想象一下,当您满怀期待地打开审稿意见,结果 Reviewer 2 只留了一句话:
This manuscript has many serious issues that need to be considered.
尽管 Reviewer 2 的意见过于简单,但并不意味着它没有价值。作为作者,我们可以从以下几个角度推测问题所在:
若 Reviewer 1 和 Reviewer 3 提出了具体改进建议(如“数据分析不够充分”或“讨论部分缺乏对比”),很可能 Reviewer 2 也是对此不满意。
策略:可以基于其他审稿人的意见主动修改,并在回复 Reviewer 2 时强调这些改进。
Reviewer 2 提到“serious issues”,但究竟哪些问题算“严重”?可以从以下方面进行自查:
逻辑结构是否清晰? 有没有前后矛盾、缺乏连贯性的部分?
数据分析是否充分? 是否有结论缺乏足够数据支持的情况?
方法描述是否详尽? 研究方法是否能让同行复现?
语言表达是否专业? 论文是否存在歧义、不流畅的表达?
如果 Reviewer 2 的意见确实过于笼统,影响论文修改,可以礼貌地向编辑询问是否能提供更详细的反馈。但注意措辞,应表达改进意愿,而非直接质疑审稿人。
Dear Reviewer 2,
Thank you for your time and effort in reviewing our manuscript. We appreciate your feedback and understand that you found several serious issues that need to be considered. While no specific details were provided, we have carefully reviewed our paper and made substantial revisions to improve its clarity, rigor, and overall quality.
In particular, we have made the following major modifications:
1. Introduction & Background: We refined the introduction to better highlight the research gap and the motivation of our study (Pages X–Y).
2. Methodology: Additional details on [specific methods] have been provided for better clarity and reproducibility (Pages X–Y).
3. Results & Discussion: We improved result interpretation, added comparative discussions, and addressed potential limitations (Pages X–Y).
4. Language & Formatting: The manuscript has been thoroughly revised for grammatical correctness and academic clarity.
We hope these revisions address your concerns. If there are any specific issues requiring further attention, we would greatly appreciate your guidance.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
Dear Editor,
Thank you for the opportunity to revise our manuscript. We have carefully revised the manuscript based on all comments. However, we noticed that Reviewer 2 provided a general comment stating that our manuscript has “many serious issues” without specifying details.
While we have thoroughly reviewed and improved our paper in several aspects—including methodology, discussion, and language—we would appreciate any additional guidance to ensure our revisions fully address the reviewer’s concerns. Please let us know if any further clarification can be provided.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
1. 保持礼貌和专业态度:无论意见是否具体,都要展现科研素养和对论文质量的重视。
2. 主动自查并补充修改:即使审稿人未明确指出问题,也要主动改进论文的关键环节。
3. 提供修改对照表:列出具体修改点,让审稿人清晰看到论文的提升。
4. 避免质疑审稿人:如果需要请求进一步说明,建议使用“希望获得更详细的指导”而非“审稿意见过于笼统”等措辞。
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