Title: Graphene Oxide Nanoribbons: Improved Synthesis and Application in MALDI Mass Spectrometry
Author: Qian Liu, Mengting Cheng, Jing Wang, Guibin Jiang*
Abstract: Graphene nanoribbon is a novel variety of graphene with high length-to-width ratio and straight edges. Herein, we report an improved method for the synthesis of graphene oxide nanoribbons (GONRs) from longitudinal unraveling of multiwalled carbon nanotubes by means of a one-step, one-pot pressurized oxidation reaction. The obtained GONRs were characterized by different techniques. Furthermore, owing to their unique properties such as strong optical absorption and good water dispersibility, we show that GONRs can be used as an excellent matrix or probe in matrix-assisted or surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI or SELDI MS) for the first time. In MALDI MS, GONRs generated significantly higher signals than conventional organic matrix and other graphene-based matrices in the detection of low-mass compounds. We also demonstrate the use of GONRs as a sensitive SELDI probe for simultaneous detection of multiple small molecules and profiling of small molecules in complex environmental samples, thus revealing its application potential in rapid screening of low-mass pollutants in complex media.
Link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/chem.201406280/abstract
这一工作主要是将氧化石墨烯纳米带应用于MALDI-TOF MS的一种新的基质。在之前的工作中,我们已经围绕石墨烯材料在MALDI-TOF MS中的应用开展了一些工作,发现石墨烯的氧化度对其在质谱应用中的性能具有显著的影响。后来我们注意到石墨烯纳米带(GNRs)这种具有特殊形貌的石墨烯材料,而且这种材料是从碳纳米管制备来的,因此氧化度可以控制在一个较低的程度,同时还可以保持一定的水溶性,这样有望给其应用带来一定的好处。
整个实验过程还是比较顺利,结果基本上都符合预测。完成主要部分的实验后,为了进一步说明方法的实用性,又加入SELDI-TOF MS部分的实验、多种污染物的同时分析以及实际环境样品的分析。这些实验其实都比较容易做,但是能够让工作看起来更为深入,因为之前这方面的文章大多数都缺乏这方面的数据。好的idea+看起来较多的labor比较能打动人。
所有实验完成后,忙七忙八拖了大半年才抽空把文章整出来了。先投的AC,被秒据,理由是我们所选择的分析物分析难度不大,完全无视在方法方面的改进。这个理由真心让人无语,照这个理由,成千上万的分析葡萄糖、双氧水什么的文章都该悲剧了。。。不过也算没耽误时间,改了个标题后改投Chem Eur J,十几天后收到编辑邮件,两个小修直接accept了。好吧,再次说明不同杂志(或者编辑)的口味差异真的很大!
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