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Follow me:每天冥想12 分钟(第一周)

已有 2622 次阅读 2022-9-24 17:45 |个人分类:Health & Health-Care System|系统分类:科普集锦

每天冥想12 分钟,可以改变你的人生(观)。


你周围的人,或者你的朋友圈,有些人心态很好。你会觉得和这些人在一起很开心。如果你也是这种心态很好的人,不必往下看了。慢着。也许你的亲人中,有人常常情绪低落。那,你看看“每天冥想12 分钟”是否可以帮助他们。


Peak Mind: Find Your Focus, Own Your Attention, Invest 12 Minutes a Day 

by Amishi P. Jha

《巅峰思维:每天 12 分钟冥想,帮助你掌控注意力》

作者Amishi P. Jha


在介绍这本书中关于如何练习“12 分钟冥想”之前,我想分享一下自己在疫情中看书的收获之一:冥想,每个人都能做到。






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当然,这也不容易。记得我刚开始练瑜伽时,老师说:把你的烦恼留在门外(或瑜伽垫外)。我做不到。最后,我和自己妥协了:我得想明白这件事。(“想明白这件事”不等于我能解决“问题”;但是,我会找到一个“可以接受的对策”。)后来才发现,我的方法没有错。因为冥想有n种。我的属于“分析型冥想”。( (也许,我的应该是“固执型冥想”。LOL)


所以,请记住,冥想还是会“想东西”。只是,一位冥想大师会以超脱的心态,把“人生烦恼”当“浮云”:“看”着它出现,承认它存在,但是不“纠缠不清”(Let it go)。





Amishi Jha 是迈阿密大学的心理学教授。


Jha 教授研究注意力、工作记忆力和正念(冥想)。她通过各种认知神经科学技术,研究执行功能和心理训练的神经基础。 她的研究注重注意力选择相关或不相关信息的方法,以及工作记忆力如何允许这些信息被操纵。





Amishi Jha is a professor of psychology at the University of Miami.

Jha's research on attention, working memory, and mindfulness has investigated the neural bases of executive functioning and mental training using various cognitive neuroscience techniques.[1] Past studies have focused on the method by which attention selects information as relevant or irrelevant and how working memory then allows that information to be manipulated.[2]

Jha's most recent research has examined mindfulness training with soldiers in the U.S. military with the Strong Projects as a tool in improving situational awareness and reducing stress measured through brainwave activity and cognitive behavioral tools. Her work has been featured in numerous publications, popular press articles...]




We begin with the fundamental exercise that is the building block for every other practice: Find Your Flashlight. This simple but powerful breath awareness exercise is your foundational skill.



What to Focus On This Week 

A reminder: in this exercise, we are focusing our attention on the breath, but not constraining or controlling it. This is not about deep breathing—a valuable activity for relaxation, but not what we’re doing here. Instead of controlling the breath, you are watching it as it occurs in real time, with an awareness of doing so. You may find your breath slows down a bit during the practice, or you have moments where you drift into deeper breathing. This is fine, since as we said this practice is about noticing your breath, not controlling it. The fact that you notice natural variations in your breathing patterns is a good sign. You’re on-task!






What Week One Might Feel Like 

A lot of people report that their mind is “too busy.” I hear it all the time: “It’s not working; my mind won’t sit still.” But understand this: Your brain is not too busy—you just have a human brain! As we discussed, it works like a “thought pump.” That’s exactly what it does. Your job is not to stop it—your job is to exist with it, and to do the work of placing your attention back where you want it. That is the workout.






Frequently Experienced Challenges

Many new practitioners go into this carrying a lot of “mindfulness myths” along with them. These can be destructive and demoralizing. Here are a couple of reminders, to debunk any damaging expectations that may be lingering from what you’ve heard about mindfulness in the popular discourse: 





You are not “clearing your mind.” This is not possible, and not what mindfulness practice asks you to do. 



Your goal is not to feel peaceful or relaxed. Images of mindfulness practitioners often exude this expectation—remember, this is not what’s happening. This is an active mental workout. 



There is no special state to achieve. There’s no “blissed-out” state you are aiming to experience; you don’t need to feel transported. In fact, the whole point is to be more present in your current moment. You’re not traveling elsewhere. You’re going to feel your hip bones against the chair. You’re going to notice every itch, every desire to move, every shift away from the present moment. You’ll notice every small sensation and outrageous or distressing thought. That’s success. 





What Success Looks Like in Week One 

That you did it! If you did your five days, for twelve minutes each day, you get a gold star. It doesn’t matter how squirrely your mind felt, or if you opened your eyes to check the time every minute. You got yourself in the chair with the intention to practice, and you did it—that’s a win. You might have caught yourself mind-wandering a lot this week. Guess what? That’s great. No matter how long you were mind-wandering, the moment you notice it is your success point. So, if you caught yourself mind-wandering a hundred times in a session, that’s a lot of success. This is a big reframe, but an important one: what we think is a failure is actually a win.







How Week One Skills Will Show Up in Your Life 

If you’re really able to find your flashlight—that is, know where your attention is, moment by moment—you can then realize whenever you’re mind-wandering during a conversation or not mentally present in a meeting, or notice any moment in your life when you’re displaced in time and space. You’ll notice this happening more and more, and you’ll be able to guide your flashlight back, just as you do in practice. You’ll also develop more confidence in redirecting it, in a supportive yet firm manner.






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