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已有 4985 次阅读 2016-7-10 09:36 |个人分类:今日热点|系统分类:科研笔记


韩春雨论文国际反响与评价 7月6日监测报告  http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-280034-988911.html

热度 1 2016-7-6 07:01

韩春雨的论文已被3篇论文引用。 替代计量评分6月22日至今没有增加。 没有发现国外学者对韩春雨的论文提出质疑。 韩春雨论文国际反响与评价 7月6日监测报告 2016-7-6 7月6日韩春雨论文的替代计量得分为257分 ;微博280篇 ;论文的浏览量126071次,关注的国家有美国、英国、西班牙 ...368 次阅读|2 个评论


DNA-guided genome editing using the Natronobacterium gregoryi Argonaute

Nature Biotechnology (2016) doi:10.1038/nbt.3547Last updated: 9 July 2016 19:50:51 EDT


1.Luo J. CRISPR/Cas9: From Genome Engineering to Cancer Drug Discovery[J]. Trends in Cancer, 2016.

2.Zhang D, Li J F. DNA-guided genome editing tool[J]. Science China. Life sciences, 2016.

3.Mojica F J M, Rodriguez‐Valera F. The discovery of CRISPR in archaea and bacteria[J]. The FEBS journal, 2016.
4.Wang H. NgAgo: an exciting new tool for genome editing[J]. Science Bulletin, 1-2.

5. Klein M, Chandradoss S D, Depken M, et al. Why Argonaute is needed to make microRNA target search fast and reliable[C]//Seminars in cell & developmental biology. Academic Press, 2016.

6. Chavez A, Pruitt B W, Tuttle M, et al. Precise Cas9 targeting enables genomic mutation prevention[J]. bioRxiv, 2016: 058974.

7.Wolcott I. Could the CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing system be replaced by the NgAgo-gDNA system?[J]. Express Biology, 2016, 1(1): 10-15.

8. Zhang Z, Li C, Wang W, et al. China’s Precision Medicine should aim for innovation[J]. 2016.

9. Lin J, Musunuru K. Genome Engineering Tools for Building Cellular Models of Disease[J]. The FEBS journal, 2016.

10. Student H A. NgAgo–Gene editing’s new kid on the block[J]. Future, 2015, 2014: 2013.

11. Martínez-Gálvez G, Ata H, Jarryd C M, et al. ssDNA and the Argonautes: the quest for the next Golden Editor[J]. Human gene therapy, 2016 (ja).

12.   高山    NgAgo-gDNA基因组编辑系统的成功及启示





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