Reaching out across the Web .. ...分享 Zuojun Yu, physical oceanographer, freelance English editor


A letter to the IRS

已有 2339 次阅读 2011-3-18 11:49 |个人分类:From the U.S.|系统分类:海外观察| IRS

Dear US tax collector,

You should be punished for wasting paper (which pollutes the Earth), wasting stamp (which wastes US taxpayers' money), and wasting my time (ok, that's nothing to you but valuable to me). You cashed my check for last year's unpaid tax on March 2nd, and you sent me a letter, dated on March 14th, asking me to pay the same amount (and having scared the living soul out of me).

I hope you lose your job soon!

A mad-as-hell taxpayer

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1 王晓明

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