论文标题:Thyroid Cancer: A Review
作者:Laura Boucai, Mark Zafereo, Maria E. Cabanillas
摘要:Importance Approximately 43 720 new cases of thyroid carcinoma are expected to be diagnosed in 2023 in the US. Five-year relative survival is approximately 98.5%. This review summarizes current evidence regarding pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of early-stage and advanced thyroid cancer.Observations Papillary thyroid cancer accounts for approximately 84% of all thyroid cancers. Papillary, follicular (≈4%), and oncocytic (≈2%) forms arise from thyroid follicular cells and are termed well-differentiated thyroid cancer. Aggressive forms of follicular cell-derived thyroid cancer are poorly differentiated thyroid cancer (≈5%) and anaplastic thyroid cancer (≈1%). Medullary thyroid cancer (≈4%) arises from parafollicular C cells. Most cases of well-differentiated thyroid cancer are asymptomatic and detected during physical examination or incidentally found on diagnostic imaging studies. For microcarcinomas (≤1 cm), observation without surgical resection can be considered. For tumors larger than 1 cm with or without lymph node metastases, surgery with or without radioactive iodine is curative in most cases. Surgical resection is the preferred approach for patients with recurrent locoregional disease. For metastatic disease, surgical resection or stereotactic body irradiation is favored over systemic therapy (eg, lenvatinib, dabrafenib). Antiangiogenic multikinase inhibitors (eg, sorafenib, lenvatinib, cabozantinib) are approved for thyroid cancer that does not respond to radioactive iodine, with response rates 12% to 65%. Targeted therapies such as dabrafenib and selpercatinib are directed to genetic mutations (BRAF, RET, NTRK, MEK) that give rise to thyroid cancer and are used in patients with advanced thyroid carcinoma.Conclusions Approximately 44 000 new cases of thyroid cancer are diagnosed each year in the US, with a 5-year relative survival of 98.5%. Surgery is curative in most cases of well-differentiated thyroid cancer. Radioactive iodine treatment after surgery improves overall survival in patients at high risk of recurrence. Antiangiogenic multikinase inhibitors and targeted therapies to genetic mutations that give rise to thyroid cancer are increasingly used in the treatment of metastatic disease.
重要性 ;约43 预计2023年美国将诊断出720例新的甲状腺癌病例。五年相对生存率约为98.5%。这篇综述总结了关于早期和晚期甲状腺癌症的病理生理学、诊断和管理的最新证据。观察结果 ;乳头状甲状腺癌症约占所有甲状腺癌的84%。乳头、毛囊(≈4%)和嗜酸细胞(≈2%)的形式起源于甲状腺毛囊细胞,称为分化良好的甲状腺癌症。侵袭性形式的毛囊细胞衍生甲状腺癌症是低分化甲状腺癌症(≈5%)和间变性甲状腺癌症(≈1%)。髓质甲状腺癌症(约4%)源于肾小球旁C细胞。大多数分化良好的甲状腺癌症病例是无症状的,在体检中发现或在诊断性影像学研究中偶然发现。对于微癌(≤1cm),可以考虑不进行手术切除的观察。对于大于1cm的肿瘤,无论是否有淋巴结转移,在大多数情况下,使用或不使用放射性碘的手术都是有效的。手术切除是复发性局部疾病患者的首选方法。对于转移性疾病,手术切除或立体定向身体照射优于全身治疗(如乐伐替尼、达巴芬尼)。抗血管生成性多激酶抑制剂(如索拉非尼、乐伐替尼、卡博扎替尼)被批准用于对放射性碘无反应的甲状腺癌症,反应率为12%至65%。靶向治疗,如达巴非尼和selpercatinib,针对引起甲状腺癌症的基因突变(BRAF、RET、NTRK、MEK),用于晚期甲状腺癌患者。结论 ;约44 美国每年新诊断出000例甲状腺癌症,5年相对生存率为98.5%。手术治疗大多数分化良好的甲状腺癌症。术后放射性碘治疗可提高高复发风险患者的总生存率。抗血管生成性多激酶抑制剂和对导致甲状腺癌症的基因突变的靶向治疗越来越多地用于治疗转移性疾病。
甲状腺癌是内分泌系统发病率最高的恶性肿瘤之一,临床上主要将其分为乳头状癌、滤泡状癌、未分化癌以及髓样癌等。近几十年来,全球范围内甲状腺癌的发病率不断增高。2015年《柳叶刀》子刊The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology发表的一项基于人群的研究数据显示,在过去的30到40年里,全球甲状腺癌的发病率几乎增加了两倍。不过,尽管甲状腺癌属于常见高发癌种之一,但甲状腺癌患者的5年相对生存率却很高,达到近98.5%。
美国甲状腺协会指南(ATA)建议避免对小于1 cm的结节进行活检;甲状腺超声特征将有助于医生判断患者何时需进行细针穿刺。一项荟萃分析研究(涉及39项研究49661例患者、6种超声分类系统)的结果表明,利用超声特征(包括结节大小、回声、边界、血管分布、是否存在钙化在内)进行恶性甲状腺癌检测,敏感性为64%~77%,特异性为82%~90%;其中,ACR-TIRADS超声分类系统诊断性能最佳。
综述强调,若患者甲状腺结节≥1 cm,则只有在超声特征考虑恶性疾病时才应进行活检。通常情况下,提示恶性甲状腺癌的超声特征包括:结节边界不规则、低回声、血管增多、微钙化、横切面高大于宽(高是结节的前后距离,宽是结节的左右距离)。整体而言,甲状腺结节小于1 cm的人群、甲状腺结节小于1.5 cm且无恶性超声特征的人群,应接受超声监测而不是活检。
大多数高分化甲状腺癌(54%)复发风险低,单纯手术即可治愈。此外,甲状腺肿瘤较大、疑似甲状腺外侵犯、淋巴结转移或具有侵袭性组织学特征(即甲状腺髓样癌、低分化甲状腺癌、甲状腺未分化癌)的患者,可采用颈部CT或磁共振成像(MRI)进行评估。对于<4 cm的单侧高分化甲状腺癌,临床上常首选甲状腺腺叶切除术(患者生存率与甲状腺全切相当、甲状旁腺功能减退等并发症较少)。对于≥4 cm的高分化甲状腺癌和双侧甲状腺癌,一般建议行甲状腺全切术。
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Views 14,383
February 6, 2024
Thyroid CancerA ReviewLaura Boucai, MD1Mark Zafereo, MD2Maria E. Cabanillas, MD3
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Importance Approximately 43 720 new cases of thyroid carcinoma are expected to be diagnosed in 2023 in the US. Five-year relative survival is approximately 98.5%. This review summarizes current evidence regarding pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of early-stage and advanced thyroid cancer.
Observations Papillary thyroid cancer accounts for approximately 84% of all thyroid cancers. Papillary, follicular (≈4%), and oncocytic (≈2%) forms arise from thyroid follicular cells and are termed well-differentiated thyroid cancer. Aggressive forms of follicular cell-derived thyroid cancer are poorly differentiated thyroid cancer (≈5%) and anaplastic thyroid cancer (≈1%). Medullary thyroid cancer (≈4%) arises from parafollicular C cells. Most cases of well-differentiated thyroid cancer are asymptomatic and detected during physical examination or incidentally found on diagnostic imaging studies. For microcarcinomas (≤1 cm), observation without surgical resection can be considered. For tumors larger than 1 cm with or without lymph node metastases, surgery with or without radioactive iodine is curative in most cases. Surgical resection is the preferred approach for patients with recurrent locoregional disease. For metastatic disease, surgical resection or stereotactic body irradiation is favored over systemic therapy (eg, lenvatinib, dabrafenib). Antiangiogenic multikinase inhibitors (eg, sorafenib, lenvatinib, cabozantinib) are approved for thyroid cancer that does not respond to radioactive iodine, with response rates 12% to 65%. Targeted therapies such as dabrafenib and selpercatinib are directed to genetic mutations (BRAF, RET, NTRK, MEK) that give rise to thyroid cancer and are used in patients with advanced thyroid carcinoma.
Conclusions Approximately 44 000 new cases of thyroid cancer are diagnosed each year in the US, with a 5-year relative survival of 98.5%. Surgery is curative in most cases of well-differentiated thyroid cancer. Radioactive iodine treatment after surgery improves overall survival in patients at high risk of recurrence. Antiangiogenic multikinase inhibitors and targeted therapies to genetic mutations that give rise to thyroid cancer are increasingly used in the treatment of metastatic disease.
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