前两天去太古里的“方所”,看见一个标语说“世界最美的书店”——好像是一本书的名字,并没在意。刚才看到,读书日那天Architectural Digest杂志发布了14家世界最美书店,其中真有方所:
Fang Suo Commune, Chengdu, China
Architect ChuChih-Kang took inspiration from the life of a Tang Dynasty Buddhist monk andscholar when creating the concept for the new Fang Suo Commune location in Chengdu. Designed as aknowledge depository, the subterranean space features a variety of naturalmaterials, such as concrete, copper, iron, and sycamore, which are combined tocreate dramatic, almost Brutalist interiors.
Chu Chih-Kang即台湾设计师朱志康;在洞穴里读书,隔绝了洞外的繁华喧嚣,也许能令人体验一会儿唐代僧侣和文人“幽栖”生态。
Boekhandel Selexyz Dominicanen, Maastricht,The Netherlands
Saraiva, Rio de Janeiro
Cook & Book, Brussels
Fang Suo Commune, Chengdu, China
Livraria Cultura, Sāo Paulo
Shakespeare and Co., Paris
Livraria Lello, Porto, Portugal
Atlantis Books, Santorini, Greece
Librairie La Fontaine, Lausanne,Switzerland
Daikanyama T-Site, Tokyo
The Last Bookstore, Los Angeles
Cafebrería El Péndulo, Mexico City
Assouline, London
El Ateneo Grand Splendid, Buenos Aires, Argentina
我最喜欢的是,从巴黎的沙翁书店偷一本书(别被逮住)到希腊圣托里尼岛上面朝大海的Atlantis书坊去读——说到“偷书”,George Orwell回忆他曾在一家旧书店打工,书店兼营租书,因为不要押金(叫‘twopenny no-deposit’ library),所以深得偷书人的喜爱,他们花两分钱“租”一本书,然后把标签撕了,到其他书店去卖一块钱。不过,书店老板宁愿让人偷几本走,也不想因为押金而把读者吓跑了。(How the book thieves must lovethose libraries! It is the easiest crime in the world to borrow a book at oneshop for twopence, remove the label and sell it at another shop for a shilling.Nevertheless booksellers generally find that it pays them better to have acertain number of books stolen (we used to lose about a dozen a month) than tofrighten customers away by demanding a deposit.)
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