当代媒体喜欢说霍金是第二个爱因斯坦,但彭罗斯说,霍金像玻尔,他老彭才像老爱。他们两位在1994年也展开过一场论战,在剑桥大学牛顿数学科学研究所,争论的是时空问题(争论形成一本小书,收入“Princeton 科学丛书”:The Nature of Space and Time,中译本入《第一推动丛书》,是那个系列里公式最多也最难的一本)。在最后的讨论中,老彭没忘比较他们的论战与那两个前辈的论战:
At the beginning of this debate Stephen said that he thinks that he is a positivist, whereas I am a Platonist. I am happy with him being a positivist, but I think that the crucial point here is, rather, that I am a realist. Also, if one compares this debate with the famous debate of Bohr and Einstein, some seventy years ago, I should think that Stephen plays the role of Bohr, whereas I play Einstein's role! For Einstein argued that there should exist something like a real world, not necessarily represented by a wave function, whereas Bohr stressed that the wave function doesn't describe a 'real' microworld but only 'knowledge' that is useful for making predictions.
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