Table 2. Primers and PCR conditions for each locus (Part I) version 0.3 ID 1 2 3 4 5 Locus LOP1 PtTX2146 PtTX3025 PtTX3107 PtTX3116 Dye Cy5.5 green D2 Black D2 Black D2 Black Cy5 Blue Forward(5-3)
TTCTATATTCGCTTTTAGTTTC TCCCCTGGATCTGAGGA CATACAAGGCCTTATCTTACAGAA Ta Touch down 64-54°C Touch down 60-50°C Touch down 60-50°C Touch down 55-45°C Touch down 60-50°C size range 153-189 176-264 211-305 150-174 115-169 PCR Conditions 1
94 °C 3min initial denaturation 94 °C 3min initial denaturation
94 °C 3min initial denaturation 94 °C 3min initial denaturation 94
°C 3min initial denaturation 18 cycles 2 94 °C 30s 94 °C 30s 94 °C 30s 94 °C 30s 94 °C 30s
3 30 S from 64 °C to 54 °C decrease 0.6 per cycle 30 S from 60
°C to 50 °C decrease 0.6 per cycle 30 S from 60 °C to 50 °C
decrease 0.6 per cycle 30 S from 55°C to 45 °C decrease 0.6 per
cycle 30 S from 60 °C to 50 °C decrease 0.6 per cycle 4 72 °C 30S 72 °C 30S 72 °C 30S 72 °C 30S 72 °C 30S
25 cycles 5 94 °C 30s 94 °C 30s 94 °C 30s 94 °C 30s 94 °C 30s 6 54 °C 30s 50 °C 30s 50 °C 30s 45 °C 30s 50 °C 30s 7 72 °C 30s 72 °C 30s 72 °C 30s 72 °C 30s 72 °C 30s
Final extention 8 72°C 10 min 72°C 10 min 72°C 10 min 72°C 10 min 72°C 10 min Preservation 15°C -- 15°C -- 15°C -- 15°C -- 15°C --
Date: 2012-3-13 Jinlong
Table 2. Primers and PCR conditions for each locus (Part II) version 0.3 ID 6 7 8 9 Locus PtTX4001 SsrPt_ctg1376 SsrPt_ctg4363 SPAC12.5 Dye Cy5 Blue Cy5.5 Green Cy5 Blue Cy5.5 Green Forward(5-3) CTATTTGAGTTAAGAAGGGAGTC CGATATTATGGATTTTGCTTGTGA TAATAATTCAAGCCACCCCG CTTCTTCACTAGTTTCCTTTGG Reverse(5-3) CTGTGGGTAGCATCATC AAATGCATGCCAAACTTAAATAC AGCAGGCTAATAACAACACGC TTGGTTATAGGCATAGATTGC Ta Touch down 55-45°C Touch down 60-50°C Touch down 64-54°C Touch down 60-50°C size range 198-229 88-124 95-106 118-184 PCR Conditions 1
94 °C 3min initial denaturation 94 °C 3min initial denaturation
94 °C 3min initial denaturation 94 °C 3min initial denaturation 18 cycles 2 94 °C 30s 94 °C 30s 94 °C 30s 94 °C 30s
3 30 S from 55°C to 45 °C decrease 0.6 per cycle 30 S from 60 °C
to 50 °C decrease 0.6 per cycle 30 S from 64 °C to 54 °C decrease
0.6 per cycle 30 S from 60 °C to 50 °C decrease 0.6 per cycle 4 72 °C 30S 72 °C 30S 72 °C 30S 72 °C 30S
25 cycles 5 94 °C 30s 94 °C 30s 94 °C 30s 94 °C 30s 6 45 °C 30s 50 °C 30s 54 °C 30s 50 °C 30s 7 72 °C 30s 72 °C 30s 72 °C 30s 72 °C 30s
Final extention 8 72°C 10 min 72°C 10 min 72°C 10 min 72°C 10 min Preservation 15°C -- 15°C -- 15°C -- 15°C --
二 待检 样品的混合 1 取96孔上样板和PCR中吸取过DNA的10μL枪头。 2 按照顺序排好PCR产物,按照以下量, 用10uL排枪分组添加如下产物到管底部。 注意,每个上样板都由三种产物混合,每次DNA吸取后,都要换枪头。 Table 1 Information for the labeld primers Primer Label PCR frag length Color Group Volume (uL) SsrPt_ctg1376 Cy5.5 88-124 Green 1 a 2 PtTX4001 Cy5 198-229 Blue 1 a 0.5 PtTX3107 D2 150-174 Black 1 a 4.5
SPAC12.5 Cy5.5 118-184 Green 2 b 2 SsrPt?_ctg4363 Cy5 95-106 Blue 2 b 0.5 PtTX3025 D2 211-305 Black 2 b 4.5
LOP1 Cy5.5 153-189 Green 3 c 2 PtTX3116 Cy5 115-169 Blue 3 c 0.5 PtTX2146 D2 176-264 Black 3 c 4.5
五 上样及运行: 注意: 一定要按照CEQ8000操作系统中的提示,换Separation Buffer, DNA sample 及 Wetting Tray, Gel Catridge。 1 打开CEQ > CEQ Main > Database (屏幕正下方工具栏的倒数第五个图标) > 选择Jinlong>右键 set as working database 2
洗Wetting tray。点击工具栏的Run图标,在新界面的菜单中,点击Replenish> Replenish wetting
tray,提示 Do you want to replesh the wetting tray?
点OK。当出现上面的对话框显示为绿色时,可以打开上盖,wetting tray两端的卡子,取下Wetting tray,
打开后,倒掉里面的水及胶的混合液,用双蒸水冲洗。擦干后放回。 3 安装样品,在里面的支架上放样品,放好后再揭开贴膜,在外面的支架上放separation buffer,盖好separation buffer板的盖子, 点Done。 4
如果之前已经将胶卸载,并安装了黄色的Plug,则必须要从 Install gel catridge开始(Release gel
catridge为灰色)。点击Install gel catridge,稍等几分钟后,“没有胶或者胶已经泄露”等信息,点击release
gel。如果前面的胶未卸载,则直接点击Release gel catridge即可换下前面剩余的胶柱在注射器中。 5若提示 “Do you
wish to release the gel cartridge?”,点OK。待出现“you may now open gel access
and change gel
Replenish>Install gel catridge,等待新胶柱安装好。 6. 用Direct control打出一些胶,目的是防止胶柱前端的空气进入毛细管中。一般需挤出为0.2mL路径: 菜单 >Direct control > Manifold Purge > 输入0.2mL即可。 7. 在屏幕正下方的控制界面中,点击Sample setup(工具条第一个),选择Create a new sample,从excel中拷贝96孔板的样品标签。
point)。第一个界面,每一列的最下方,都要选取Frag3,两个页面核对无误后保存,文件名参照统一命名格式 如
2012-03-29-Plate-I-a。表格将从白色变成蓝色。 8. 点击右上角的Run sample Plate 若出现对话框 Capillary Array usage exceeded. Do you want to continue? 选择 Yes Select a sample plate to Run,选择刚刚保存的2012-03-29-Plate-I-a, 9 新弹出的屏幕左侧显示的是Buffer,右侧显示样品,高亮部分表明该板对应位置应该有样品和缓冲液。点击左下角的 Start开始进行毛细管电泳。 10
样品完成后的卸载和塞子安装。96孔板的毛细管电泳大约耗时10h,注意查看Log文件。全部结束后,冲洗wetting tray, Replesh
> Replesh wetting tray, 冲洗好后,放回。点击Replenish > Release gel
catridge , 提示 “Do you wish to release the gel catridge?” 点OK,等待1 – 2min,
胶柱卸载。 11. 换下用过的多半管胶,塞入黄色的塞子(Plug In),关好门后,显示点击 Replenish>Install Gel catridge 出现对话框,Install Plug In. 将没用用过的胶放回4°C冰箱保存。