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Dare to Challenge Einstein by Using a Spring?

已有 1693 次阅读 2020-11-2 02:25 |个人分类:分享思考|系统分类:科研笔记


Dare to Challenge Einstein by Using a Spring?

Wenzhong Zhang

      One spring many years ago, as a primary school student, I was fascinated by the story of Newton’s apple when I first heard it from one of my schoolteachers. I was amazed by Newton’s inquisitiveness as to why the apple should always descend perpendicularly to the ground. Moreover, I was curious about the way in which the falling of the apple had led Newton to the great discovery of Universal Gravity. Meanwhile, I was equally impressed by Newton’s famous sayings: “I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”, and “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants”.

       It was no surprise, then, physics became the subject of my choice for undergraduate study. Whilst still an undergraduate, I wrote my first article on the mechanism of superconductivity, using some of the basic laws of quantum mechanics and some relations based on published experimental findings. I believe that it is the orderly coupling movement of the pairs of free electrons and holes near the Fermi level in the opposite direction, which causes the superconductivity. Superconductivity can only happen when the energy gap between the free electrons and the holes near the Fermi level is low enough, thus reaching a critical value to enable the coupling movement to happen. The energy quanta from the surroundings should be low enough hence not to break the orderly coupling movement. The relationship between the critical value of the energy gap near the Fermi level and the critical temperature of the superconductivity is explained quantitatively. Encouraged by several of my university teachers and I had tried to submit the article to a dozen journals, but all of them rejected it. I realized that it is impossible to challenge an established theory as famous as the Nobel prize-winning BCS theory, or even simply to propose an alternative one at a primitive stage as an undergraduate student.

      I grew up in the countryside in China. The countryside was generally much poorer than the city, the reason being known as “price scissors”, and a once long-held policy to support the industrialization in China. It was tough for a family in the countryside to support a university student living in a large city. I tried to work outside lecture time to support myself and decided to find a job immediately after graduation. My teachers recommended that I go to Beijing to do research on nuclear technologies, so I could earn not only a salary but also a radioactive allowance, then I would be able to support my family in financial difficulty. Since then I have remained in the nuclear sector, although I moved from Beijing to the UK—Isaac Newton’s Country, first studying under a University Scholarship then working.

      In 2016, I was keen to develop a better understanding of the behaviour of fatigue through analysing a simple harmonic oscillator (a spring) model as a senior engineer of materials, some progress had been made. Whilst I contemplated the behaviour of springs, I suddenly realized that there are some imperfections of ideal approximations and ad hoc assumptions inside the foundation theories of physics. Since then, I have devoted most of my weekends and holidays, in the hope of advancing the foundation theories of physics and realizing my childhood dream. I am very grateful and excited about the progress made from inspiration and through hard work. At the beginning of 2018, I wrote my first article about the origin of the Planck constant [1] and a second article about the origin of the Hubble constant [2]. Early in 2019, I wrote my third article about the origin of the Universal Gravity, furthermore, the generalised Law of the Universal Gravity, Tully-Fisher relation and the Modified Newtonian Dynamics relation and acceleration were derived quantitatively [3,4]. All my articles stemmed from the analysing of the behaviours and properties of springs with original thinking. The origin of the Universal Gravity is discovered quantitatively.

       During the Christmas holiday of 2020, the capability of a photon travelling at the speed of light in space with friction has been theoretically verified [5], the temperature and the spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation are calculated accurately. As a furloughed employee during the lockdown, I am grateful that after hard working over two months, an integrated theory of the Super photon theory is developed quantitatively together with the pioneered application of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem and concrete pieces of supportive evidence are found through a thorough literature survey. A radical new direction with clearly defined physics theorems and simple frames of mathematics is discovered for further advancement of the foundation theory of physics[6-8]. If following this direction, more people will be able to make further exciting achievements. Although my theory is still in the stage of infancy, it has a huge potential to be further developed to explain physical phenomena that have plagued the physical world for many years through further advancing the understanding of the interacting and recirculating of photons, neutrinos, cosmic rays and all sorts of concrete particles immersed in the ocean of photons quantitatively. It will also be able to help in understanding the mechanism of the nucleosynthesis and the stability of fundamental particles and elements, predicting the relative abundance of the elements in the Universe [7, 8]. It may benefit the design and development of nuclear fusion technology and other innovative technologies.

      I have attempted to submit my articles in different titles and combinations of contents to over twenty mainstream journals over the past three years; however, my articles were rejected repeatedly. The main reason is that it conflicts with Einstein’s theories of relativity and the standard model of the Cosmology of Big Bang. Einstein’s theories of relativity and the Cosmology of Big Bang are theories based on ideal approximations and ad hoc assumptions and there is no perfect theory. If everyone is confined by Einstein’s concepts, how could the foundation theory of physics be advanced? I posted my articles on Research Gate and science net, which attracted thousands of readers and a lot of kind encouragement. Several astronomers who are brave to against the Cosmology of Big Bang as the dominated mainstream theory have started to endorse my work. Please read my recent updated reports by clicking the following links and have your say, your advice is warmly welcomed:

  1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341883206_A_profound_advance_in_the_understanding_of_photons_the_foundation_theory_of_physics_and_astronomical_observations

  2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340082009_The_Origin_of_the_Cosmic_Background_Microwave_Radiation_the_Cosmic_Redshift_the_Hubble_Constant_and_the_Universal_Gravity

  3. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340646677_Insights_into_The_Planck_Constant_the_Conservation_of_Angular_Momentum_and_the_Property_of_Photons

      I am not in the circle of physicists; I have been discouraged by the relentless rejections from the mainstream journals, is there still a possibility that an article with original thinking and in conflict with the mainstream theories could ever be published? The proposed cosmology of dynamic circulation of energy and mass with fluctuations to replace the Big Bang Cosmology is as difficult and as great as historically the Sun as the centre of the Universe replacing the Earth as the centre of the Universe.

       Despite the various hardships that I have endured, I remain hopeful that certain organizations and friends with great insights will recognize the value of my work, and if you do, please voice, or offer your kind help and support. I hope that the progress I have made may become known and inspire more friends to join and make further exciting advancements together. A new era of physics is coming. I believe that the spring of the new era of physics has already emerged. This has been manifested from the discovery of the amazing links between oscillating springs and our mysterious Universe and the pioneered application of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, a strong challenge towards the mainstream of modern theoretical physics to develop a new paradigm for overcoming the limitations of Einstein’s theories of relativity and modern theoretical physics [1-8]. There is a wide and bright window, which is open for vast opportunities of new research directions and frontiers in physics and science, and in turn, many opportunities for applications in technology and engineering are likely to follow.


1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327321921_Our_Harmonic_and_Entangled_World_Part_1_Planck's_Constant_the_Property_and_Propagation_of_Photons

2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328049503_Our_Harmonic_and_Entangled_World_Part_2_Discovering_the_Super_Photon_and_Several_Mysteries_of_Our_Universe

3. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330638885_The_Cosmological_Insight_into_the_Physical_Origin_of_Hubble_Constant_Universal_Gravity_and_the_Rotation_of_Galaxies

4. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332253104_Our_Harmonic_and_Entangled_Universe_Part_III_The_Cosmological_Insight_into_the_Physical_Origin_of_Universal_Gravity_and_the_Rotation_of_Galaxies

5. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337683010_The_Theory_of_Super_Photon_and_the_Cosmological_Insight_into_the_Physical_Origin_of_the_Hubble_Constant_and_the_Universal_Gravity

6. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340082009_The_Origin_of_the_Cosmic_Background_Microwave_Radiation_the_Cosmic_Redshift_the_Hubble_Constant_and_the_Universal_Gravity

7. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341883206_A_profound_advance_in_the_understanding_of_photons_the_foundation_theory_of_physics_and_astronomical_observations

8. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341883466_The_BoseEinstein_Condensation_and_Dynamic_Circulation_of_Photons


下一篇:Is there a direction for advancing General Relativity?
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