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已有 4523 次阅读 2010-12-15 15:04 |个人分类:科学名人|系统分类:观点评述| 科学网, 国际, 生物学家, F1000, 医学家




Our international Faculty consists of experts who are highly respected in their chosen fields and nominated to the Faculty of 1000 (F1000) by their peers.

International Advisory Board

The International Advisory Board helps to guide F1000 on the scope of the service and on broad policy issues. The International Advisory Board also assists with the selection of Heads of Faculty for each of the 43 Faculties that make currently up the F1000 service.

Heads of Faculty

Heads of Faculty are leading scientists and clinicians nominated by the International Advisory Board who oversee each of the Faculties listed in the left hand column. Heads of Faculty divide their subject into the major Sections for their discipline and help with the nomination of Section Heads for each subject area.

Section Heads

Section Heads are acknowledged experts in their field and are responsible for dividing their Section into topics and selecting suitable Faculty Members who will review the literature in each of the topic areas. The number of Faculty Members is broadly linked to the total number of articles published in the different topic areas.

Click on the Faculty links in the left hand column to view Section Heads.

Faculty Members and Associate Faculty Members

Faculty Members (FMs) together with their Associate Faculty Members (AFMs), evaluate, rate and classify articles for inclusion in F1000. Associate Faculty Members, who are appointed by individual Faculty Members, also help to scan the tables of contents of all the major general and specialist journals to ensure that the literature in their topic area has been adequately covered. The Faculty currently selects and evaluates over 1500 articles each month, corresponding to approximately the top 2% of all published articles in the biology and medical sciences.

Click on the Faculty links in the left hand column to view the FMs and AFMs.



Chemical Biology


[Scope of Section]


Stephen Benkovic

The Pennsylvania State University, USA

JoAnne Stubbe

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA


  1. Karen Allen (FM) USA
  2. Karen Anderson (FM) USA
  3. Squire Booker (FM) USA
  4. Stephanie Brown (AFM) USA
  5. Wolfgang Buckel (FM) Germany
  6. Jennifer Campbell (AFM) USA
  7. Yit-Heng Chooi (AFM) USA
  8. Swati Choudhary (AFM) USA
  9. Shelley Copley (FM) USA
  10. Tyler Grove (AFM) USA
  11. Pouya Javidpour (AFM) USA
  12. Ethan Johnson (AFM) USA
  13. Robert Kuchta (FM) USA
  14. Ming Lee (AFM) USA
  1. Stuart S Licht (FM) USA
  2. Christoph Loenarz (AFM) UK
  3. Sarah O'Connor (FM) USA
  4. Ezra Peisach (AFM) USA
  5. Lauren Pickens (AFM) USA
  6. John SantaMaria (AFM) USA
  7. Allison Saunders (AFM) USA
  8. Claudia Schmidt-Dannert (FM) USA
  9. Christopher Schofield (FM) UK
  10. Mary Elizabeth Shillito (AFM) USA
  11. Yi Tang (FM) USA
  12. Sheryl Tsai (FM) USA
  13. Suzanne Walker (FM) USA




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