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已有 10637 次阅读 2016-1-27 18:14 |个人分类:肿瘤研究|系统分类:科研笔记




Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians2015年影响因子144.800,是全球期刊中最高的,H指数108。



Cancer Statistics in China, 2015

陈万青  第一作者
Wanqing Chen, PhD, MD1; Rongshou Zheng, MPH2; Peter D. Baade, PhD3; Siwei Zhang, BMedSc4; Hongmei Zeng, PhD, MD5;
Freddie Bray, PhD6; Ahmedin Jemal, DVM, PhD7; Xue Qin Yu, PhD, MPH8,9; Jie He 赫捷  通讯作者

uzoz, MD10


increasing incidence and mortality, cancer is the leading cause of death in China and is a major public health problem.
Because of China’s massive population (1.37 billion), previous national incidence and mortality estimates have been limited to
small samples of the population using data from the 1990s or based on a specific year. With high-quality data from an additional
number of population-based registries now available through the National Central Cancer Registry of China, the authors analyzed
data from 72 local, population-based cancer registries (2009-2011), representing 6.5% of the population, to estimate the
number of new cases and cancer deaths for 2015. Data from 22 registries were used for trend analyses (2000-2011). The
results indicated that an estimated 4292,000 new cancer cases and 2814,000 cancer deaths would occur in China in 2015,
with lung cancer being the most common incident cancer and the leading cause of cancer death. Stomach, esophageal, and
liver cancers were also commonly diagnosed and were identified as leading causes of cancer death. Residents of rural areas
had significantly higher age-standardized (Segi population) incidence and mortality rates for all cancers combined than urban
residents (213.6 per 100,000 vs 191.5 per 100,000 for incidence; 149.0 per 100,000 vs 109.5 per 100,000 for mortality,
respectively). For all cancers combined, the incidence rates were stable during 2000 through 2011 for males (10.2% per year;
P5.1), whereas they increased significantly (12.2% per year; P<.05) among females. In contrast, the mortality rates since
2006 have decreased significantly for both males (21.4% per year; P<.05) and females (21.1% per year; P<.05). Many of the
estimated cancer cases and deaths can be prevented through reducing the prevalence of risk factors, while increasing the
effectiveness of clinical care delivery, particularly for those living in rural areas and in disadvantaged populations. CA Cancer J
Clin 2016;000:000–000. VC 2016 American Cancer Society.
Keywords: cancer, China, health disparities, incidence, mortality, survival, trends

全文见  http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.3322/caac.21338/pdf


Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians

Country: United States

Subject Area: Medicine

Subject Category:

CategoryQuartile (Q1 means highest values and Q4 lowest values)
Hematology Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1
Oncology Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1


Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell. Publication type: Journals. ISSN: 00079235, 15424863

Coverage: 1957-2015

H Index: 108


CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians is a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society providing cancer care professionals with  [...]

      参考消息网1月28日报道 外媒称,研究人员1月27日说,慢性感染性疾病、吸烟和污染是导致中国癌症发病率激增的元凶,去年新增癌症确诊病例约为430万例、死亡280万例。



  最 近公布的报告是在汇总72处地方癌症登记中心数据的基础上作出的。数据跨度为从2009年至2011年,占总人口比重为6.5%。研究人员以此推 断,2015年中国新增浸润性癌症确诊病例应为4292000例,这相当于每天新增癌症确诊病例近12000例、死亡7500例。



  报 道称,自2006年以来,男性和女性癌症致死率均显著下降——每年降低约21%。但报告称,由于人口老龄化及人口数量膨胀,癌症死亡病例总数在同一时期大 幅上升——增幅为74%,有近1/3癌症死亡病例是由胃部、肝脏和子宫患慢性感染性疾病导致的,有约1/4癌症死亡病例是由吸烟导致的。




  胸外科专家 1960年8月7日生于吉林长春。1984年毕业于白求恩医科大学。1993年获中国协和医科大学医学博士学位。2013年当选中国科学院院士。中国医学科学院肿瘤医院院长,中国国家癌症中心主持工作副主任,主任医师,教授,博士生导师,卫生部有突出贡献中青年专家。



 Cancer statistics in China, 2015.                                    百度翻译                                    

Chen W. Zheng R. Baade PD. Zhang S. Zeng H. Bray F. Jemal A. Yu XQ. He J.
                                   Deputy Director, National Office for Cancer Prevention and Control, National Cancer Center, Beijing, China.                                        
来源:CA Cancer J Clin     ( P 0007-9235 E 1542-4863     )        IF:115.84H指数:89年: 2016                                                                                                                                                                    
PMID:                                    26808342 [Pubmed]肿瘤学,1区





  Cancer J Clin. 2016 Jan 25. doi: 10.3322/caac.21338. [Epub ahead of print]

Cancer statistics in China, 2015.


With increasing incidence and mortality, cancer is the leading cause of death in China and is a major public health problem. Because of China's massive population (1.37 billion), previous national incidence and mortality estimates have been limited to small samples of the population using data from the 1990s or based on a specific year. With high-quality data from an additional number of population-based registries now available through the National Central Cancer Registry of China, the authors analyzed data from 72 local, population-based cancer registries (2009-2011), representing 6.5% of the population, to estimate the number of new cases and cancer deaths for 2015. Data from 22 registries were used for trend analyses (2000-2011). The results indicated that an estimated 4292,000 new cancer cases and 2814,000 cancer deaths would occur in China in 2015, with lung cancer being the most common incident cancer and the leading cause of cancer death. Stomach, esophageal, and liver cancers were also commonly diagnosed and were identified as leading causes of cancer death. Residents of rural areas had significantly higher age-standardized (Segi population) incidence and mortality rates for all cancers combined than urban residents (213.6 per 100,000 vs 191.5 per 100,000 for incidence; 149.0 per 100,000 vs 109.5 per 100,000 for mortality, respectively). For all cancers combined, the incidence rates were stable during 2000 through 2011 for males (+0.2% per year; P = .1), whereas they increased significantly (+2.2% per year; P < .05) among females. In contrast, the mortality rates since 2006 have decreased significantly for both males (-1.4% per year; P < .05) and females (-1.1% per year; P < .05). Many of the estimated cancer cases and deaths can be prevented through reducing the prevalence of risk factors, while increasing the effectiveness of clinical care delivery, particularly for those living in rural areas and in disadvantaged populations. CA Cancer J Clin 2016. © 2016 American Cancer Society.

© 2016 American Cancer Society, Inc.


China; cancer; health disparities; incidence; mortality; survival; trends

PMID:26808342 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] Free full text




已有 1 次阅读2016-1-29 11:34|个人分类:Health Science|系统分类:论文交流|关键词:癌症统计;中国;CA; Wiley;高影响力推荐到群组


Wiley出版美国癌症学会(American Cancer Society)官方期刊CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians最新在线发表了关于中国癌症统计的文章Cancer Statistics in China, 2015。这是中国作者在CA上发表的首篇论文。CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians影响因子144.8ISI肿瘤学领域中排名第一



Maps of the 2 Sets of Contributing Cancer Registries and Geographic Regions in China

Dots indicate the locations of the cancer registries. (A) This is a map for 22 cancer registries (data from 2000 to 2011). (B) This is a map for 72 cancer registries (data from 2009 to 2011)







CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians为癌症护理专业人士提供有关癌症诊断、治疗与预防方面的最新信息。每年出版6期,是全世界发行最广的肿瘤学期刊之一,读者群包括:主治医师、内科、外科与放射科肿瘤学家;护士及其他医疗保健与公共卫生专业人士,以及各种医疗保健领域的学生。虽然《临床医师癌症杂志》CA是一份肿瘤学期刊,它不是一份仅仅面向肿瘤学家的期刊,它的读者群还包括多样化的专业人士,为这些人士介绍有关癌症预防、早期发现、癌症治疗、疼痛缓解、主张问题及生活质量等信息。






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