宇文老师(Stephen Owen)为耶鲁大学比较文学系编过一本中国文学理论的读本Readings in Chinese Literary Thought (Published by the Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1992),他说,文学传统的存在,其实是假定了文学的性质、作用和地位并不清楚,文学是需要解释和证明的问题领域。如果将作品与读者的关系喻为一种默认的契约关系(implicit contract),那么文学传统不是去发现那契约本身,而是要把那契约挑明从而控制它。
他举例说,《诗大序》告诉我们,《诗经》的诗能让我们“亲触”(immediate access)特定历史瞬间的人类情怀。它那么说,同时也就意味着它焦虑诗可能会骗人,也可能什么也没说(simply irrelevant);理论就来告诉大家:诗应该是什么。
For example, if a work such as the "Great Preface" to the Book of Songs tells us that a poem offers immediate access to the cares of a human mind regarding a particular historical moment in society, the existence of such a claim is at the same moment the mark of an anxiety that the poem might be, in some way, deceptive, or perhaps simply irrelevant: the theoretical statement tells us what a poem ought to be.
Anxiety令人想起大批评家Harold Bloom的诗学批评《影响的焦虑》(The Anxiety of Influence):文学影响的最大事实在于它令人神魂颠倒的焦虑。(The largest truth of literary influence is that it is an irresistible anxiety.)
老米的《吴江舟中诗卷》(31.3 cm*559.8 cm),现藏纽约大都会博物馆
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