Serge Haroche和David J. Wineland能让电子和光子一起跳舞,能造出超高速的计算机和超精确的时钟,这还不是我感兴趣的;我感兴趣的是,他们的方法也许能在量子世界与普通世界之间划出一道界线——我不了解他们的东西,这是听纽约时报说的。(Now scientists are able to direct experiments and catch nature in the act of being quantum and thus explore the boundary between quantum reality and normal life.)
想起老量子玻尔的一句话:“没有什么量子世界,只有一种抽象的量子物理的描述。如果认为物理学家的任务是发现自然是什么,那就错了。物理学关心的是我们关于自然能说什么。”(There is no quantum world. There is only an abstract quantum physical description. It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about Nature.)
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