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已有 2310 次阅读 2016-10-25 07:04 |个人分类:信息分析|系统分类:科研笔记

世界首例三亲婴儿诞生  http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2016/10/359115.shtm


三父母婴儿(three-parent babies)国际研究21篇文献分析如下:

数据来源  http://www.pubmedplus.cn/

01.2016     4 19.048%
02.2015     3 14.286%
03.2014     1 4.762%
04.2013     3 14.286%
05.2012     2 9.524%
06.2011     1 4.762%
07.2010     1 4.762%
08.2007     1 4.762%
09.2006     1 4.762%
10.2005     2 9.524%
11.1982     1 4.762%
01.nature     2 9.524%
02.am j bioeth     1 4.762%
03.am j med genet a     1 4.762%
04.bmj     1 4.762%
05.br med bull     1 4.762%
06.diagn mol pathol     1 4.762%
07.fam pract     1 4.762%
08.hastings cent rep     1 4.762%
09.health qual life outcomes     1 4.762%
10.j adv nurs     1 4.762%
12.j autism dev disord     1 4.762%
13.j palliat med     1 4.762%
14.j speech lang hear res     1 4.762%
15.med hypotheses     1 4.762%
16.monash bioeth rev     1 4.762%
17.nurs res     1 4.762%
18.pract midwife     1 4.762%
19.reprod biomed online     1 4.762%
01.美国     3 14.286%
02.荷兰     2 9.524%
03.加拿大     1 4.762%
04.德国     1 4.762%
05.日本     1 4.762%
06.英国     1 4.762%
01.california.scotia     1 4.762%
02.canada.scotia     1 4.762%
03.cattolica     1 4.762%
04.dalhousie     1 4.762%
05.italy.centro     1 4.762%
06.munchen     1 4.762%
07.munich     1 4.762%
08.sacramento     1 4.762%
09.valhalla     1 4.762%
10.westchester     1 4.762%
11.加拿大哈利法克斯     1 4.762%
12.德国慕尼黑     1 4.762%
13.戴维斯(加州大学戴维斯分校)     1 4.762%
14.日本京都     1 4.762%
15.美国亚特兰大     1 4.762%
16.英国伦敦     1 4.762%
17.荷兰奈梅亨     1 4.762%
18.荷兰阿姆斯特丹     1 4.762%
01.Adamson LB     1 4.762%
02.Aikens D     1 4.762%
03.Aleman A     1 4.762%
04.Ammen S     1 4.762%
05.Arstein-Kerslake C     1 4.762%
06.Asada Y     1 4.762%
07.Bakeman R     1 4.762%
08.Balcells S     1 4.762%
09.Baylis F     1 4.762%
10.Birko S     1 4.762%
11.Bongaerts GP     1 4.762%
12.Borasio GD     1 4.762%
13.Brandstätter M     1 4.762%
14.Check E     1 4.762%
15.Cormand B     1 4.762%
16.Cowley S     1 4.762%
17.Dimond R     1 4.762%
18.Dopazo J     1 4.762%
19.Dupras-Leduc R     1 4.762%
20.Duroux A     1 4.762%
21.Fitzpatrick S     1 4.762%
22.Führer M     1 4.762%
23.Garcia-Garcia F     1 4.762%
24.Ge J     1 4.762%
25.Grasser M     1 4.762%
26.Grinberg D     1 4.762%
27.Harting J     1 4.762%
28.Hayden EC     1 4.762%
29.Hays NP     1 4.762%
30.Hesselink AE     1 4.762%
31.Higgins-D'alessandro A     1 4.762%
32.Horii Y     1 4.762%
33.Knapp PK     1 4.762%
34.Komada M     1 4.762%
35.Malone M     1 4.762%
36.Mao M     1 4.762%
37.Marangi G     1 4.762%
38.Mastergeorge A     1 4.762%
39.Mine H     1 4.762%
40.Morishita R     1 4.762%
41.Nagai R     1 4.762%
42.Neri G     1 4.762%
43.Northington R     1 4.762%
44.Opitz JM     1 4.762%
45.Orteschi D     1 4.762%
46.Palacios-González C     1 4.762%
47.Poulsen MK     1 4.762%
48.Ravitsky V     1 4.762%
49.Roca-Ayats N     1 4.762%
50.Roche B     1 4.762%
11.Bongaerts GP     1 4.762%
12.Borasio GD     1 4.762%
13.Brandstätter M     1 4.762%
14.Check E     1 4.762%
15.Cormand B     1 4.762%
16.Cowley S     1 4.762%
17.Dimond R     1 4.762%
18.Dopazo J     1 4.762%
19.Dupras-Leduc R     1 4.762%
20.Duroux A     1 4.762%
21.Fitzpatrick S     1 4.762%
22.Führer M     1 4.762%
23.Garcia-Garcia F     1 4.762%
24.Ge J     1 4.762%
25.Grasser M     1 4.762%
26.Grinberg D     1 4.762%
27.Harting J     1 4.762%
28.Hayden EC     1 4.762%
29.Hays NP     1 4.762%
30.Hesselink AE     1 4.762%
31.Higgins-D'alessandro A     1 4.762%
32.Horii Y     1 4.762%
33.Knapp PK     1 4.762%
34.Komada M     1 4.762%
35.Malone M     1 4.762%
36.Mao M     1 4.762%
37.Marangi G     1 4.762%
38.Mastergeorge A     1 4.762%
39.Mine H     1 4.762%
40.Morishita R     1 4.762%
41.Nagai R     1 4.762%
42.Neri G     1 4.762%
43.Northington R     1 4.762%
44.Opitz JM     1 4.762%
45.Orteschi D     1 4.762%
46.Palacios-González C     1 4.762%
47.Poulsen MK     1 4.762%
48.Ravitsky V     1 4.762%
49.Roca-Ayats N     1 4.762%
50.Roche B     1 4.762%
01.ludwig maximilians university munich     1 4.762%
02.radboud university     1 4.762%
03.radboud university nijmegen     1 4.762%
04.乔治亚州立大学     1 4.762%
05.京都府立医科大学     1 4.762%
06.京都府立大学     1 4.762%
07.加州大学     1 4.762%
08.加州大学戴维斯分校     1 4.762%
09.卡蒂夫大学     1 4.762%
10.巴塞罗那大学     1 4.762%
11.德国慕尼黑路德维希-利安大学     1 4.762%
12.慕尼黑大学     1 4.762%
13.慕尼黑路德维希 - 马克西米利安大学     1 4.762%
14.拉德伯德大学内梅亨医学中心     1 4.762%
15.蒙特利尔大学     1 4.762%
16.达尔豪斯大学     1 4.762%
01.reproductive techniques, assisted     3 14.286%
02.adaptation, psychological     2 9.524%
03.focus groups     2 9.524%
04.mitochondria     2 9.524%
05.needs assessment     2 9.524%
06.pilot projects     2 9.524%
07.pregnancy     2 9.524%
08.questionnaires     2 9.524%
09.treatment outcome     2 9.524%
10.age of onset     1 4.762%
11.anxiety     1 4.762%
12.attention     1 4.762%
13.attitude to health     1 4.762%
14.blotting, western     1 4.762%
15.child development     1 4.762%
16.child development disorders, pervasive     1 4.762%
17.child health services     1 4.762%
18.child psychiatry     1 4.762%
19.child psychology     1 4.762%
20.communication     1 4.762%
21.community health nursing     1 4.762%
22.community health workers     1 4.762%
23.community mental health services     1 4.762%
24.consumer satisfaction     1 4.762%
25.cytoskeletal proteins     1 4.762%
26.depression     1 4.762%
27.dna, mitochondrial     1 4.762%
28.early diagnosis     1 4.762%
29.early intervention (education)     1 4.762%
30.education     1 4.762%
31.ethics     1 4.762%
32.family     1 4.762%
33.family therapy     1 4.762%
34.feasibility studies     1 4.762%
35.fertility     1 4.762%
36.health promotion     1 4.762%
37.health services needs and demand     1 4.762%
38.health status disparities     1 4.762%
39.home care services     1 4.762%
40.language development     1 4.762%
41.language development disorders     1 4.762%
42.language therapy     1 4.762%
43.mass screening     1 4.762%
44.maternal behavior     1 4.762%
45.mental disorders     1 4.762%
46.midwifery     1 4.762%
47.minority groups     1 4.762%
48.muscle, smooth     1 4.762%
49.neuroblastoma     1 4.762%
50.nursing evaluation research     1 4.762%
01.cytoskeletal proteins     1 4.762%
02.dna, mitochondrial     1 4.762%
01.线粒体疾病     4 19.048%
02.代谢疾病     3 14.286%
03.营养与代谢疾病     3 14.286%
04.不育     1 4.762%
05.交流障碍     1 4.762%
06.先天性遗传性疾病     1 4.762%
07.原始神经外胚瘤     1 4.762%
08.外周原始神经外胚瘤     1 4.762%
09.女性不育     1 4.762%
10.女性泌尿生殖器疾病     1 4.762%
11.女性泌尿生殖器疾病和妊娠并发症     1 4.762%
12.女性生殖器疾病     1 4.762%
13.生殖细胞和胚胎性癌     1 4.762%
14.神经上皮癌     1 4.762%
15.神经外胚瘤     1 4.762%
16.神经学显示     1 4.762%
17.神经母细胞瘤     1 4.762%
18.神经系统疾病     1 4.762%
19.神经组织癌     1 4.762%
20.神经行为显示     1 4.762%
21.肿瘤     1 4.762%
22.腺和上皮癌     1 4.762%
23.语言发展障碍     1 4.762%
24.语言障碍     1 4.762%
25.颅缝早闭     1 4.762%
01.coordination center for pediatric palliative care     1 4.762%
02.department of computational genomics     1 4.762%
03.department of epidemiology and health promotion     1 4.762%
04.department of genetics     1 4.762%
05.department of medical microbiology     1 4.762%
06.department of pediatrics     1 4.762%
07.department of psychiatry     1 4.762%
08.department of psychology     1 4.762%
09.interdisciplinary center for palliative medicine and dr. von haunersches kinderspital     1 4.762%


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