, he developed a double-focusing type of mass spectrograph, a device used to measure the mass of atomic nuclei. Dempster devoted much of his career almost exclusively to a single task—that of using mass spectrometry techniques to discover stable isotopes of the chemical elements and their relative abundances. He discovered more such isotopes than anyone except Francis William Aston, the inventor of the mass spectrograph. Dempster discovered the isotope uranium-235, which is used in atomic bombs.


上一篇:阿瑟·杰弗里·登普斯特(Arthur Jeffrey Dempster)—第一台现代质谱仪的开发者(附 PDF 下载)
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