好的“讨论”可以在开头先重申一下“引言”中提出的研究问题和假设,接着总结一下你的主要研究结果。这样一来,读者对于你是否推进了该领域的研究就一目了然了。从最重要或最相关的结果写起,然后再转向相对次要的内容。此刻暂不要讨论有争议或者难以解释的结果。这个阶段,你只须描述那些能直接回答“引言”中提出的问题或与假设直接相关的主要结果。不要用那些数据不支持的“大而空”的语言,也不要夸大结果的重要性。用“suggests” 比用“shows”更好,切忌使用“proves”。此外,要尽量不要重复结果”部分的内容,而只需简要说明主要结果然后再谈其含意。这部分需要变换时态,叙述你的结果以及文献结果时用过去时,论述其意义时用现在时。
下图节选自《The Journal of Clinical Investigation》上一论文的讨论部分(doi:10.1172/JCI37622; 经同意转载)。其中显示了讨论部分的一些要素,其末尾是一个结论段落。
1. 开始先复述研究问题,然后陈述主要结果。
2. 过去时叙述结果,现在时谈意义。
3. 将研究结果同现有文献作比较,陈述其意义。
4. 陈述所有结果的意义,不要忽略那些“不便提及”的内容。
5. 不要在“结果”部分简单重复其他部分已有的内容,不得引入新术语/报告新结果,或夸大其词。
6. 给出本研究的局限性和将来研究方向。
7. 结尾用明确的措辞陈述本研究的相关性和重要性。
Discussion: what does it all mean?
Thediscussion section of your manuscript is critically important. It iswhere you pull together all the ‘threads’ of evidence you havepresented in the results in the context of the background you presentedin the introduction. Unfortunately, many authors, particularly thosefrom non-English-speaking countries, overlook the importance of thissection considering it sufficient to merely present their results andallow the reader to draw their own conclusions. However, presentingyour results without describing their implications leaves them open tointerpretation and reduces the impact they could have. Journal editorswant papers that will advance the field and generate an impact;therefore, use the discussion wisely to maximize the impact of yourfindings.
A good discussion will begin by restating the studyquestion and any hypotheses presented in the introduction. This shouldbe followed by a summary of the major findings of your study so that itis immediately clear how you have advanced the field. Start with themost important or relevant finding and then move to progressively lessimportant ones. However, do not yet discuss results that are perhapscontroversial or difficult to explain. At this stage you only want todescribe the major findings that directly answer the research questionyou set out in the introduction and/or those that directly relate toyour hypotheses. Avoid making grand statements that are not supportedby your data and/or overstating the importance of your findings. Theword “suggests” is preferable to “shows”, and the word “proves” shouldnever be used. Also, there should be minimal repetition with theresults section, with only brief descriptions of the main findingsrequired before launching into their implications. A mixture of tensesis required, with the past tense used to describe individual resultsand the results of previous studies, and the present tense used todescribe their implications.
The next part is the component of adiscussion that is often overlooked and a frequent cause of rejectionfrom journals. Having reiterated your initial question and majorfindings, you need to describe their relevance and significance. Thisis where you put your findings into the context of previously publishedliterature and discuss their implications. This part forms the bulk ofthe discussion section, showing the reader (and importantly, thejournal editor) what your findings actually mean in the light of theexisting literature and how they relate to the efforts of others. Allpossible alternative interpretations of your study should be describedand excluded (or at least shown to be unlikely) wherever possible. Ifalternative interpretations remain viable, the study is considered‘incomplete’, or at least ongoing, and experiments to rule out thealternatives or determine which of the alternatives is correct shouldbe described at the end of the discussion section as future research.
Oncethe major findings have been put into context, any controversial ordifficult to explain findings should be mentioned along with plausibleexplanations for them. It is perfectly OK to speculate here (but nottoo wildly), but it is absolutely essential that these findings, andany inconsistencies, are discussed and addressed rather than ignored.No new results or terms should be introduced in the discussion section;all findings should be described in the results section and relevantterms will all have been introduced in the introduction section.Finally, any limitations of the current study should be explained. Peerreviewers are likely to comment on such limitations anyway, so it isbest to be ‘up front’ about them and state what they were; doing somight even improve your chances of a positive peer review and therebyshorten the time to publication. The fact that your study has certainlimitations is not a problem in itself, and most studies havelimitations of some sort. It is therefore important to acknowledgethese and describe how they can be addressed in future research. Forthis reason, the description of limitations is usually followed by adescription of future research.
Some journals have a separateconclusions section, but even in those that don’t, the same contentshould be merged with the discussion and contained in the lastparagraph. This final section/paragraph should briefly restate the keyfindings and their significance, describing how your study representsan advance in the field, but avoiding direct repetition. The noveltyand significance of these findings should be mentioned, but again, itis important not to over-emphasize either of these. Future studiesshould be mentioned where relevant, and can be the subject of the finalsentence if the current study is preliminary. If your study is notpreliminary, end with a strong statement that summarizes the impact ofthe study without over-stating its importance.
Thefigure below, showing excerpts from the discussion section of paperpublished in The Journal of Clinical Investigation(doi:10.1172/JCI37622; reproduced with permission), shows some of theimportant components of a discussion section and the concludingparagraph at the end.
1. Start by restating the problem/research question and then state the main findings of your study
2. Describe results in the past tense, but implications in the present tense
3. Put findings in the context of the existing literature to describe their implications
4. Describe the implications of all results obtained; do not ignore ‘inconvenient’ ones
5. Avoid repetition, introducing new terms or results, and making grand statements about the importance of your findings
6. Describe the limitations of your study and future directions for research in the field
7. End with a strong statement describing the relevance and significance of your study
Dr Daniel McGowan
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