10. silver spring3篇 1.987% 查看更多
01. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院).王晋芬9篇 5.960% 02. du, ll(du, lili)7篇 4.636% 03. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院).丁悌7篇 4.636% 04. han, cz(han, cunzhi)6篇 3.974% 05. zhao, xw(zhao, xianwen)6篇 3.974% 06. 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院.乔友林6篇 3.974% 07. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院).梁小波6篇 3.974% 08. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院).韩存芝6篇 3.974% 09. ding, t(ding, t)5篇 3.311% 10. jing, jx(jing, jiexian)5篇 3.311% 11. tian, bg(tian, baoguo)5篇 3.311% 12. wang, jf(wang, jinfen)5篇 3.311% 13. 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院.林东昕5篇 3.311% 14. mi, zg(mi, zhenguo)4篇 2.649% 15. su, w(su, wen)4篇 2.649% 16. 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院.吴晨4篇 2.649% 17. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院).tang, zz(tang, zezhong)4篇 2.649% 18. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院).yuan, h(yuan, h)4篇 2.649% 19. 范德比尔特大学.shu, xo(shu, xiaoou)4篇 2.649% 20. 范德比尔特大学.zheng, w(zheng, wei)4篇 2.649% 21. bai, w(bai, wei)3篇 1.987% 22. chen, zw(chen, zhenwen)3篇 1.987% 23. feng, y(feng, yi)3篇 1.987% 24. guo, s(guo, s)3篇 1.987% 25. han, xy(han, xiaoyou)3篇 1.987% 26. han, xy(han, xy)3篇 1.987% 27. harvard school of public health.kraft, p(kraft, peter)3篇 1.987% 28. hou, sh(hou, shenghuai)3篇 1.987% 29. liang, x(liang, xiaobo)3篇 1.987% 30. liang, xb(liang, xiaobo)3篇 1.987% 31. national cancer institute.abnet, cc(abnet, christianc)3篇 1.987% 32. national cancer institute.freedman, nd(freedman, neald)3篇 1.987% 33. national cancer institute.goldstein, am(goldstein, alisam)3篇 1.987% 34. national cancer institute.hu, n(hu, nan)3篇 1.987% 35. national cancer institute.taylor, pr(taylor, philipr)3篇 1.987% 36. tian, fg(tian, fuguo)3篇 1.987% 37. wang, gp(wang, guoping)3篇 1.987% 38. wang, qh(wang, quanhong)3篇 1.987% 39. zhang, h(zhang, h)3篇 1.987% 40. 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院.范金虎3篇 1.987% 41. 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院.谭文3篇 1.987% 42. 匹兹堡大学.yuan, jm(yuan, jianmin)3篇 1.987% 43. 南京医科大学校本部.沈洪兵3篇 1.987% 44. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院).guo, st(guo, st)3篇 1.987% 45. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院).归薇3篇 1.987% 46. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院).李耀平3篇 1.987% 47. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院).荆结线3篇 1.987% 48. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院).郗彦凤3篇 1.987% 49. chang, l(chang, l)2篇 1.325% 50. cui, y(cui, y)2篇 1.325% 大陆作者作者与主题词合著作者全部作者作者邮件
01. du, ll(du, lili)研究breast neoplasms/genetics3篇 1.987% 02. du, ll(du, lili)研究receptors, leptin/genetics3篇 1.987% 03. jing, jx(jing, jiexian)研究breast neoplasms/genetics3篇 1.987% 04. jing, jx(jing, jiexian)研究receptors, leptin/genetics3篇 1.987% 05. tian, bg(tian, baoguo)研究breast neoplasms/genetics3篇 1.987% 06. tian, bg(tian, baoguo)研究receptors, leptin/genetics3篇 1.987% 07. tian, fg(tian, fuguo)研究breast neoplasms/genetics3篇 1.987% 08. tian, fg(tian, fuguo)研究receptors, leptin/genetics3篇 1.987% 09. zhao, xw(zhao, xianwen)研究breast neoplasms/genetics3篇 1.987% 10. zhao, xw(zhao, xianwen)研究receptors, leptin/genetics3篇 1.987% 查看更多
01. du, ll(du, lili)与zhao, xw(zhao, xianwen)合作6篇 3.974% 02. du, ll(du, lili)与jing, jx(jing, jiexian)合作5篇 3.311% 03. du, ll(du, lili)与tian, bg(tian, baoguo)合作5篇 3.311% 04. jing, jx(jing, jiexian)与zhao, xw(zhao, xianwen)合作5篇 3.311% 05. tian, bg(tian, baoguo)与zhao, xw(zhao, xianwen)合作5篇 3.311% 06. du, ll(du, lili)与han, cz(han, cunzhi)合作4篇 2.649% 07. jing, jx(jing, jiexian)与tian, bg(tian, baoguo)合作4篇 2.649% 08. du, ll(du, lili)与tian, fg(tian, fuguo)合作3篇 1.987% 09. du, ll(du, lili)与山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院).韩存芝合作3篇 1.987% 10. guo, s(guo, s)与山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院).yuan, h(yuan, h)合作3篇 1.987% 查看更多
06. Goldstein AM10篇 6.623% 查看更多
01. byshcz@vip.163.com6篇 3.974% 02. liangxiaobo@medmail.com.cn5篇 3.311% 03. gnahzx@163.com2篇 1.325% 04. jfenwang@qq.com2篇 1.325% 05. yuanshaoling08@sina.com2篇 1.325% 06. zlyylxl2008@163.com2篇 1.325% 07. 2912972872@qq.com1篇 0.662% 08. 337501266@qq.com1篇 0.662% 09. 3420010@163.com1篇 0.662% 10. 865925755@qq.com1篇 0.662% 01. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院)151篇 100.000% 02. 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院12篇 7.947% 05. 天津医科大学附属肿瘤医院(天津市肿瘤医院)4篇 2.649% 06. 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院3篇 1.987% 13. 山西医科大学附属人民医院(山西省人民医院)3篇 1.987% 17. 哈尔滨医科大学第一附属医院2篇 1.325% 31. anyang district hospital1篇 0.662% 32. anyang tumor hospital1篇 0.662% 34. cancer hospital of henan province1篇 0.662% 35. central hospital of xinxiang1篇 0.662% 36. changzhi medical university1篇 0.662% 37. department of oncology1篇 0.662% 38. hebi dahejian hospital1篇 0.662% 39. jinan lixia people's hospital1篇 0.662% 40. linzhou esophageal cancer hospital1篇 0.662% 41. medical training center of shenyang command1篇 0.662% 42. shanxi medical school1篇 0.662% 43. the first clinical hospital of shanxi medical school1篇 0.662% 44. xinyang central hospital1篇 0.662% 45. 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院1篇 0.662% 47. 中国医学科学院(北京协和医学院)未分类1篇 0.662% 48. 中国医科大学附属第一医院1篇 0.662% 49. 中国科学院上海生命科学研究院1篇 0.662% 50. 中国科学院昆明动物研究所1篇 0.662% 01. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院)122篇 80.795% 04. 中国医学科学院(北京协和医学院)未分类1篇 0.662% 05. 云南省第二人民医院(云南省红会医院、昆明医科大学第四附属医院)1篇 0.662% 06. 哈尔滨医科大学第一附属医院1篇 0.662% 查看更多
01. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院)与中国医学科学院肿瘤医院合作12篇 7.947% 02. 上海交通大学校本部与中国医学科学院肿瘤医院合作4篇 2.649% 03. 天津医科大学附属肿瘤医院(天津市肿瘤医院)与中国医学科学院肿瘤医院合作4篇 2.649% 04. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院)与上海交通大学校本部合作4篇 2.649% 05. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院)与中山大学肿瘤防治中心合作4篇 2.649% 06. 山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院)与天津医科大学附属肿瘤医院(天津市肿瘤医院)合作4篇 2.649% 07. 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院与中山大学肿瘤防治中心合作3篇 1.987% 08. 北京协和医院与中国医学科学院肿瘤医院合作3篇 1.987% 09. 北京协和医院与山西省肿瘤医院(山西省第三人民医院)合作3篇 1.987% 10. 华中科技大学校本部与上海交通大学校本部合作3篇 1.987% 查看更多
01. national cancer institute5篇 3.311% 05. harvard school of public health3篇 1.987% 06. information management services inc.3篇 1.987% 09. department of health sciences research2篇 1.325% 10. epidemiology research program2篇 1.325% 查看更多
01. survival rate18篇 11.921% 02. esophageal neoplasms17篇 11.258% 03. carcinoma, squamous cell15篇 9.934% 05. neoplasm staging14篇 9.272% 06. treatment outcome11篇 7.285% 07. follow-up studies10篇 6.623% 08. risk factors10篇 6.623% 09. stomach neoplasms10篇 6.623% 10. tumor markers, biological10篇 6.623% 11. case-control studies9篇 5.960% 12. immunohistochemistry9篇 5.960% 13. retrospective studies9篇 5.960% 14. antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols8篇 5.298% 16. colorectal neoplasms7篇 4.636% 17. disease progression7篇 4.636% 18. neoplasm recurrence, local7篇 4.636% 19. cell line, tumor6篇 3.974% 20. gene expression regulation, neoplastic6篇 3.974% 21. hodgkin disease6篇 3.974% 22. laryngeal neoplasms6篇 3.974% 23. lymphoma, large b-cell, diffuse6篇 3.974% 24. lymphoma, non-hodgkin6篇 3.974% 26. rectal neoplasms6篇 3.974% 28. breast neoplasms5篇 3.311% 30. disease-free survival5篇 3.311% 31. gastrointestinal stromal tumors5篇 3.311% 33. logistic models5篇 3.311% 34. nuclear proteins5篇 3.311% 35. anastomosis, surgical4篇 2.649% 37. cell proliferation4篇 2.649% 38. combined modality therapy4篇 2.649% 39. cyclophosphamide4篇 2.649% 41. gastrointestinal neoplasms4篇 2.649% 43. laryngectomy4篇 2.649% 44. lung neoplasms4篇 2.649% 46. lymphatic metastasis4篇 2.649% 49. neoplasm invasiveness4篇 2.649% 主题词主题词搭配主题词与主题词主题词搭配趋势图
01. China/epidemiology14篇 9.272% 02. Esophageal Neoplasms/genetics*6篇 3.974% 03. Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/therapeutic use5篇 3.311% 04. Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/genetics*5篇 3.311% 05. Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/mortality5篇 3.311% 06. Esophageal Neoplasms/surgery*5篇 3.311% 07. Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery*4篇 2.649% 08. Esophageal Neoplasms/epidemiology*4篇 2.649% 09. Laryngeal Neoplasms/mortality4篇 2.649% 10. Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin/pathology4篇 2.649% 查看更多
01. carcinoma, squamous cell/genetics与esophageal neoplasms/genetics5篇 3.311% 02. breast neoplasms/blood与leptin/blood3篇 1.987% 03. breast neoplasms/blood与lipids/blood3篇 1.987% 04. breast neoplasms/genetics与receptors, leptin/genetics3篇 1.987% 05. leptin/blood与lipids/blood3篇 1.987% 06. anastomosis, surgical/methods与esophageal neoplasms/surgery2篇 1.325% 07. breast neoplasms/blood与breast neoplasms/genetics2篇 1.325% 08. breast neoplasms/blood与receptors, leptin/genetics2篇 1.325% 09. breast neoplasms/genetics与leptin/blood2篇 1.325% 10. breast neoplasms/genetics与lipids/blood2篇 1.325% 查看更多
01. tumor markers, biological10篇 6.623% 05. nuclear proteins5篇 3.311% 06. cyclophosphamide4篇 2.649% 07. rna, messenger4篇 2.649% 10. antineoplastic agents3篇 1.987% 查看更多
01. tumor markers, biological16篇 10.596% 02. neoplasm proteins14篇 9.272% 03. oncogene proteins11篇 7.285% 04. proto-oncogene proteins11篇 7.285% 05. protein kinases9篇 5.960% 07. amaranth dye6篇 3.974% 08. antigens, neoplasm6篇 3.974% 09. antisense elements (genetics)6篇 3.974% 查看更多
22. 女性泌尿生殖器疾病和妊娠并发症14篇 9.272% 07. carcinogenesis5篇 3.311% 查看更多
02. eukaryota114篇 75.497% 05. vertebrates113篇 74.834% 06. hominidae107篇 70.861% 08. catarrhini106篇 70.199% 09. haplorhini106篇 70.199% 查看更多
01. phosphorus81篇 53.642% 查看更多
01. department of pathology24篇 15.894% 02. department of thoracic surgery8篇 5.298% 03. department of colorectal surgery7篇 4.636% 04. department of epidemiology7篇 4.636% 05. department of etiology7篇 4.636% 06. department of hematology7篇 4.636% 07. division of cancer epidemiology and genetics7篇 4.636% 08. department of molecular biology5篇 3.311% 09. department of surgery5篇 3.311% 10. department of urology5篇 3.311% 11. school of public health5篇 3.311% 12. center for cancer research4篇 2.649% 13. department of general surgery4篇 2.649% 14. department of gynecology4篇 2.649% 15. school of medicine4篇 2.649% 16. cancer center3篇 1.987% 17. department of anesthesiology3篇 1.987% 18. department of anus and intestine surgery3篇 1.987% 19. department of biochemistry and molecular biology3篇 1.987% 20. department of biostatistics3篇 1.987% 21. department of epidemiology and biostatistics3篇 1.987% 22. department of medicine3篇 1.987% 23. department of oncology3篇 1.987% 24. department of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery3篇 1.987% 25. school of medicine and public health3篇 1.987% 26. sun yat-sen university cancer center3篇 1.987% 27. vanderbilt-ingram cancer center3篇 1.987% 28. cancer research center2篇 1.325% 29. department of anatomy2篇 1.325% 30. department of anorectal surgery2篇 1.325% 31. department of cancer epidemiology and prevention2篇 1.325% 32. department of etiology & carcinogenesis2篇 1.325% 33. department of gastroenterology2篇 1.325% 34. department of gastrointestinal medical oncology2篇 1.325% 35. department of gastrointestinal surgery2篇 1.325% 36. department of head and neck surgery2篇 1.325% 37. department of health disparities research2篇 1.325% 38. department of health sciences research2篇 1.325% 39. department of internal medicine2篇 1.325% 40. department of minimally invasive surgery2篇 1.325% 41. department of pediatrics2篇 1.325% 42. department of population health2篇 1.325% 43. department of preventive medicine2篇 1.325% 44. department of public health sciences2篇 1.325% 45. department of radiation sciences2篇 1.325% 46. department of radiotherapy2篇 1.325% 47. department of statistics2篇 1.325% 48. department of ultrasound2篇 1.325% 49. division of cancer control and population sciences2篇 1.325% 50. division of cancer prevention and population sciences2篇 1.325% http://www.pubmedplus.cn/
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