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已有 5130 次阅读 2013-7-8 09:36 |系统分类:科研笔记| 清华大学, 生物学

题目Multisitemolecules and all-or-none responses in cellular communication

报告人:Professor German A. Enciso

(University of California, Irvine, Mathematics Department)

时间:  7 月 12 日, 星期五, 上午 10:00 - 11:00

地点:  清华大学科学馆 118 报告厅


摘要: Multisite protein modifications are an essential feature of many cellular decision-making processes. It is usually assumed that cooperativity is involved, i.e. the ability of one modified site to increase the rate of modification of its neighbors.  I will describe a different set of assumptions to obtain a similar behavior, namely that the individual sites are identical and independent of each other, and that the protein activity is an arbitrary increasing function of the number of modified sites. Under these assumptions I will provide theoretical estimates of the Hill coefficient of the dose response. Examples are provided along with numerical simulations for models of bacterial chemotaxis, the yeast pheromone pathway, the regulation of DNA expression, and a checkpoint in the yeast cell cycle.

报告人简介: German Enciso is an assistant professor at the University of California, Irvine, Mathematics Department. He is working in the area of systems biology at the interface between the mathematical and the biological science. He is interested in discovering design principles of cell signaling at the molecular level.

: 学术报告后, German Enciso 还将介绍 UCI 的系统生物学研究项目, 以及在 UCI 申请工作 (包括博士后)和博士生的一些经验. 关于 UCI 系统生物学博士生项目(UCI Interdisciplinary Ph.D Gateway Program) 可参考该项目主页:  http://mcsb.bio.uci.edu.   欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学参加.

联系人: 雷锦志, jzlei@tsinghua.edu.cn,


收藏 IP: 166.111.93.*| 热度|

1 曹禺

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