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Plant Physiology:赤霉素作用于高山南芥春化过程中的成花诱导

已有 2943 次阅读 2019-5-17 16:02 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Gibberellins act downstream of Arabis PERPETUAL FLOWERING 1 to accelerate floral induction during vernalization

First author: Vicky Tilmes; Affiliations: Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (马克斯普朗克植物育种研究所): Cologne, Germany

Corresponding author: George Coupland

Regulation of flowering by endogenous and environmental signals ensures that reproduction occurs under optimal conditions to maximize reproductive success. Involvement of the growth regulator gibberellin (GA) in the control of flowering by environmental cues varies among species. Arabis alpina Pajares, a model-perennial member of the Brassicaceae, only undergoes floral induction during vernalization, allowing definition of the role of GA specifically in this process. The transcription factor PERPETUAL FLOWERING 1 (PEP1) represses flowering until its mRNA levels are reduced during vernalization. Genome-wide analyses of PEP1 targets identified genes involved in GA metabolism and signaling, and many of the binding sites in these genes were specific to the A. alpina lineage. Here, we show that the pep1 mutant exhibits an elongated-stem phenotype, similar to that caused by treatment with exogenous GA, consistent with PEP1 repressing GA responses. Moreover, in comparison to the wild type, the pep1 mutant contains higher GA4 levels and is more sensitive to GA prior to vernalization. Upon exposure to cold temperatures, GA levels fall to low levels in the pep1 mutant and in wild-type plants, but GA still promotes floral induction and the transcription of floral meristem identity genes during vernalization. Reducing GA levels strongly impairs flowering and inflorescence development in response to short vernalization treatments, but longer treatments overcome the requirement for GA. Thus, GA accelerates the floral transition during vernalization in A. alpina, the downregulation of PEP1 likely increases GA sensitivity, and GA responses contribute to determining the length of vernalization required for flowering and reproduction.


通讯George Couplandhttps://www.mpipz.mpg.de/14666/Curriculum_Vitae



doi: https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.19.00021

Journal: Plant Physiology

First Published: May 16, 2019


上一篇:Nature Genetics:番茄泛基因组
下一篇:Science Advance:拟南芥R环“读取”蛋白
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