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Follow me:每天冥想12 分钟(第二周)

已有 1915 次阅读 2022-9-26 07:33 |个人分类:Health & Health-Care System|系统分类:科普集锦


每天冥想12 分钟,可以改变你的人生(观)。 

每天冥想12 分钟(第一周):



What to Focus On This Week 

The target of your attention in this week’s practice is body sensations. The workout is not only keeping the flashlight steady, but also moving it—your focus becomes something you smoothly sweep through the body. Notice that this week’s schedule is still asking you to continue with your basic Find Your Flashlight practice, every other day. What we’ve found through our work with various cohorts is that interleaving the practices in this way is the most effective way to build that core attentional strength. 



在本周的练习中,你关注的目标是身体感觉。冥想锻炼不仅要保持注意力稳定,还要学会“掌控注意力”——你的注意力会变成你的工具,用来 “扫描”自己的身体。请注意,每隔一天,你依然继续进行基本的“集中注意力”练习(即第一周的练习)。我们通过与参加研究的几组人员的合作发现,以这种方式交错练习是建立核心注意力的最有效方式。


Find Your Flashlight is going to be a lifelong practice—you don’t “progress” past it. You keep expanding this practice—noticing more-nuanced changes in your moment-to-moment experience; the arising of an emotion, sensation, or thought; the urge to shift away; the feeling of returning back. The granularity will also increase the more you practice. It will strengthen your capacity to perform and benefit from the other practices as well; meanwhile, the other practices will inform this one. You may feel more moments of insight—aha! moments when you suddenly feel a sense of knowing, understanding, or perceiving something that had previously eluded you. This could be about a mental habit you have, or achallenge in a relationship, or a more fundamental understanding of the nature of things (for example, impermanence and interdependence). 



What Week Two Might Feel Like 

Be aware that when you introduce the Body Scan, you may notice more pain and discomfort in the body. This can seem like a downside at first, and in fact we wondered exactly this with soldiers: Why do we want to make them more aware of discomfort and pain when they have to go out and experience it? But more knowledge of the body translates into greater capacity to act to intervene with anything you notice going on. (Foot pain, when attended to, could signal a soldier to notice that she needs more padding in her boot. This can be the difference between completing a fifty-mile hike successfully versus spraining her foot.) You will also notice that your story about the pain may keep the pain around for longer or with more intensity. You’ll be able to parse the monolithic experience of pain, separating it into undulating shifts of sensations—tightening, piercing, warmth, and so on. The pain will begin to be seen as more of a constellation, and the stories about physical sensations may quiet, as you notice the mind-wandering and return back to the raw data of the physical sensations. 


请注意,当你开始做“自身扫描”时,你可能会注意到身体有更多的疼痛和不适。起初一看,这似乎是个不利因素;事实上,我们当时对参加研究的军人出现这些感觉也很疑惑:为什么我们要让他们在即将外出执行任务、体验疼痛时,更能感觉到不适和疼痛?但是对身体的更多了解,会转化为更大的能力来干预你注意到的任何事情。(当足部疼痛得到重视时,这位士兵会注意到她的靴子需要更厚一点的鞋垫。这可能是成功完成 50 英里远足与扭伤脚之间的区别。)你还会注意到你的这种疼痛感觉,可能会使疼痛本身持续更长时间或更强烈。你将能够把单一的疼痛体验,分解为起伏的变化——紧绷、刺痛、发热等等。这种疼痛感觉在你的眼里,将慢慢地被视为一个“系统”;当你意识到自己的注意力转移、然后又返回到身体的疼痛状态,你的身体敏感度可能会变弱。【译者注:后面这部分有点难翻译。】


Frequently Experienced Challenges 

Some people find it challenging to perform the Body Scan on their own. If you find it difficult or distracting to guide yourself through it, seek out guidance, such as a recording to follow. 


有些人发现对自己进行身体扫描不容易。 如果你发现无法自己完成这个训练、或分心时,可以寻求帮助,例如,用录音作为引导。【译者注:网上有不少瑜伽老师的录像。找一个15分钟的冥想短片,让老师带你进行身体扫描。】


And, watch out for a feeling of “chasing the high.” You might have had a couple really good, successful-feeling sessions last week. Don’t let yourself fall into this striving or chasing mode. Mindfulness practice as attention training won’t look (or feel) like exponential upward improvement. Often, “success” doesn’t look like success. A session that feels like a failure was probably a great workout for your brain. 

你需要小心“追逐高潮”的感觉。 上周你可能有过几次非常好的、成功的训练。 不要让自己陷入这种“过分努力或追逐”的模式。 作为注意力训练的正念(冥想)练习,不会让你感觉有指数级的向上提升。 通常,“成功”看起来并不像成功。 感觉“像是失败”的训练,可能对你的大脑来说是一个很好的锻炼。


How Week Two Skills Will Show Up in Your Life 

Whenever anything happens—at work, at home, wherever you are—there’s a whole constellation of sensations that show up in the body. Stress, anxiety, elation, fear, sadness, excitement—they each have associated physical sensations. You’ll be noticing this more and more. This means that you can take action as you tap into these sensations, notice them quickly, and understand what they mean. For example: I know that I’ve gotten a lot better at realizing the sensations that begin to build when worry sets in. I feel it first in my chest, but then I check in with my jaw, which I usually find I’ve been clenching. With this awareness, I can intentionally relax my jaw and pay attention to the issue causing the worry, or at least acknowledge that I’ve gotten lost in a simulation, and then be able to engage with the next moment in the best way. These are micro-interventions that can help us course-correct as we become more attuned to our minds and bodies. 





Integrate the Body Scan into your day. Remember: it takes zero minutes to add this into a task you might otherwise perform mindlessly. Do the Body Scan in the shower as you wash from head to toe, or as you just step in and feel the water washing over you. Don’t miss it.








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