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Science Advances:植物-草食动物-拟寄生物三者相互作用机制

已有 5246 次阅读 2018-5-20 13:04 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

An herbivore-induced plant volatile reduces parasitoid attraction by changing the smell of caterpillars

First author: Meng Ye; Affiliations: University of Bern (伯尔尼大学): Bern, Switzerland

Corresponding author: Matthias Erb

Herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs; 食草动物诱导的植物挥发物) can mediate tritrophic interactions by attracting natural enemies of insect herbivores such as predators (食肉动物) and parasitoids (拟寄生物). Whether HIPVs can also mediate tritrophic interactions by influencing the attractiveness of the herbivores themselves remains unknown. We explored this question by studying the role of indole (吲哚), a common HIPV in the plant kingdom. We found that herbivory-induced indole increases the recruitment of the solitary endoparasitoid Microplitis rufiventris (红腹侧沟茧蜂) to maize plants that are induced by Spodoptera littoralis caterpillars (棉叶夜蛾毛虫). Surprisingly, however, indole reduces parasitoid recruitment when the caterpillars themselves are present on the plants. Further experiments revealed that indole exposure renders S. littoralis caterpillars unattractive to M. rufiventris, leading to an overall reduction in attractiveness of plant-herbivore complexes. Furthermore, indole increases S. littoralis resistance and decreases M. rufiventris parasitization success. S. littoralis caterpillars are repelled (排斥) by indole in the absence of M. rufiventris but specifically stop avoiding the volatile in the presence of the parasitoid. Our study shows how an HIPV can undermine tritrophic interactions by reducing the suitability and attractiveness of caterpillars to parasitoids.


通讯:Matthias Erb (http://www.ips.unibe.ch/aboutus/personen/interactions/prof_dr_erb_matthias/index_eng.html)

doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aar4767

Journal: Science Advances

Published date: 16 May, 2018

(P.S. 原文下载:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qFiSsqwlF_7JjmGMbedfhQ  密码:dmu6)


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