

导师和学生的理想关系 --- 参加ACS fall meeting有感

已有 2407 次阅读 2023-8-24 06:54 |系统分类:海外观察


去年的8月份(2022年),有幸参加了ACS fall meeting 中的special symposium。该会议核心是Peter Stair教授,准确是说他的退休大会。参会者主要是和peter stair教授有过合作的老师学生,国内参会的有李灿老师,junling lu 老师等。

表面模型催化在LBNL 现在是越来越弱了,Miquel Salmeron教授说我走了之后,组里固气界面课题就停了。 mqiuel是NAPXPS的主要发明人,有很多工作在surface science/physics 领域现在都有很多人追踪, 但是没有办法,时代过去了。虽然我们做模型催化的,总是在努力地传达表面科学研究得到的一些重要看法,但是说实在,从事粉末催化的,基本上也都不在乎。Gabor somorjai 教授 退休之后,Miquel 可能干个两年也就退休了,然后可能就没有然后了。说实在,我自己就是一个小小人物(LBNL最卑微的博后),但是想起peter stair 教授也是从伯克利出来的(博士导师就是Gabor),我们最好有人参加,我就提交了一个abstract,委员会审了之后给了一个15min的oral。

虽然我们科学温故社公众号先前也推送过Peter Stair教授的几篇science 工作, 知道他是做ALD的, 也曾经听说过他是李灿老师在国外留学的指导老师,但是除此之外就知道比较少。于是在会议正式开始前的几天,在某视频网站上很偶然的机会,看到了peter stair教授在1996年的催化会议上的一个talk,听完之后,受到了很多鼓舞,特写此小短文,与读者分享,虽然已经过去了几个月,但是还是记忆犹新。

这个talk的视频链接放在文章的最后,写的现在也不知道能不能上传到微信公众号上,如果不行, 感兴趣的可以联系小编,我可以直接转发。 这个视频的版权在“Video History of Catalysis”。

这个报告peter stair 教授围绕课题组里是怎么开始研究紫外拉曼研究展开的。大致的意思是先前的可见光拉曼光谱都会有一个很宽的荧光背景,很多信号都湮没了。当时主要的解决方案是将光源波长往远红外挪动,从而避开可见光波段的荧光信号。Peter Stair 教授另辟蹊径,尝试了使用紫外波段的光作为激发光源。他在这个报道中好像提到了西北大学有一个课题组正好可以提供紫外光源,同时他的一个博士又很懂UV optics,成功地将这样的紫外光源应用到拉曼研究中,取得了初步的成果(仪器搭好了好几年,也有了seed funding,具体做什么可能还是不明朗)。



“At the same time, in 1994, there was a visiting scholar from China, who was working with Harold core (没听清是哪个教授…) who asked me if there was any possibility that I could support him for an extra year so he can stay here and try this experiment. So we wrote a prf proposal together and it was funded and so he was able to work with me in 1995 and he is actually stayed on and will finally go back to China after an international meeting in June.  It is Li’s idea and it was actually his idea put forth in the prf proposal that we really should do is we should try to use this technique to look at deeply colored materials. His comment was that if we can look at black catalyst, people will be interested. He asked me if I could get a hold of some black catalyst so I called my friend Franco at Ameco(一个公司? 没听清) if he has black catalyst. Franco said, we have lot of black catalyst, which you want.”





最后致谢的时候peter stair教授的emotion了,也知道这个中国学者是谁:


“Some acknowledge of the people that really did the work. I cannot say good enough things about Can(peter stair 读音是“kan”) Li. Can Li is a full professor at Dalian institute of chemical physics in China. He is a youngest full professor ever in china academy system. He is one of the best scientists in China. I just really fortunate that he happened to be northwestern (university) and that we were able to, I was able to support him for an extra year. He has been delighted I have never seen anybody more exciting (than him). He would call me, the first time he got the Raman spectra of coke, he called me at eleven thirty at night at home as he was so excited, of course, he got me so excited and I could not go to sleep after that. But it is a really wonderful experience to work with someone like him. ‘’

整个报告听下来很意外一个老师如此在一个国际的会议上盛赞自己的一个指导的学生(或者李老师的身份,合作者更恰当)。当然,首先国外的导师和学生的关系可能比较平等些,交流起来更像是朋友给出些意见。其次,李老师的加入确实带火了紫外拉曼的研究,很多催化上的问题得以解决。学生和导师,应该是彼此相吸和相惜的(可能是千里马和伯乐的关系)。我和miquel也讲了这个视频的事情(他和peter 也比较熟,应该是他跟gabor读博后的时候,peter是博士研究生)也私下问过miquel,他有没有遇到过这样的学生。他提到了几个,身边认识的就是frank,一个人靠一个免费的软件,计算lens中的电子运动轨迹,然后改进了NAPXPS的设计,最终造福了整个community。有个不认识的是一个学生,后来去了google,发了财,在STM 没有商品话的时候,他们自己从0开始搭建STM, 自己写code,采数据,后来这套东西RHK商业化了。



下一篇:洒满旧日的阳光 --- 回忆自己的父母
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